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What is the Arc Client?
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ewtastic Arc User



  • I am new to STO and i see a big potential that is not being used. However just after some week i feel so limited already. In space combat there is not very many different kind of setups. Is it possible we will se more different kind of space weaponry, not just ten different kind of bonuses for same weapon.
  • Dont come back between 1300 - 1630 UTC which is now the daily downtime for a couple of weeks. Apart from the gamebreaking bugs cryptic devs have no intention of fixing due to them having issues with their own structure and communications.
  • sigh, in the end it all falls on that Crypic has an incrediby inefficient way to handle developing and communications between different cells. Sounds like they arnt really buddies at work, more like they blame the other guys. Cryptic is going to die.
  • Im gonna guess its like this, Legacy of Romulus caused some memory leak or similar that forces cryptic to do "maintenance" daily. They are putting all their resources into it and point blank even refuses to listen to what bugs exist. They shut off the ticket / bug report system because they simply arnt interested in fixing…
  • shift-r or press the up-arrow above your speed thingy, it makes you fly way faster, used for transition streaks in space (not sector space).
  • Cryptic is waiting for players to stop trying to play, then the user numbers shrink to normal levels and there will be no more server issues!
  • Yeah it seems as if tho abandoning ship might be the time now, cryptic dont seem to value uptime / players. I feel sad for the lifetime subscriptions when STO will be taken offline as soon as the playerbase stagnates. And that is not far off concidering how it "works" now.
  • It downloaded the major parts of the patch then, and now it installs that patch and completes it with missing data. But be glad you are not me, the patching stalled at 97% and shortly after the launcher crashed. And guess what? It deleted all data and started over from scratch. Again. So i need to redownload the entire…
  • Well now at least Cryptic sorted their hosting issues out so one gets good international speeds. Everytime i quit it patches 9883 MB of data, but it doesnt seem to actually save anything it downloads, the pre-patch folder contains the initial 5.8GB of stuffs. So what is this 9883 MB of pre-patch phantom data it downloads…
  • I can heartily recommend any and everyone to never touch Panda Media Booster or any similar "boost" program. They do in fact not speed up anything, but rather it blocks everything that isnt whatever its "boosting". Nearly all of them contain spyware and other things logging what you do. Why the hell would anyone with even…
  • the ISP that hosts STO has throttled international speeds which means everyone that isnt located within the borders of wherever its located will get **** low speeds. 500KB/s seems to be the maximum allowed speed. And i have a 100/100Mbit/s line in sweden which gives roughly 60~Mbit/s download speeds over the atlantic.…