ISSUE: Upon transporting to New Romulus, the colors on my Klingon Honor Guard (KHG) uniform are automatically changed. I attempted to change my uniform but it will not. It appears as if the KHG is "over the top of" my regular uniform.
NOTED: This does not clear upon changing sectors or beaming down to a new place. I went to DS9 tailor and in the tailor my colors are correct at the select screen. Selecting the KHG model to make changes it shows my character in a "off duty" uniform. I have to reselect KHG in the upper right hand corner to get it to show...and it appears in the wrong colors. When I go to the uniform color screen, my correct colors are set but not appearing. I have to change a color for the rest of them to show up. It also shows my belt/collar missing. Now having to re-add my belt/collar the system charges 300 edc for the change.
Aye...and that was it. Strange, I usually have visuals disabled.