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grungepunk5k Arc User



  • 2013 and I'm still getting the flicker. It may not break the game Cryptic but it sure as heck ruins the experience as far as immersion goes. :/ This has been happening for 2 years. How have you not fixed it yet? o.O'
  • Same problem for me. Logged in and noticed that my Bridge Officer hot bar was empty. Tried to assign them only to discover I cannot assign any of my bridge officers on my Ambassador Class or Runabout. Worst bug I've encountered in this game so far. Makes the game unplayable. I can't even put the bridge officer powers in my…
  • 2 minutes between every map load, a minute of which is the Server Not Responding... Your servers are too small to host large events such as this. And what is with this PRESS ANY KEY garbage at the end of the map load? With that lovely little diagram of how many captains, ships and tribbles there are currently you should…
  • Just came up with a solution. Pretty sure Perfect World Entertainment is an Asian company right? Have Perfect World Entertainment's Asian locations do this maintenance and update stuff so that while they're doing it during their normal work days it's happening while the people over here are sleeping at 3 in the morning.…
  • So true. So true. I keep seeing 1 hour and 45 minutes. My time zone that will be 1 in the afternoon and I will have 30 minutes to play before I have to leave for work... If they wouldn't have graced us with this "update" I would have gotten to spend my valuable time off actually playing the game. Personally I'd rather…
  • I will do that. Especially since it's been making me sad not having any new Star Trek to watch and just watching reruns of Next Gen. I've seen everything else. I was basically just waiting for the new Abrams movie to come out. I really wish he'd just bite the bullet and do a series already. I mean if it's anything like…
  • Ah I see. Thanks for the info. That explains why I was clueless. Never really got into Deep Space Nine. Didn't have enough exploration and discovery for me. The station was well... stationary! That pretty much killed the show for me. That and the fact that it was more soap opera like than some of the other Star Trek shows…
  • What series are these chicks from? o.O I just googled both of them. Having no idea who they are Ezri looks like a boy playing the role of a girl and Jazdia or whatever is okay looking. I don't even see why these chicks are even being debated when the Star Trek universe has chicks like Troy and T'Pol. I get that Marina…
  • Yes, things crop up. The fact remains however that the game seemed to work just fine before they started running these updates and tests. So while yes, things do crop up, if they wouldn't have brought it down for testing in the first place we'd all still be playing the game right now. So technically whatever cropped up is…
  • Well apparently my current Star Trek Online obsession must come to an end. Guess it's time to go back to Guild Wars 2... :( Also I believe your definition of "fixing" is what the rest of us use to define "breaking" so stop "fixing" the game and fix it already! :P
  • It lives!!! :D edit: Nevermind. I saw the box open up and thought it was alive only to find out that it's only slightly less dead when it's unable to open the frame inside the launcher box.