This mission is the sequel to, "Mission of Mercy." The Starfleet Command Council has ordered you back to Earth. With the Psi Velorum Sector at the mercy of the unknown aliens you encountered at Dera II, Starfleet needs to put a plan together quickly. The Council is also deeply disturbed by the actions of Commander H'dean,…
MISSION OF MERCY Description: Your ship is needed in Romulan space to help aid the Romulan settlements. Both the settlements and the Federation supply convoys have come under attack from pirate raiders. Starfleet has decided that an officer of your experience is needed to ensure that vital supplies reach the Dera II…
Mission of Mercy I.D. ST-HRYMYOVI3 Author: treky1134 Faction: Starfleet Level: 16+ Description: Your ship is needed in Romulan space to help aid the Romulan settlements. Both the settlements and the Federation supply convoys have come under attack from pirate raiders. Starfleet has decided that an officer of your…
I'm creating a custom map and need it to be just the captain. I already know about using the corners and all that. But I was wondering if there were other ways?
I think a miniseries is a great idea. I worked for Galactica. CBS could make a miniseries to test the demographics and see if it is worth the money to start a whole new star trek series (hopefully J.J. won't be involved) :).
I'm all for Moore, but not Brad Wright. The guy was a key player in Stargate Universe. All that show did was rip off Battlestar Galactica, and no one can rip off the greatest sci-fi show ever. I do like the idea of Manny Coto to write. You can tell from Enterprise Season 4 that he is a great writer and a hardcore Trek fan.
I know some people are frustrated, but at least Cryptic learned from their mistakes. I think it's smart that they are checking the Foundry an making sure it's ok. No one wants a repeat of season 4. I just hope it's back up soon. :)