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Tactical DPS

icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited June 2023 in The Academy
Have played this a while back and then took a break from the game. Played as a tactical class on romulan side lvl 65 and working on one that is in discovery starfleet lvl 27. I made post a while back for help with this class and got the eisenberg ship from christmas event last year and asked for help back then with what to use as dps on my ship and can't remember or find the post for it so need help remembering what is important to use on Tactical class.
Post edited by darkbladejk on


  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »

    Thanks that save me alot of time but now to just figure out what ship to use on romulan and starfleet but right now i am using the eisenberg from the winter event but not even sure if it good to use as tactical.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,427 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »

    Thanks that save me alot of time but now to just figure out what ship to use on romulan and starfleet but right now i am using the eisenberg from the winter event but not even sure if it good to use as tactical.

    You should of been able to find it yourself. Click on your name next to your avatar, that then will bring up another page listing your posts, visits to the forum, last time you visited the forum. and listed on the left hand side will be the amount of discussions you have created and comments you have made. Thus far yourself you have two discussions and one comment.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,427 Arc User
    For build advice one of the forum moderators @darkbladejk is a frigging awesome person to ask. They should pick up this post as I have included them in this post.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    @icelord64#3474 I moved this thread to the academy for better exposure. So first thing I'm going to ask is what you want to do with your tactical captain. Do you want straight up melt faces damage, do you want to tank, or what do you personally see yourself doing? Simply because one is tactical doesn't mean you must be locked to one specific build style. I myself am a tactical captain tank and can put out heals rivaling or exceeding dedicated engineers. Second thing is what kind of budget you have in mind for the build. you want something dirt cheap, do you have a bit of dilithium/ec to throw around? I don't care to help you get some stuff rolling, I just need to know what you're wanting to do so I can give more than just generalized advice.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    As always, you can do whatever you want.

    When it comes to space, Tactical Captains have unique bonuses for.. raw damage.. and not much else. You're free to run a build that doesn't take advantage of that, but you'll be leaving potential on the table, as it were.

    Tactical captains are generally great in everything from raiders to battlecruisers to even offensive science vessels. Energy Weapons, Torpedos/Mines, Exotic Damage; they boost it all.

    What they are less-good in, however, are things like carriers and support cruisers. Science and Engineer captains can typically get more out of these ship types/playstyles than Tactical Captains. Not that you can't run them, but a Science captain will get substantially more out of a carrier, control, drain, or even tanking setup than a Tac will; Engineers are excellent at zone control, tanking, and keeping power levels high(which applies to a lot of playstyles).

    TL;DR: It's up to you, but I suggest avoiding carriers and decide if you want to play a zippy little pew-pew ship, a big bruiser of a ship, or a sneaky space-magic bomber.

    As for ship recommendations:

    -=Attack Ship=-
    FED: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran_Hydra_Intel_Destroyer
    ROM: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Kholhr_Temporal_Warbird

    FED: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran_Lexington_Dreadnought_Cruiser
    ROM: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Tebok_Tactical_Miracle_Worker_Warbird
    (^or): https://stowiki.net/wiki/Khopesh_Tactical_Dreadnought_Warbird

    -=Sci-Bomber(these also work well with energy weapon builds)=-
    FED: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Titan_Science_Destroyer
    ROM: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Surhuelh_Reconnaissance_Explorer_Warbird
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    Well i do want to do damage as tactical but i also want to stay alive and just got a bunch of ships given to me from escorts science cruisers destroyers and raiders even a scout ship and that is the thing i want to stay alive in battles and do as much damage as possible so of this post i flying the eisenberg cruiser which i got from winter event so my best ship plus i am still learning the game as i go along so not even sure what triaits are good plus got to reset my lvl 65 and my starfleet tactical at lvl 42. So any advice will help. Plus i am F2P so i have to rely on getting dilithum to get zenny which will take me a while to build up.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Okay, free player. It IS possible to get T6 FLEET ships for 'free' by reaching T6 with reputations, but that's going to be a much longer term goal - You'll likely be able to get whatever the Summer Event ship is before finishing them for the first time.

    While it is one of those 'support cruisers' I described earlier, your Eisenberg will do just fine for now. It will feel a bit undergunned, but your tac career will help to compensate for a little.

    Given the platform and career, you'll likely want to build for DEW(Directed Energy Weapons). A torpedo build is possible, and potentially more effective, but the buildcraft is probably a bit too esoteric and complicated for a newer player.

    This means you're probably going with either Beams or Cannons(Turrets being more likely in this case). Which would you rather use? Additionally, which Damage Type(phaser, disruptor, plasma, etc.) do you want to use? There is no wrong answer; let us know what you WANT to use and we'll give you advice on how to set it up. Damage type will typically determine which weapon sets you go after and, in some cases, even which core sets you'll want to use.

    General tips in the meantime:
    -Use the 'Attack' power configuration; if you weapons power isn't 100+, you aren't dealing full damage with your weapons.
    -Use "Weapon Systems Efficiency" (Comm Array stance) and Emergency Power to Weapons 3(Eng BOFF power) to help mitigate the power demands of a cruiser's firepower. You can use EPtWeapons2 in a pinch, but try to pick up 3 from the exchange as soon as you can.
    -Match your Tactical Consoles to the Damage Type you're using - they stack.
    -Photonic Officer(Science BOFF power) will help reduce the cooldowns of your bridge, giving you better uptime on everything.
    -"Mixed Armament Synergy" and "Narrow Sensor Bands" are both incredibly powerful boosts to your damage output; look into specializing one of your BOFFs into a Miracle Worker to make use of your Miracle Worker bridge seat as soon as you're able to.
    -Temporal Reputation will give you a space trait that helps to reduce your cooldowns further.
    -Iconian Reputation will give you a space trait that heals you when you deal damage with energy weapons.
    -Discovery Reputation will give a space trait that will cleanse debuffs from you when you deal critical hits.
    -Use Attack Pattern Alpha(Captain power) whenever it's off cooldown; save Tactical Fleet for bosses; both are very powerful post-calculation("cat2") damage multipliers.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    flying the eisenberg cruiser

    What did you think of the Eisenberg Star Cruiser build video in your thread from 2021?

    The build seems to have a nice mix of storyline and some reputation consoles to provide a balance of both survivability and damage. They can be added as you progress with your character. There are lots of other options to fill things in (just ask).

    The 3 Fleet tactical consoles and deflector can be replaced with storyline gear or drops if you're not in a fleet. I'd use energy specific tactical consoles and perhaps a positron deflector array.

    Have you decided on an energy type (i.e. phaser, disruptor, etc) ?


    Looking at the bridge officer abilities they all seem to be good choices but lets tweak them a bit to keep things super easy..

    Tactical: Torpedo Spread 1, Narrow Sensor Bands 2, Beam Overload 3

    Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Attack Pattern Beta 1

    Engineer: Emergency Power to Engines or Shields 1, Auxiliary to Structural 1 or Auxiliary to Dampeners 1, Emergency Power to Weapons 3, Reverse Shield Polarity 3

    Engineer: Engineering Team 1

    Science: Polarize Hull or Science Team 1, Hazard Emitters 2, Photonic Officer 2

    The bridge officer abilities can be looked up here - https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Bridge_officer_and_kit_abilities


    This is how I'd use the bridge officer abilities once the combat starts:

    Photonic Officer 2 (PO2) - I usually use this first in order to get other bridge officer abilities available for use more often.

    Emergency Power to Weapons 3 (EPtW3) - more power to your ship's weapons so they do more damage.

    Beam Overload 3 (BO3) - the primary beam firing mode that hits one target at a time. (beam fire at will is another option but is multi target so will increase your threat).

    Attack Pattern Beta 1 (APB1) - debuffs your targets damage resistance so that you do more damage. A "must have"

    Tactical Team 1 (TT1) - distributes your shields automatically.

    So during combat keep rotating the bridge officer (boff) abilities above and things should work pretty well..

    PO2 --> EPtW3 --> BO3 --> APB1 --> TT1

    For extra damage try activating Narrow Sensor Bands (NSB) just prior to Beam Overload.


    The rest of the boff abilities should help keep you alive..

    Reverse Shield Polarity 3 (RSP3) - restores shields when taking fire

    Auxiliary to Structural (A2Sif) or Auxiliary to Dampeners (A2D) - increase your damage resistance to help with survival and restore hit points (A2Sif) or increase both your damage resistance and mobility (A2D). Try them both and see what works best for you!

    Engineering Team (ET) - cleanse and restore some hull

    Emergency Power to Shields or Engines - increase your shield hardness a bit or increase your mobility

    Hazard Emitters (HE) - cleanse and restore lots of hull

    Polarize Hull (PH) - increase your damage resistance and escape from tractor beams
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    Well i have tested cannons and didn't like em much so i have been mostly going beams and dual beams on my ships and don't really use torpedos just have been all beams and running beam overload mostly on my ship. Haven't got test the build fully yet so not sure if i like it or not yet still got to get alot of the stuff but not going to use torpedos with it was going to go all beams on it.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    Well i have tested cannons and didn't like em much so i have been mostly going beams and dual beams on my ships and don't really use torpedos just have been all beams and running beam overload mostly on my ship.

    Are you using Photonic Officer, Emergency Power to Weapons, and Attack Pattern Beta along with your Beam Overload?
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I have got photinic and attack pattern beta and need to get the emergency power to weapons didn't know if it was useful or not.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    I have got photonic and attack pattern beta and need to get the emergency power to weapons didn't know if it was useful or not.

    Emergency Power to Weapons (EPtW) is a "must have" along with Photonic Officer and Attack Pattern Beta. Without it there won't be enough weapons power to do much in the way of damage.

    Also be sure to set your ship's power to "attack" on energy weapons builds. Maximum power to weapons always :smile:

    Photonic Officer --> Emergency Power to Weapons --> Beam Overload --> Attack Pattern Beta --> Tactical Team

    PO2 --> EPtW3 --> BO3 --> APB1 --> TT1
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    One problem i can't afford eptw3 so i got to use 2 instead and none of my tactical officers have narrow band sensor so going to have to find a new one that does which will take forever and cost me a pretty penny for on auction. but the rest i have covered i think.

  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    I looked up tactical bridge officers on the net and there is no narrrow band sensor for em so not sure what to do there but i got the engineer setup just had tyo change some spots for abilities only my tactial not sure what to use now in the second slot but my science officer is good to go got everything on her.
    Post edited by icelord64#3474 on
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    One problem i can't afford eptw3 so i got to use 2 instead and none of my tactical officers have narrow band sensor so going to have to find a new one that does which will take forever and cost me a pretty penny for on auction. but the rest i have covered i think.

    For now EPtW2 is fine instead of EPtW3. You can fill in the slot with A2D2 or A2SIF2 instead of EPtW3.

    Narrow Sensor Bands 2 is available from a bridge officer trainer but you'll need to craft or purchase a specialization qualification token to use on your tactical bridge officer first to enable Miracle Worker skills on that boff.


  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    ok the specialization is still new to me so got to learn it still and didn't know that was in there and that the other part i am going to have to figure out is what to put on myself as my own skill and not even sure what traits to use right now.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    ok the specialization is still new to me so got to learn it still and didn't know that was in there and that the other part i am going to have to figure out is what to put on myself as my own skill and not even sure what traits to use right now.

    For your skill tree try something like this LINK. It should get you off to a good start with energy weapons, torps, some science, and be decently sturdy. The points into readiness should help along with Photonic Officer.

    Full credit for this skill tree to @darkbladejk It should be within a couple points of what he's suggested for a number of years but has been adapted for use on one of my own characters (hence the name). It works good and is versatile :smile:

    I'll try and put together a list of basic Starship and Space traits for you a bit later.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Pilot Spec for your captain is pretty safe pick for your primary - it gives you great defensive layers and better general agility for your ship.

    Intel, Strategist, and Constable are solid secondary picks for better damage output, each has their own quirks and playstyle preferences. Intel gives you Flanking and favors quick attack ships; Constable is good for single target builds; Strategist gives you broad benefits that are good for most setups.

    Command Spec is moreso if you're running torpedos and/or petspam builds. Temporal is generally for space-magic builds; Miracle Worker is more of a support/tanking spec.

    At level 62, you do get a single spec manual of choice to train one of your bridge officers. You can use that to get access to Narrow Sensor Bands if the qualification manuals on the exchange are outside your current EC budget.

    (Also, EPtWeapons is extra important for Beam Overload setups - make sure you run it.)
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I basicly have a mix of beam types on my ship but most of em are phaser since i ain't got no others yet. But i do have a blue one i think.
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    ok the specialization is still new to me so got to learn it still and didn't know that was in there and that the other part i am going to have to figure out is what to put on myself as my own skill and not even sure what traits to use right now.

    For your skill tree try something like this LINK. It should get you off to a good start with energy weapons, torps, some science, and be decently sturdy. The points into readiness should help along with Photonic Officer.

    Full credit for this skill tree to @darkbladejk It should be within a couple points of what he's suggested for a number of years but has been adapted for use on one of my own characters (hence the name). It works good and is versatile :smile:

    I'll try and put together a list of basic Starship and Space traits for you a bit later.

    Ok thxs i have to respec to set up that skill tree but going to have to get up the reward points to get a gift on xbox so way things run on star trek is different then pc so i have to setup auto activation to use the others without opening the wheel and use the ones i have to active on the buttons.
    szerontzur wrote: »
    Pilot Spec for your captain is pretty safe pick for your primary - it gives you great defensive layers and better general agility for your ship.

    Intel, Strategist, and Constable are solid secondary picks for better damage output, each has their own quirks and playstyle preferences. Intel gives you Flanking and favors quick attack ships; Constable is good for single target builds; Strategist gives you broad benefits that are good for most setups.

    Command Spec is moreso if you're running torpedos and/or petspam builds. Temporal is generally for space-magic builds; Miracle Worker is more of a support/tanking spec.

    At level 62, you do get a single spec manual of choice to train one of your bridge officers. You can use that to get access to Narrow Sensor Bands if the qualification manuals on the exchange are outside your current EC budget.

    (Also, EPtWeapons is extra important for Beam Overload setups - make sure you run it.)

    Already got all of em put on my captain just now have to work to get the stuff i need.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    I basicly have a mix of beam types on my ship but most of em are phaser since i ain't got no others yet. But i do have a blue one i think.

    It can really help to use all of one type of beam array on your ship. Doing this can enable using energy specific tactical consoles along with your beam arrays.

    Tip: White (common) gear doesn't get bound to you or your account so can be resold on the exchange once you find or craft something better. The mark (i.e. Mark 12) does help but Mk 12 common is a great way to get started economically as you work on your build.



  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    This is working out for me til i can get the respec done on both captians the starfleet one i had made before my break from the game but i had a romulan sided with the klignon at lvl 65 so still got to change her around with all of this and some acess then my other one but wanted to have a max on each side. But also thinking of making a engineer tank but that gots me worried since i have never played one or science and they don't have access to eisenberg or i just don't know how to grab it again since it has been awhile.
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2023
    Will be respecing my starfleet captian today after maintence is done with and i am seeing a big difference in the changes that was pointed out to me for my captian. I'm defeating enemies alot quick then what i was before hand but still got alot to do and have changed my beams to plasma til i can get better ones even useing a front plasma torpedo. But i want to thank everyone who has helped me make a big leap forward in star trek and making it more fun for me now with being able to stay alive alot better.
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Still not sure what to run with on traits so just picking what i think works best til i get pointed in the right direction with traits.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Most recommended traits are premium ones that will cost many millions of EC to acquire.

    For now, focus on ones that will increase your damage for space picks. Operative and Romulan Operative are important picks for the extra crit. Warp Theorist is helpful if you decide to fly a warbird in the future.

    Tactical Captains have an interesting ground trait that will let you cause Expose with your grenades; you can pair that with an Exploit weapon for some fun synergy.
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Ground game for me right now is some what being tough at times but handleing it and got some stuff on for crit and dmg with my rifle and assualt weapons and have photon and plasma grenades on me but my kits are not the greatess so i struggle on those to figure out which one to use.
  • icelord64#3474 icelord64 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Ok i just hit a major road bump i just hit lvl 50 and have no clue how to do specialization or more or less what to pick for my captain this was all new when i returned my first time i saw it and was cofused on it.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    Still not sure what to run with on traits so just picking what i think works best til i get pointed in the right direction with traits.

    Probably best to keep things simple for now and focus on your build. Here are a few basic things that work for me within the context of a Tactical officer using an energy build and not paying big bucks..


    For specializations I use Intel/Strategist except for science magic builds then Temporal/Strategist. Adjust to taste of course but these work very well for me.

    Starship Traits

    For starship traits some are from Zen store ships. They're entirely optional.

    Emergency Weapons Cycle is a good one to start with for energy builds - Adds haste & weapons cost reduction = more damage

    Calm Before the Storm - Speeds up abilities and adds haste = more damage

    History Will Remember - Be more tanky

    Some other starship traits that work well are free from recruitment events -

    Improved Critical Systems - Temporal Agent Recruit

    Improved Temporal Insight - Delta Recruit

    There are other starship traits from the storyline (i.e. The Best Defense) and from event ships.

    Personal Space Traits

    Look for anything that mentions bonus damage, +CrtH, +CrtD..

    Fleet Coordinator, Beam Training, Projectile Training, Beam Barrage, Operative

    Space Reputation Traits

    Precision (+CrtH), Advanced Targeting Systems (+CrtD), Tyler's Duality (+CrtH), Auxiliary Power Configuration Offensive & Defensive (adjust to taste), Energy Refrequencer (self heal when dealing damage), Chrono Capacitor Array (reduces boff ability recharge time)*

    *good for those using Photonic Officer along with a couple points of tactical readiness :smile:
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