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dontirri Arc User



  • The idea of progress decided by the amount of time you put in is a good one. The execution is awful. People with limited time and/or multiple toons are going to get shafted BIG TIME. 200 xp per hour means you gotta kick off 4 projects a day to reach the same quota you get daily now. People who DON'T have that much time…
  • I think in any comparison to the T'varo, the -40 power advantage the B'Rel has should be forgotten entirely. Why? Because on the one role both ships share, a niche they both fill, the Stealth Bomber... Power levels are irrelevant. You spend 99% of your time cloaked, so shield power is irrelevant (unless forcibly decloaked,…
  • No. The EBC was made for torpedo launching. The Retrofit B'rel was designed to have the EBC long before Romulans were a thing and it was based off of Chang's BoP in ST:VI. Iow, Torpedo Launching. And you clearly can't read. The OP was NOT asking for a Sciscort. He was asking for a DEDICATED SCIENCE SHIP. And trust me, Cmdr…
  • Hear Hear. I had planned to make my third toon a Rom Sci to round out the group, but when I found out about the lack of viable choices in Rom Sci department, I just rolled a Fed instead and my first Rom had to wait a long time until I finally got around to it. I mean, Cryptic HAD a CANON Romulan Science Ship to use, had…
  • STILL bitter about the Monbosh? Well, the difference is, the Avenger is clearly meant to have a cloak while the Monbosh was never meant to have one. Oh and a wishlist? Assault Cruiser with more turn, better impulse mod, lower hull and a universal ens instead of uni tac.
  • But the faster you finish an instance, the quicker you can get to the next one. For example, there is a difference between being able to finish all 3 Borg STF's in 10 mins than taking 1-2 hours to do all three back to back. Or if You're grinding fleet marks, you can go Fleet Alert -> Starbase Incursion -> Colony Invasion…
  • So let me get this straight. An escort, especially a decloaker, can destroy a target in 5 seconds flat, without giving them a chance to fight back. And that's okay. But if a science ship can destroy a target in 40 seconds without giving them a chance to fight back, that's not okay? Because that's what it seems like. You…
  • No chance of Vengeance. JJTrek is off limits because the rights are owned by a different company. The ship's stupid anyway, a 1.5km ship on the 2270's? (the 700m+ Enterprise is ridiculous enough as it is)
  • Well, maybe they finally got the Dreadnaught saucer sep to work and liked the saucerless Dread so much they decided to make it a ship of its own? :D
  • Okay, I think I probably didn't explain the "can't tank as well" point properly. The problem with my Engies tanking is not being able to get aggro. Yes, he's practically immortal in PvE and even in PvP it takes a lot of concentrated effort from multiple tacs to kill him. Problem is, it shows in his DPS. Even with full…
  • I think the whole idea of this change has been ill-thought out. Gravity Well III should be one of Sci's best tools, since it already takes a Cmdr-slot and heavy skill and console investment to be effective. So why not just boost the coefficient from PartGen and AUX a lot higher? I mean, with a cooldown of a minute or so, a…
  • To be honest, I am not as bothered by leechers (since I usually run around in a geared to the teeth assault cruiser, more than enough to make up for a single missing player) as I am with people who intentionally come in to ruin the run for others. You know, the guys who head right on Infected and pop a single generator…
  • I don't know about useless. I've personally parsed a fleetie of mine breaking the 11k dps mark on a Kumari with the wing cannons, 3pc set and a full set of andorian phasers. Those 160k overload crits are a sight to behold.
  • Testing Parameters - Ker'rat - Borg Sphere - Gravity Well I - Aux 117 - Particle Generators 99 - B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit No Doffs that affect Grav Well Attack Pattern AlphaIII, Attack Pattern OmegaIII, Fire on My Mark III and Tactical Fleet III, 15% all damage from cloak active Damage: 35901 total damage with an…
  • dontdrunkimshoot: Engineering-heavy ships are already in a major disadvantage as it is, and nerfing EPtX-powers would have a major effect on escorts as it would curb the overuse of EPtS/EPtE, both which are considered borderline necessary at the moment from what I've seen. Also, at their current state, using EPtX-powers…
  • When I played EVE online, people kept shouting "EVE IS DEAD" on the forums on a weekly basis. That was FIVE years ago. When I played WoW, people kept shouting "WOW IS DEAD" on a weekly basis. That was two expansions ago. Doomsayers will always be around. It's like conspiracy theorists. The smallest thing will set them off.…
  • Already did. From 210m to 80m by the time of this posting. ... Why do people feel the need to undercut by 20 MILLION EC???
  • Well, the unintended (I hope) side-effect of this promo is the total crash of the Cell Ship price. From 210m to 100m in less than an hour. Im scared to see where it's tomorrow when I wake up.
  • I apologize in advance for hijacking someone else's thread, but since there is already plenty of Nebula-advice here, I figured I might aswell throw my question in. Since I got the free Nebula-R from the giveaway, I'm finally leveling my sci, and since I am a total Sci-newbie, I got no idea how to fit the boat. I'm thinking…
  • Also for KDF the PvP-dailies are a good way to grind dil. Killing 10 starfleet ships, completing three warzones, killing 50 NPC's net you 960(or was it 480, anyway) each and can be completed fairly fast in Ker'rat. Completing 3 Arenas or C&H's will net you 2880 dil a piece (Two missions for both, each giving 1440 dil) and…
  • Forgive me if what I am going to post has been said a million times or is completely unrealistic, but I am quite new to STO PvP (But liking it) The issue from what I am seeing is the power-creep from lockbox/Fleet/Rep ships/gear/abilities leading to bloated heals and the need for spike to kill. How about combatting the…
  • Actually, the engineering-console has a good purpose. If you plan on taking full advantage of the enhanced battle cloak, as in shooting torps and mines while cloaked, any and all hits you take will go directly to your hull, so having a slot for another armor-console isn't actually a shabby idea at all. Though a tac-console…
  • On my Tac I got a theme going on. U.S.S. Amazon (NX Escort Replica) U.S.S. Banshee (Sabre-class Escort) U.S.S. Succubi (Akira-class Heavy Escort) U.S.S. She-Wolf (Defiant-class Tactical Escort) U.S.S. Siren (Dervish-class Patrol Escort) U.S.S Shewolf-A (Defiant-Class Tactical Escort Retrofit) U.S.S Valkyrie (Imperial-class…
  • You know, I am surprised Cryptic hasn't just gone "You know, eff this" and canceled the giveaway because there has been almost nothing but complaining or "sarcastic" remarks. Are you people really so jaded and bitter that the fact that you're given FREE STUFF... you STILL feel the need to whine about something? Pathetic.
  • I just can't get over the fact that Cryptic is offering free stuff and people are STILL finding a way to whine and complain???? Its.FREE.STUFF. Who really cares what it is, its free for crying out loud >_> Also, I need to get back to leveling my klink... ->
  • How nice of you to ignore the meat of my argument. Point is, there are people out there who are intentionally griefing others. And yes, some people even state that they are doing it. (Yes, I've used report every time I've seen it. Doesn't seem to stop em though) and others who just HAVE to be doing it intentionally because…
  • Alright. Let's say it does get abused. (Funnily me nor any of my guild ever got wrongfully kicked over a period of several years nor did we see anyone get wrongfully kicked. *Shrug*) May I quote Spock here. "Good of the many outweigh the good of the few. Or the one man." If 99 leechers get kicked for one innocent…
  • Stopping a warp ship isn't the biggest issue I see in the Star Trek universe. Cloaks are the biggest one. I mean, what's preventing Klingons from taking every single cloak-capable ship in their fleet and sending them to Earth, decloaking in earths orbit and bombing the planet to ruins? In the DS9-episode Way of the Warrior…
  • Am I the only one who gets the feeling that anyone here talking in the lines of "Its not against the TOS/EULA" or using some other way to defend/suggest just dealing with it is just another Leecher afraid their effort-free marks might be going away? Because why else would you defend something that irritates and diminishes…
  • They could do it in a way that you CAN run the original ones if you wanted, but you don't NEED to. I.e Have the original ones give the same rewards. Just more of them. For example: Have each part you complete give a certain amount of Dil, OM And BNP. so that once you finish the run, you end up with (and this is just a…