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What is the Arc Client?
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dubriker Arc User



  • So these are going to go completely unanswered and ignored? I can't get help from my cable provider, I can't get help from STO support, what am I supposed to do? Just stop playing?
  • I feel you 100%. I put the game down about 6 months ago because the lag was just so bad. I came back about 3 weeks ago and things were decent, but now it's just a joke. I don't understand why they would even keep this thing live. To me, it seems like they've collected whatever money they could after the purchase from Atari…
  • Sigh... Uverse
  • I give up. This game is 100% unplayable right now. I have no words to express my frustration that won't get me banned from the forum and possibly the game. Cryptic, get it together!
  • I'm pretty sure it's a matter of how the resources are being allocated. STO may just not be high priority in terms of budget.
  • What amount in USD is it going to take for STO to get the support it needs so these things won't happen anymore?
  • This works for me, however I'm stuck at "Downloading character creation data..." Edit: I'm at character creation Edit: I'm at the login queue Edit: YAY! I'M ON VIRINAT! Edit: And I'm disconnected
  • We had a good run everyone. I really believed in STO. I followed game development for 5 years before its actual release. I've played my heart out since beta. I pulled 2 friends in with me, played my heart out some more, and purchased about $50 worth of in-game merchandise. I was a real player in the STO universe. I wish…
  • Dear Devs, Please give us a genuine Romulan experience. I want to learn more about their culture, about their ship design, and about their technology. I have heard rumors of a Romulan mini-faction or mission arc for Season 7. Then, I had a nightmare... What if we were only going to get JemHadar - Season 5 content in…