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What is the Arc Client?
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jardail Arc User



  • Well I just came back after a hiatus of about 8 months and it looks like things are even worse than before. The general gist of most every thread I have read is, dissatisfaction. I haven't seen this in any MMO I've ever played. Guess I'll stick around a week or 2 and see if it really is that bad and if it is, will delete…
  • Sorry Brandon but you're trying to put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.
  • Nah, just their fault that they still refuse to plan for their population.
  • this is something that should have been in the game from the outset. I can't remember one episode where the captain or any of the crew sat their TRIBBLE on the left or right nacelle and travelled from one system to another. It was all Interior
  • Agreed, people who get annoyed about others who don't WANT to play in their special little group for their special little people should play THEIR game the way they want and let others play their game the way THEY want. It's not rocket science to make it enjoyable for everyone, we are all paying customers.