It's true, the Galaxy is pretty useless offensively in PVP, but it can sure draw the fire if it wanted to as a tank. Then again, PVP, is useless as well. I don't know, IMO the Galaxy wasn't meant to be the same in this game as in the series. For one thing, it's now an old vessel in terms of timeline. Another is, the TV…
I agree with this statement. I'm always trying to make the PUG aware that I'm new at any particular mission. It let's them know to coach you as a player, and to forgive a little when mistakes are made. However, there is always going to be turn over in this game and some people are going to be new. I'd personally be more…
It's cool that they're still going to run the map the way it is without the floater trial, but can they actually just extend the bloody thing to the 15th? It is still summer then. :P At least that way people on vacation for real can get their stuff and be happy. I got mine, I'm just saying.