Yes i found it and put it on and myself and away team are set up to go with what was metion so my team is this way now 1 tacticial including myself so 2 1 engineer and 2 science 1 setup for healing and the other for debuffing and damage.
Alot of these traits are going to take me a while to get i haven't got most of em since i haven't crafted hardly any thing just been focusing on leveling up til i hit max rank. So right now i am stuck with what i started with.
I'm going to need a clearer picture on how many of each class i should bring like i know to bring another tact along but not sure if 2 engineers is too many and 1 science isn't enough i saw on internet somebody brought 2 science officers on his team.
One other problem i have is my away team not sure what skills to give and what to bring with me on the missions not sure if i should bring 2 engineers and science but i always have 1 tactical with me on the team but not sure what to set her up with or me for that fact so i need to know how to setup my away team.
Ok i just hit a major road bump i just hit lvl 50 and have no clue how to do specialization or more or less what to pick for my captain this was all new when i returned my first time i saw it and was cofused on it.
Ground game for me right now is some what being tough at times but handleing it and got some stuff on for crit and dmg with my rifle and assualt weapons and have photon and plasma grenades on me but my kits are not the greatess so i struggle on those to figure out which one to use.
Will be respecing my starfleet captian today after maintence is done with and i am seeing a big difference in the changes that was pointed out to me for my captian. I'm defeating enemies alot quick then what i was before hand but still got alot to do and have changed my beams to plasma til i can get better ones even useing…
This is working out for me til i can get the respec done on both captians the starfleet one i had made before my break from the game but i had a romulan sided with the klignon at lvl 65 so still got to change her around with all of this and some acess then my other one but wanted to have a max on each side. But also…
Ok thxs i have to respec to set up that skill tree but going to have to get up the reward points to get a gift on xbox so way things run on star trek is different then pc so i have to setup auto activation to use the others without opening the wheel and use the ones i have to active on the buttons. Already got all of em…
ok the specialization is still new to me so got to learn it still and didn't know that was in there and that the other part i am going to have to figure out is what to put on myself as my own skill and not even sure what traits to use right now.
I looked up tactical bridge officers on the net and there is no narrrow band sensor for em so not sure what to do there but i got the engineer setup just had tyo change some spots for abilities only my tactial not sure what to use now in the second slot but my science officer is good to go got everything on her.
One problem i can't afford eptw3 so i got to use 2 instead and none of my tactical officers have narrow band sensor so going to have to find a new one that does which will take forever and cost me a pretty penny for on auction. but the rest i have covered i think.
Well i have tested cannons and didn't like em much so i have been mostly going beams and dual beams on my ships and don't really use torpedos just have been all beams and running beam overload mostly on my ship. Haven't got test the build fully yet so not sure if i like it or not yet still got to get alot of the stuff but…
This is all the ships that were given to me for free.…
Well i do want to do damage as tactical but i also want to stay alive and just got a bunch of ships given to me from escorts science cruisers destroyers and raiders even a scout ship and that is the thing i want to stay alive in battles and do as much damage as possible so of this post i flying the eisenberg cruiser which…
Thanks that save me alot of time but now to just figure out what ship to use on romulan and starfleet but right now i am using the eisenberg from the winter event but not even sure if it good to use as tactical.