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houseweart Arc User



  • --I firmly do not believe that any concession should be made in regards to making these things available outside the event. I already think the idea is really too much for the game as it is. Even if it's just including them in social zones... I would rather not see a bunch of Starfleet/Klingon officers jetting around. I…
  • --Never said anything about deleting being the cause of chaos. I merely stated that if change to the game will cause it, I would welcome it, so I would appreciate you not presuming my context, chief. --In other news, I sure do like the arguments being presented. At least people have their thinking caps on today.
  • --That's not chaos, that's lost progress. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll pass. Not quite the same idea here.
  • --Toss it in there, just as long as it gets donkey-punched in the jibblies. It can't be on the level of the actual Scimitar, since that would be incredibly game-breaking. But if its going to be tossd in there, sure, make it a Romulan-only carrier. C-Store that stuff and it's fine. Lockbox it if you must. But I don't care…
  • --Progress is made in a multitude of ways. I was not suggesting the only way that the game will be prosperous is to increase the cap, and I never said it was needed. Usually, cap increases are the result of new expansions, so I half expected Romulus to have one. It did not, but there's really not a huge deal. --It would be…
  • --As a member of Starfleet Engineering, I'll say this: EV suits are self-contained. That means they have an atmosphere separate of the environment. So your statement that someone would get warm inside of one, is woefully inaccurate. --You're from Medical, so you may not have been aware. Just thought I'd let you know.
  • --I think it's about time. A lot of games see multiple increases, and nothing horrifying happens. Scaling is always present in the game, anyway. I think we need to top off the rank system and get the last 10 done with. All we are missing is full Admirals. Also, the "5 Star" Admirals... they aren't a traditional rank in the…
  • --Absolutely got the reference. Also, regarding the DOFF, I didn't know about it, but then again, I don't play that portion of the game overmuch. Not that it isn't interesting... but I don't really have the talent for it. I will have to find that particular officer so I can add it to my list of things to include on my…
  • --I'm glad other people are on board with it... thought I would be the only one, but those options are far too simple and insignificant to leave out. The blind eyes and white skin could be used for other races and people. It's not just limited to the albino antennae'd ones. I have another character who could benefit from…