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hyouki Arc User



  • *sigh* Congratulations, you've just fulfilled my greatest fear for the new system, and killed my hopes for it. Dilithium is already the choke point for everything in this game. New gear, upgraded fleet holdings, practically whatever you want to do, you have to expect to spend @#$@loads of dilithium...and now you want to…
  • I'd be fine with them removing stacking from itself as long as they kept it a long-term debuff. I really do not like "twitch" debuffs, where you have a tiny window to take advantage of it (which usually ends up with the enemy picking JUST THAT moment to do a knockdown, making it go to waste). I'd rather have a low level…
  • Interesting notion...each kit could have its own passive bonus.
  • I'm afraid I'll have to chime in with the "modular kit" notion as well. There's powers that might be interesting to try, but are on a kit I'd otherwise would not want to use. That being said, I'm not sure it's for the best to throw it completely open either. Maybe a lvl 50 kit has three powers fixed, but the fourth slot…
  • You're the one failing your reading comprehension. The problem isn't the commendation. It's fine. We're okay with how the commendation is gotten. The problem is the loss of the 50 MARKS and the DILITHIUM that came with it. Dilithium is necessary for practically everything you do at level 50, and so it should likewise be…
  • In my case, no one beamed down with me, and I crashed to the desktop when trying to close the "Click U to open your inventory and equip the armor!" popup tutorial (which I could have sworn i'd checked the box saying "quit showing me these" on the first one...). When I loaded back in, the mission advance to "Go to Admiral…
  • Romulans don't get access to this?! ....okay! ^_^ I like this! Romulan characters can still be buffed by it when flying in groups with the Fed or KDF, so it's not like they get no benefit from it, and it gives the factions a stronger unique flavor. Roms get their Singularity powers, Fed/KDF get access to the Advanced Comm…
  • Singularity Jump {T4+ Warbirds Singularity Core power} Heavy Graviton Beam {MACO 3-piece set power}
  • Hmmm...definitely taking a different route than the "standard escort". It's got the damage potential of an escort, and while it has a sturdy hull, it's paying for it in so many ways: in this case, the already-strained singularity core power levels are getting pushed even lower. If you use Annihilation mode, you're pushing…
  • See, the input discounts exacerbate a problem larger fleets already have, BUT, I think this is a good thing in that one change could fix BOTH large and small fleet problems: fleet alliances. Allow fleet members to put resources into the missions of ANY allied fleet. Larger fleets get an outlet for resources and a rich new…
  • I'm not sure what the point is to actually raising the limit to DOff storage, though? People who've hit the 400 cap with all purples that are using the mail system for storage...will hit the new cap, then demand more. I can't really see any point people who are already at cap will say "wow, who would ever need 1000 DOff…
  • BoPs balance their battle cloak and universal slots with very squishy hulls; Romulans balance instead Singularity + BC vs power levels. As such, giving Romulans universal slots would mean they have to pay something more...and before you say "nerf the hull!", no, if you want that balance, just go play a BoP instead. It's…
  • So you balance that against what you gain. Isometric Charge works so freaking well in my Murderball combo, it's well worth the loss of a passive. While it might not be available EVERY time I create an opportunity for it to be useful, it's absolutely devastating when it is.
  • The hard part of the ESTFs is not the missions, it's the people you're randomly tossed in with if you don't have a known group to run with. ISE is the easiest to get the optional on because you only need one person who knows what they're doing (and packs a bit of crowd control) to lock down the spheres when someone ignores…
  • Now THAT is a fair point! Since the information is hidden from us during character creation, the only way an experienced player can decide on a race from an "planning ahead" point of view is to have another window open in the background with the traits available per species...once someone gets around to making one, of…
  • No. The free respec is there PRECISELY to balance the lost choice at character creation. As has been pointed out elsewhere, they're removing the choices so that new players don't feel forced to pick "at random" traits that they don't yet understand, but they get the token so they can make up their own minds when they get…
  • The damage isn't what makes this valuable; the accuracy/(perception?)/damage debuff is. Drop this on a group of enemies (or on a big, nasty, immobile enemy like the eSTFs are full of) and they will be blind and powerless for the duration. Also, it lets you combo with yourself with Gravity Well; drop GW, charge and drop SJ,…
  • This is for warbird pilots to be able to set their power levels properly; if it remained at the minimum of 25, the most a warbird would be able to set any level to is 85 (with the other three sliders at 25). Dunno if it was intended to apply to everyone, but since the patch notes didn't say it was for warbirds…
  • I believe it's +10 base, but increases as points are put into Maneuvering Thrusters (or whatever the skill is that improves your maneuverability).
  • Back in the bad old days... Crafting started out by having you take a base item and upgrade it. The Ferengi in Mem Alpha sold you the base items if you didn't happen to have one already. Now, why those VENDORS are on New Romulus but not an actual crafting station, I have no clue.
  • Yes, there's two traits for space and hmmm....one or two for ground that are specific to each class. For eng, you can get a trait that boosts your power levels for a bit whenever you use a battery or EPtX power; the other space trait has a chance to reset the cooldown on Miracle Worker when you take a large amount of…
  • Oh aye, there's a fair few times where I don't agree with what the mission is making me do, and so I wait for the "enemies" to attack me first. So I can (reluctantly?) blow the hell out of them in self-defense. But it's one thing to destroy a faceless ship, and quite another to pummel a doctor while they watch helplessly…
  • Nice catalogue of needed changes; it's hard to properly plan what you want to eventually get for your character if the power descriptions are faulty.
  • I can understand how people would like to avoid this mission. Still, it was (for me) a far cry from the mental trauma that Divide et Impera was the first time I played it. See my post in http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=9419121 for the grim story. Which I should probably mention is highly spoilerific for…
  • IIRC, Driver coil also affects your Full Impulse speed and non-engine power levels; it's handy for run-all-over-the-place missions like Azure Nebula and Starbase Blockade.
  • Er...I think it's exotic damage already. Exotic damage is ANY damage whose level is improved by Particle Generators (regardless of flavors; Plasma Shockwave deals plasma damage, but because it's affected by that skill, it's also exotic). I'm pretty sure that GW pull is affected by Graviton Generators and damage by Particle…
  • Not every setting should be per-chararacter...but I agree, the UI color really ought to be.
  • There's a DOff mission I've only seen on my Romulan captain to get a crate of Romulan ale...does that count as Romulan flavored? :P
  • TBH, I've always felt it was kinda bad that GDF looked like it was intended to be used at lower health, a last-ditch all-or-nothing sink-or-swim...except that it was on cooldown because, hey, I can still get some extra damage out of it by firing it even at full health! Thematically, I thought it fell flat on its face (not…
  • I just love how everyone is "PvP is difficult PvE is soooo easy!!!!" and then the only proposal that ever comes up is "let's just ditch the new system so we can fly our existing ships with new skins!" Sorry guys, go back to your PvP in your Fed/Klink ships...it doesn't matter what you're flying if you insist that they all…