Hello! .... @P-A-T-H-F-I-N-D-E-R of Alliance Central Command, and we are currently one of the fleets within both your FED and KDF fleets both. Our KDF fleet (boq botlhra'ghom) has maxed out all holdings and our FED fleet is down to the last ones in Colony and Starbase ... then it to will be done. And our folks are growing…
I don't feel this ship brings enough new / better to the table over the existing Vesta ships. Yes, it is 4/2 but that's about all she has to offer that halfway makes me think about raising an eyebrow.
Does this include LOBI and Lockbox ships like the Kelvin D7 and Disco Flight Deck Connie? ... Use on one toon and any other copies of that ship class on other toons will unlock as well?
Sooo ... Guesses for what the "game changes" coming to game play is gonna be next year as hinted out in Geko's interview? I'm betting fleets will be going multi-faction.
Ok ... What are the possibilities? Beam boat? ..... Torp boat? ... Sci boat? .... Support boat? We know what the weaknesses are in her design. ... But what are her strengths and how do we exploit those? Could she make a good sci cruiser? .... Good torp boat?
Not really. For me, I just want the basic stats of the ship to be on par with the others I've already purchases. Right now it feels lacking. Just the Narendra has 1 Cmdr seat, 2 Lt. Cmdr. seats, 1 Lt. seat and 1 ens. seat. This new one has 1 Cmdr, 1 Lt. Cmdr., 2 Lt., and 1 ensign. For me, the inclusion of a hanger doesn't…
We each have our favorites. I flew a Temporal Destroyer T5 for a long time. Doesn't change the fact that for most players, it was shelved early in it's life .... And is already outdated and less flexible than the other ships already out there. Heck ... My Vor'ral is running a Lt. Cmdr. Tac & and Lt. Cmdr Sci with a Lt.…
I've been thinking about it and you know what the BOFF layout on this bird reminds me of? .... The original Ambassador-class when it first launched. She two lacked the Lt. Cmdr. Tac slot ... or option for it. Yes, she was only a T5 ... but how many of them did you see rolling around the game on a regular basis? Not many…
::: shrugs ... I'm on the opposite side of the coin. Already have plenty of better options just looking at older lesser powered ships. (Thinking T5U.) :LOVE the look and LOVE Discovery as a show. But this ship right now as she is ... is just eye candy for me. And that leaves me sad. If they change the boff seating ... I'm…
Ok ... Do the FED ships get access to the Discovery era bridges? Imagining so. And on the pilot ships ... They are 4/2 which is one less than standard escorts which are 4/3, making them raiders. Will they have flanking added to them to balance it out?
So ... If you already own the Discovery Starter Pack ... That's even less bang for the zen you're getting. I want that Walker-class skin, but don't think it's worth that much when all I want other than the skin is the Sheppard-class.
Assuming the Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser skin will also unlock for the lobi Walker-class Light Exploration Cruiser as well? :smiley:
Betting the U.S.S. Georgiou is an Excelsior skin version of the Sheppard ... possibly for a fleet version. Going off the curves you can see on the lower saucer there.