I haven't had any problem manually equipping my EV suit as of yet but there's several odd behaviors on Nukara that I have observed. If your character doesn't have a EV suit equipped the game won't give you a default one. If you do have a EV suit equipped one of two things happen when you zone down, the game doesn't…
The Klingon Security Officer on Q'onos is in the Great Hall to the left when first entering. There's also one in the main room on Ganalda Station. Also, if you have a Fleet Star Base with a Tier III Shipyard they can be found in Tactical.
You can't use him for Doff assignments because KDF or Fed can't use Romulan Doffs (except reward ones like Law). However, your not being able to delete him does sound like a bug. Have you tried mailing him to a Romulan character if you have one or putting him on the exchange?
Try rebooting your PC before attempting to patch. After I rebooted before my 4th attempt at patching, it took way longer than the previous 3 attempts to patch as if it was actually writing the patch.
Someone in the Support thread reported the game now works. I tried 3x and the game patched anywhere from 1.5GB to 5GB but still failed to launch. I tried a 4th time and it patched another 5GB and now works.
Nope, it isn't. I just tried 3x and it's now patched anywhere from 1.5GB to 5GB and still won't launch. Edit: 4th time's the charm, another 5GB patch process and it now launches. Now I'm afraid to touch anything.
On a whim I launched STO again. It tried to update the launcher (again) but gave me a "A file was locked that could not be opened for writing error". Did a reboot and now launcher patched but game still wouldn't launch after it patched 3.5G (again). In fact several attempts to launch the game resulted in a 3.5GB patch to…
Exactly what does this mean? My launcher updated but I still get the game quit unexpectedly error. It would seem the 2GB patch installed yesterday corrupted the game client as it's looking for .dll's that don't exist (steam-api64.dll and vivoxsdk.dll). I ran another force verify and 3.5GB of patching later no luck on…
https://twitter.com/trekonlinegame/status/1644146411230072832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"> No such luck here. I'm not sure what they mean by may take some time for it to work. Launcher updated but game still won't launch.
It initially launched fine for me, I was playing for about 2 hours when it crashed on me when I tried going to my bridge. After restart the game patched about 2GB worth and then would crash when trying to load the character it crashed on initially. One thing I did notice is the game was patching on every initial zone prior…
Same problem, game crashed when trying to go to ship bridge after it failed to load a patch. I turned on demand patching off and now the client crashes on start after it tried to patch 2+ GB. Just did a force verify and it patched 5.5 GB and crashes on start.
I ran into this same scenario with my Klingon recruit except for the Control getting stuck part. In fact this entire mission line bugs out after the Plaza mission. From that mission part on, Seven will never accompany you any more. In the Behind the Curtain part, one of two things would happen, either Burnham would get…
Not totally true, Rom/Dom (KDF aligned) and KDF can access it through the dilithium store if it's been unlocked by a Fed with the Pathfinder. All my Rom/Dom (KDF aligned) and KDF either have it in their trait list or can claim it from the dilithium store. Fed aligned Rom/Dom and other Fed characters have to unlock it…
It says "Counter-Command Profession Specific Kit", not Kit Module which is what you bought. The fact the Kit Module doesn't say it's part of a set in the tool tip should have been a clue it was the wrong item. Therefore your claiming a bug in the four piece set is in error as you didn't have the four piece set equipped.
No, it isn't, the tool tip says nothing about being part of a set. Look in the Counter Command Store under Kits or you can get one for free by doing the mission "Surface Tension" in the Dyson Sphere.