My main doesn't say anything. If you want anything, you slide a bar of latinum through the slot, then the door opens. If you can't do that then it's not important. ... What? Kraig's a Ferengi.
My goodness this forum is full of cynical buggers, isn't it? As for my chances... Eh, i know I won't win. Simply for the reason that I never do, and not for anything like 'it's not a real contest' or 'they'll just give it to their buddies'.
So upload video, cross fingers and pray all goes well, basically? XD I appreciate the advice guys. Fingers crossed, everything goes well, I'll probably start a new character and do a video a week or something.
... I'd probably go mental if there was no bacon too. XD Thank you for the advise, sir. I'll probably do a test before Delta and see how Youtube reacts.