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darthraiderxxx Arc User



  • You can access your funds as soon as you have paid 100+ years of outstanding banking fees. >:)
  • I used to run 2 piece Borg + Dyson Shield. But like others have moved on from that combo a long time ago. The 2 piece Borg combo recently made it back on one of my ships in the visual slots together with the shield from the Breen set for some mean Borg look.
  • A hard cap would maybe solve your particular problem but would cause a problem for others, in particular all those that hit the hard cap. One of the key points of RPG's / MMO's is the ability to progress normally done via getting better gear / more abilites / more shinies while you play through the game. Why should any…
  • Racism? Really? I wasn't aware that lefties suddenly became their own race.... And the reason why you don't see this in most games is simple. A lot of animations would have to be done twice. Or in other words, quite some money/worktime would have to be invested. And that just isn't happening for such a little gain.
  • The reason why movies/TV can show NS symbols and games can't is rather simple. Movies/TV are considered art by German law and therefore fall under the freedom of arts law which allows the use the symbols under certain conditions. Games are not considered art and therefore cannot show the symbols. Did i mention that our…
  • That phase would be the Benthans. And they are really not that hard if your team spreads out. There are basically 5 lanes with benthan ships to save and if each player takes one lane, you should be fine. Unfortunately most pugs tend to cluster together. Maybe some arrows/borders for each lane could help with that similar…
  • 0 in combat HP regen is the normal value. Only certain traits like ironsides give HP regen in combat and probably some consumables as well. I just jumped back and forth between tribble and holo with the same char both times in dyson ground zone and i can't find any difference in HP regen on ground.
  • No change. It adds the same 5%/min (out of combat) both on Holodeck and tribble. I think kidfinn is onto something with different hull regen baselines on tribble and holodeck.
  • Read the patchnotes on Tribble. It's only new chars for one week to test leveling up with the new skill system. You can try all your chars after that week on Tribble.
  • You are thinking of Undine Infiltration, the ground map with its stupid one wrong answer to one of the 10 questions and the entire team fails rather than just punish the player that got the answer wrong. Undine Assault is a space map and cannot really be failed aside from the timer running out. And all the tutorials in the…
  • This is a good QOL change. There was already a market for some ships above 500 m EC. At that point the old EC cap became redunant. This will allow seller to sell those ships without being online and buyers can benefit from the typical undercutting the current highest price just a bit. Yes, there will be the random idiot…
  • Not getting your desired space barbie options does not equal discrimination. If anything, this thread belittles the problems people are facing that are actually being discriminated in any way.​​
  • It's a dread so 8 weapon slots ,one hangar bay and a slow turn rate bay are safe bets.​​
  • Please add the old Rezreth model as alternative skin. I like the other Breen ships but this one looks like the other 3 Breen ships got in a horrible accident.​​
  • A good cause and i get a T1 and T6 ship on top of that? And probably a Mirror Leeta BOFF as well? ​​
  • My main is using full beams for high DPS runs. For everything else i have a variety of builds but mostly beams + 1 torp or cannons + 1 torp. My Sci alt has a heavy torp build on a Phantom and a Grab and Smash build on a Vesta.​​
  • It's pretty simple actually. Let's say you are a new player that starts playing right before the winter event, grinds for all the ships in this event and the next events and you will end up with 10+ T5/T6 ships for free at the end of the summer event. That is a lot of ships that can fill pretty much all roles/shipclasses…
  • The 5th mastery slot is unlocked on the normal C-Store T6 ship. In order to use it, you have to slot it as one of your active starship traits. Once you have unlocked it, you can use it with any ship.​​
  • No T6 fleet version of any ship comes with the 5th mastery slot. You have to get the C-Store version of that ship for the 5th mastery trait. Sounds more like you should have gathered information before you buy something, didn't do so and now have a severe case of buyer's remorse. Also if you already have the 5th mastery…
  • Also make sure to bring the Bio-Molecular Shield Generator from the Undine rep with you and use it on the station (not needed in this particular run obviously because DEEPS). Those can help you quite a bit to keep the station up while you are closing rifts and upgrade the defense.​​
  • Put your torps in your ability tray and fire them manually. That way you not only will solve the problem of the wrong torpedo using the buff but you also can time your torp use better (actually waiting with that HY torp until shields are low) which will help your overall performance.​​
  • Anyone claiming to be surprised by this is either ignorant or has been living under a rock since the same changes happened to the summer event. I also have zero problems with Cryptic making ships and currencies exclusive to specific events. If you really want that ship, you will play otherwise don't complain afterwards.…
  • Pay to win what? I didn't realize there was some competition going on within the Admirality sys. And there are 3 free ships each year from events, plenty of ships from giveaways, ships from leveling up, ships for dil and stuff like mirror ships available at the exchange. That's a lot of ships without spending any real…
  • 27 ships with two of them bought. All other are event ships, ships from giveaways or ships i bought with EC or via Dil/Zen exchange. And if you only can do 3 missions a day, pick them with care. Those Tier1/2 ships are great to get rid of multiple missions a day that offer a bad requirement/reward ratio.​​
  • Since when are Dil, crafting mats and a boatload of XP (which equals more dil if you have maxed your captain specs) trash rewards? . "I am not getting a super awesome ship for some clicks!!!!!!!!"​​
  • I like the system the way it currently is. It forces you to put some thought in it and not just accept every mission. Putting 3 tier 5/6 ships into a mission for some EC or some prisoners (at least on the fed side they have little to no purpose) is probably not a good idea. If you don't think a mission is worth that some…
  • They certainly need to do something with either the survivability of pets or their behavior. I don't even enjoy using my JHDC anymore. Almost everytime i launch hangar pets, i see them exploding a couple of seconds later. It's like they are magically drawn to every warp core breach on the map. Might as well rename all…
  • Someone make some popcorn. This episode of STO's Daily Drama is really good.​​
  • I played 10 CCA, 2 ISA, 1 Tholian red alert and 1 VEE since the patch and the improvments are significant for me. Less lag/rubberbanding, the UI is more responsive and less missfires. Far from perfect but a big step in the right direction.