Aux power is NOT needed for every heal ability ingame, examples include: ET, ST, you can also use A2D, and HE easily between a2b triggers. I`m not against a2b build, I do have avenger n galor both w/ a2b, BUT, i find those builds extremly boring to fly over time. I ahve to agree with other posters that nerfing some of the…
Ok, so... here is the example of stacking that OP talks about, it may not be perfect but it will serve the purpose. Romulan character, all romulan boffs, fleet crtH and crtD consoles, universal consoles w/ crtH and crtD mods. What we have so far? Toon that have, dunno, say ~30% crtH and ~130% crtD. Now, we should be…
This is the reason that may offend some people on the forums and maybe in-game. It may not be the exact same symbol used in 3th Reich, but its clear that insignia was made based on the original symbol. Also, Nabreeki called out Aelfwin for turning this thread into anti-Dental thread, well, its partly true since on almost…
But feds allready have ship with all universal slots, its this one Oh , and defiant w/ BC, AGAIN?? If u want BC on fed side, make romnie and choose fed faction, cant be more simpler thatn that! The only thing I agree with you on, is that KDF need more ships!
Ooooh, yeah, sorry ,I`ve forgot about that, very good advice. Also, you should join Organized PvP channel, feel free to ask anything! There are lot of good players outhere willing to help.
here, I`ve fixed it for you, you can play bit w/ engie abilities since u have plenty of them, try double eptS w/ double extends or DEM, try few, play few matches and see wich oe suits you best. Just.... dont use that rsp 3.
Umm, I would say defiant is not bad ship at all. Offcourse it falls behind JHAS, hunter escort, Temporal destroyer, BUT those are all lock box ships, and there are meant to be superior to other ships. That being said, FPE-r is waaaay better than defiant, but defieant still got potential if u ask me, OR rather ask right…
The Academy 2 is recruiting. To join us Contact in game @suzy33 @sportz19721010 @avaeris @stingray74 @cronos722 @lightspeeds
There`s nothing that you should apoligize for.. Premade teams where nightmare for pug-ers before last 2 patches.. Now when we have 2 seperate queues for pug-ers and premades, those aren`t of concern anymore. Also dill farmers that where using queues instead of private matches, were benefiting from premade teams, since…
Oh we know, we know :D Also another thing, in original thread that was posted in tribble notes , some ppl said that, IF PvP is only way to get you dill cap, than, you are doing it wrong. Well I would pretty much disagree on that one, because i have 2 tacs and 1 sci. I usually cap my tac`s first, trough STF`s and other PvE…
All PvP-ers unite !! We should start makin teams of 2 or 3 players via OPvP, hit PvE queue`s and just stay AFK. We shall take part of our cake that way, we shall make them CRY!!! Jokes aside, i mean rly, wut is goin on in their s***id heads??? All 4 borg STF`s will get you enough dill to hit refining cap for the day in…
So you are saying we should get back tricobalts at it previous state? So you can run 30 seconds STF`s? Or maybe devs shouldn`t take a closer look at the valdore console? Course its common sense that escort can have twice as much healing capabilities than healer/semi healer oriented ship, right?
I think it`s just boff skills, I haven`t seen any item, ability or doff ingame that reduces your characters abillty (space vise), tac initiative is the only one i can think off.
I have galor on my tac w/ classic a2b built and it is awesome. If you have EC`s I would sa go for it. Also galor comes with 4 sprial wave disruptors which are great too. BUT if you dont have nuff ec`s or dont`t feel like spending ~200m than buy 4 modules and take avenger. its prety much galor with lower shield mod, bit…
@erkyss2 I would get any fleet ship for my tac KDF. That poor guy is flyin mirror raptor, feels like i`m playin S5 w/ it LOL. Which one in particular, well most likely fleet kar`fi w/ siphon drones, AA, SS2, and ES3 :P oh, and polarons offcourse :D
Free camera + WASD mostly, but sometimes I also use mouse for manuvering. Right press manuvering (I`m not using mouse very often anymore), right drag or left drag look around. Throttle deafult, except R for full impulse. Basic spacebar keybind (fireAll+distribute shields), autofire disabeld on tac, sci turned on. I`m…
My sci is flyin wells called: Aux2failShips, u know why? Bcs aux2batt is weaker of 2 sub-nukes. I fly aux2bat galor aswell & few days ago fought in arena vs 4sci`s `n` 1 tac. Offcourse they neiled us pretty hard.
I haven`read tru all posts in this thread, but... aren`t the phasers the ONLY weapon in STO that have chance of disabeling shiled systems?? Why buffs than? Take 2 nasty sci pilots w/disable/drain bulds, 1 tac w/ any wepon type, N 1 healer. Viola, you just made your vape dream team.. But power is too low... Oh wait, is it…
I`m flyin 2 SCI`s and 2 TAC`s, so i have 2 I WIN BUTTONS :D ?? WRONG, SNB is nowhere near 2 I win button. It has counter, and it`s called SCIENCE TEAM, and when u`r playin PvP if u see SCI with u in team, tell him athat u need ST, or simply bind it 2 your keyboard Oh i`ve also saw post about APA being OP, so in fact i have…
Make a sacrifice !! If you want TB than; either fly sci ship and use TB , or fly any other class ship that is leaining bit more towards sci. Or fly a carrier, and use daNOOBes. Very very small number of ships can use TB without any drawbacks, em I right? :rolleyes: Change that ASAP!! Oh and battlecloack aswell :D