In my case server lags or disconnects usually happen at 9pm CET. And because those lags are so punctual I don't think that this are a conincedence. Right now I'm stuck in a CCA with the server not responding. And while I'm writing this the creature HP jumped from 54% to 0, with me exploding and the queue complete. Same in…
So far I have not seen any explanation on how this 'erased from the space-time continuum' actually works. Where does this stuff go ? Do you use some kind of higher dimension where you pour in all those quarks/muons/strings ? If you erase a planet, you would also erase those patricles that were created by stellar fusion.…
Logic & time travel stories rarely make sense. The whole temporal incursion ships storyline was rather bogus. Afaik the shipshas been trying to re-establish the Krenim Empire for 200 years (or in Anorex case, the colony with his wife). How can you explain that they know that there are doing this for 200years when they are…