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What is the Arc Client?
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gothsniper Arc User



  • Well all I can add is I hope all those new people they claim to be on can make up for all of those well heading to greener pastures, the fact people may be coming back is to see the new stuff, but then tell me after looking at the Rip off factor how many will be staying they don't mention the people leaving now do they .…
  • The sooner you leave people he better , with as many people leaving as it is don't expect any new content soon or improvements other then there repeated approaches to rake your wallet .
  • Hope there greed and lame ways for treating this game catch up to them , there are better games out there Sid Meyers Space game was just released , Elite Dangerous Star Citizen Arena Commander and Many many more on Steam STO you brought this on your self
  • Hello game is having issues after last patch can tell if torps are working no visuals on them and recharge time if cool downs for Torp spread 2 and one is not working , example in combat , Use torp spread 2 should have like a 15 sec cooldown before torp spread 1 can fire but the full cooldown from the first goes all the…