I liked the concept of this mission, playing as Neth Parr, but the writing was really weak. I was hoping we'd have more insight into why the Tzenkethi leadership thought genocide to be preferable to leaving any Drantzuli alive, information about the Hur'q that the alliance lacked, or just a completely different sense of…
Has the dev team given any thought to using a similar setup for rerolling bridge officer traits? I'm sure under the hood the data is set up very differently, but the general concept of being able to unlock traits and roll for different ones would be great. I don't think I've ever been 100% satisfied with boff traits.
Honestly thinking the same thing. The new epic mods are a neat bonus in the system, but they just add to the balance issues with endgame content that the rebalance tried to address. Not only that, there's still no real parity between weapon mods except [CrtD] and [Dmg], nearly everyone is going to aim for [CritD2] or…
Currently R&D mods can't be rerolled. It would be nice if these could be rolled through a pool of just R&D-only mods. As it is, this system doesn't do much to alleviate the issue of needing to craft weapons at Mk II and upgrade to have a chance of getting a desirable mod, and I still see no reason to craft a Mk XII weapon.…
@"abstrusrejoinder#9208", if it's any help, I was able to open the Female Romulan Rash Guard on a female Fed-aligned Romulan character. Looks like the issue might be with KDF alignment.
Character: Tiffany Wolf@dragonsbrethren Race: Human Gender: Female Faction: Federation As of Season 13 (or shortly before), the Terran Sierra Open 1, Jupiter Open 1 and Odyssey Sleeveless tops have some clipping under the shoulder blades when walking/running. Screenshot
The rooms leading up to the core are just tedious and unfun. I've managed to get into one good game of this so far, with balanced teams, and all I can say is that those rooms just feel like padding to me. Most of them are over quickly, at least, but the Combination Lock room is particularly irritating, even in a team smart…
People keep whining about it, but I love this element of randomness. If you listen to the complaints, you'd think AFKers are regularly getting the farthest distance...I've done a lot of runs and that just doesn't happen unless there's a disaster at launch. (Does one rocket exploding potentially cause a chain reaction? I've…
I haven't seen any feedback on Boarding Party outside of chat yet. I am running a copy of Boarding Party III on a Vor'cha Retrofit, using the Duty Officers who have a chance to arm the shuttles, spawn additional shuttles, and reduce the recharge time for the shuttles. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I used this…
You. I like you. (I'm not nearly as active on the forums, but the nigh-uselessness of Shield Refrequencers has been a sticking point for me since I did a Dyson theme build. Even in their initial nerfed state, Plasma-Generating consoles were still better, and they just got made more betterer today...)
It's worth noting that, for those calling for lower rank Cannon abilities, you can use the Subsystem Targeting abilities with them now, and that those abilities have been made very good.
Some pretty rainbows on the Aluceon ocean: Oasis Clearing map with the Risa backdrop. Obviously not intentional, but I'd love to keep it. Also, one of the water objects (I believe the ESD one, will get the exact asset name when editing is up) is pretty much invisible under Lighting 2.0 :(
Character: Noir@dragonsbrethren Affecting: Captain Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/0qkJP Under Lighting 2.0, it is no longer possible to match the Iconian Vest Upper to the Lower. On the pictured outfit, I am using P1 for the black on each piece. In the tailor, this looks like it matches, but on an actual map, the pants…
It's one of the few canon Klingon ships, I'm sure it's coming. I just hope it has interesting seating, it's by far my favorite Battlecruiser design, but I already have the Qib, Negh'tev, and Kurak at T6. It has to do something none of those can to be truly interesting...and the T6 Sovereign really doesn't give me much hope…
This is an issue with the tailor interface itself: Since Lighting 2.0 went live, the default light in the tailor is very bright and bloomy. While bloom can be controlled on the player side, the bright lighting can make it hard to accurately pick colors. Changing between the three lighting presets (which are all very bright…
All of them! Hehe. But here's a shortlist of who I'd like for my various mission: * Flagship Crews * Temporal Agents: Crey, Q'on, Kail * Admiral Kererek * Subcommander Nadel * Subcommander Koal * Obisek! * Intelligence Contacts: Galera, Mena, Rai Sahen * Generic Ranked NPCs: Romulan Republic, Terran Empire, Vaadwaur…
Drogyn, that water city concept is awesome! It's so similar to how I originally envisioned the Alucean city for my AEI mission, but I never considered using the water objects. I was trying to build in the water on the premade outdoor maps and just didn't have enough room.
Try switching regions a couple times. My Romulan Imperial Navy Tactical Kit didn't convert at first and I almost bug reported it, but a few map changes did the trick.
Spire Experimental Science Kit and Spire Prototype Science Kit: Removed on fresh Tribble copies (modules are converted) Intelligence Kit Module - Resonant Tachyon StreamIV Mk XII: Missing space between Stream and IV, doesn't affect ranks I-III. Intelligence Kit Module - Site-to-Site Ensnare: Ranks I-IV all have a white…
It's not a bug. At all. They added more shades to the palette and that guide hasn't been updated. Just use A13 instead, it's the same color as A9 in that guide.