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iamjmph Arc User



  • So, by the wording it sounds like this is a single character unlock thing. "The T6 and T5 ships can be claimed once per account. You must have an empty ship slot available to unpack your ship." Am I just misreading? I'd think it would say only needs to be claimed once per account for account unlock...
  • To further clarify, as shown in the screen shot it says it ends August 22.... So... @ 11 months from now.... Very confusing.
  • 3-When you create a sink by charging for something that was a free reward before that(and removing the free reward), it creates upset. Just sayig "People wanted a sink" does not make it ok. Now, I've heard they added the re-rolls back to the rewards, which takes away my only problem. I don't mind having the option to buy…
  • By the time I hit t5 the only thing I don't already have is my space shields... And I am a completely causal player who rarely has spare dil(or ec for that matter), even though I've been playing since 2013. For a new player who is only getting 2500 rep xp per day(2800 if they waste rep marks on hourlies) getting the…
  • And now I have absolutely no reason to grind out all of the reps. 3 or 4 max. Vanity shields aren't worth it, and while the fleet modules are nice, I can get by with just 4. Well, less time in the game for me I guess.
  • You know, my three year old nephew loves that show...
  • This. I was so excited to see a new Star Trek. Then I watched the only FREE (that didn't involve giving anyone my credit card number for "when the trial ends") episode and just.... Well that's the only episode I've seen. It was such a disappointment to me, that I gave up. What I've read about it from forum posters, the…
  • Too bad I paid for that years ago, means nothing *else* free for me...
  • Both of those links go to the exact same article and there is no mention of any sale. There is a paragraph about TOS, the paragraph about the museum, and the ending with the link to the star trek website. Clicking on the TOS sale banner in the launcher also goes to this article.... Thanks to r/sto I found the link…
  • I've been using the tfo screen to launch my events, so imagine my surprise when I hit J today for the first time in a week( I couldn't remember what time I did it yesterday and was checking the cd), go to events and see the campaign showing completed! I think I finished yesterday...
  • Ohh, I didn't know that, its been awhile since i read the rules(years).. and i've seen others post gm/customer support stuff... without comment. I've done all of that, multiple times. I even did a completely fresh install. That message was sent after the GM got me to try all the normal fix-it-yourself methods.... Thanks…
  • Hate to necro, but this is still happening. Just got disconnected moving to ship interior, and two tfo's last night cause disconnect.
  • Since i can't access it on my new TOS toon, i'm guessing it isn't just jem'hadar toons... I have to have made it to 2409 to gain access? Or did skipping the tutorial cause a glitch?
  • i think that counter is borked... the endeavor perks counters are all full on mine, not registering as complete, but 10 says 10/10, 20 is 20/20 etc... The others seem to be working fine. Seriously, Thanks Devs! Even with the two issues just knowing my melee and ambush counts helps a lot..
  • Sadly i didn't realize this until the second run ended(I either wasn't around for the first... although i've been playing since 2013 so.. or i skipped it) and only made a fed. I've never been a hard core player, and still feel like a newbie in a lot of respects (didn't finish my AoY stuff until 2019, because i didn't know…
  • While I do agree with the sentiment, the problem in this case is not supporting this pack wont be taken as we want content equal to the price. It will be another in a long line of, "Klingon content doesn't sell...Have more of the federation ships that WE like". I'm not going to buy this pack, just like I didn't buy…
  • I didn't pay attention to the endeavor system for a long time, so this isn't that big of a deal to me... but new perks for those already maxed out would have been nice... would have slowed me getting the ones i want even more though. Unless there is some way to change the perk picks that i don't know about(you know where…
  • Another gm told me the senior GM passed it to the development team
  • i sent a report... was told to turn off on-demand patching(which was off) and make sure nothing was stopping the game from connecting to the internet... all of which i had already done... haven't heard back after that reply edit: problem has been sent up the chain according to GM Chroma
  • also grabbing loot or interactions(deploy mines in Swarm, or repair satellite)... I've only been flying with battle cloak ships for the recruit and this has happened on all of them.
  • on a new toon you could track the first thousand kills by going to defara.. there are accolades for killing borg... but you have to make sure to ONLY use melee... I was at least 500 melee kills before i went there and using the sto'va'kor bat'leth i killed 694 borg... but i didn't get the 1000 kills reward, so i assume at…
  • i think you need to be at your factions main shipyard... i remember not being able to purchase fed ships at gandala(sp?) station, or ds9, but i could at the home shipyard....
  • i think it was more of an information post, although it was incomplete information... As has already been pointed out, the always red alert thing has supposedly been solved. Unfortunately the stuck in cloak thing is not limited to the new BoP. I've had it happen on every ship i've used that has a battle cloak. Only way out…
  • I'm having a mix of the two... although the lag hasn't jumped me in after the tfo started, although i have shown up seconds before.... My main issue is server disconnects leading into TFO's for my recruit. If you aren't quick enough to re-login, or accidently choose safe, you don't get into the tfo, giving you a leavers…
  • For OP and anyone else looking for something similar, two things to keep in mind about the boxes. The 1% is per box. It's not per stack or per how many you are opening in a row. Secondly, while the "advice" to sell is decent as i think you can get between 18 and 25 million per box(depending on r&d or duty officer..) it…
  • Yeah i went through about 8 toons yesterday before i hit this glitch. 4 of my toons are missing their badge, and all cause this issue. I'm about to try a fresh log in and switching to one of the toons i used yesterday(that has their badge) and see if it works... if not i'll update this post
  • There are those beams coming from above, if you are out of the "zone" you get a three second countdown and the you will be hit with one... i died twice before i figured it out... There will be a 3,2,1 countdown above your ship....
  • the Quarren coyote ship looks cool...but kind of like the breen ships so... or a scaled up version of the Takret ship
  • The promobox and the inquiry box are "bound to character" so you could not put either of them in the account bank. I was all set to do a trade when they asked for inquiry i grabbed it, tried to trade it and found it to be character bound. I hope they fix this soon, i really have no desire for this... at least its not on a…
  • There is a t5 Nova? I've only really noticed the t2 and its c-store refit.... I do hope you get your ship Reyan, you've been asking for a long time, and they've done what ever they wanted/thought would make them more money instead....