I got a response to my ticket: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1223261/bull-by-the-horns-distribute-the-rifles-issue-customer-service-response-updated "Apparently there's a currently known issue regarding the Bulls by the Horns Mission. We've just recently confirmed reports of players having…
So first it was the crazy mirror spawns yesterday and today the CE gets Subspace Circuits? Here I thought folks found a new way to beat the spawns. Maybe they will give the CE a plasma lance and the borg invisa-torp too.:P
I was given my June stipend early and I understand that I would not get one for June. It seems that I get my stipends around mid-month (or maybe that's just when I notice them) so I will wait till the 20th to see if I receive my July allotment.
Absolutely. I for one don't know when maintenance occurs because I am usually asleep during that time. I went by the event timeline and figured I would wake up early to finish it off only to see scheduled maintenance. Missing completion by one shard. I also think these missions need displayable timers as well. I can't…
Thanks! I am a bit of purist so I tend to stick to Klingon only ships. I am looking at the Somraw to go with my vet ship. I also had a DOFF question, do you think the Nigulan bridge officer who according to STOwiki does: Chance to reduce the time for any subsystem targeting attack to recharge after use/20% chance: Improve…
DDIS, I am a LvL 50 KDF Tac captain looking for some advice on ships. Currently I am flying a Vet destroyer but I am also considering the Fleet Qin and the Fleet Vor'cha. I know the Qin still has maneuverability issues but I am hoping that gets fixed sooner or later. I guess what I am looking for is a sub-battle cruiser…
Ingame @handle: @Frightfall Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): KDF Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tactical/Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.): English Interested mainly in space or ground?: Space…
Well I'm out in Hawaii originating ffrom Roadrunner so I probably hit cogentco around LA. So Ragsy and I are on different IP route networks both terminating somewhere in Kansas (at least that is where the patch server IP appears to be located). Then you are absolutely correct, it's not anything to do with NJ or Sandy and…
Same here in Hawaii: Hung up at te4-4.ccr01.bos06.atlas.cogentco.com If Cogentco is Cogent communications, then this is what they currently have posted for their network status: Cogent Network Status Report Last Updated Wed Nov 07 01:52:49 2012 GMT Network Status: Warning DNS Status: Normal Due to the widespread outages in…
Nothing eh,...well since I can't read my tabs I suppose I'll just shelve the game again till some random patch fixes it. I've had no illusions that STO was a top notch game - what with the pvp problems and the neglect that the Klingon Empire gets but these bugs that keep happening in a game that has been out long enough to…
I have similar problems. I reset my UI to default and went through each item resetting them. When I fire upon a target, if the target dies before my last beam fires I will then fire on the nearest enemy. I am set to only fire on targeted enemies, so that means I will aggro the bad guy, then have to target him to continue…