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cuatela Arc User



  • Post patch, if I try to launch the game client directly, it gives errors about missing files, including steam dll files. I found that odd since I'm still using the standalone launcher and have never used the Steam version. Based on that, it seems like the patch server is handing out the wrong files all around maybe (as…
  • I haven't been following this thread, so I won't comment on any previous posts, but I did want to leave my comments here since this change directly affects me and my entire fleet. I'm part of a fairly small episodic-style roleplay fleet. We have scheduled roleplay sessions that last about three hours, and these sessions…
  • I tried to fix it by forcing a reset to defaults, but the issue remains following a map change or opening the settings menu again.
  • Cstore ships like the Jupiter don't go on the test server for testing unless the devs need it tested before release. Go check the ship vendor on Tribble, and you should see that all the zen ships aren't actually purchasable, because there is no zen on Tribble.
  • The terran outfits are mostly fine once they're unlocked, although the palette on the shorts is severely limited (using the board shorts palette for some reason). The real issue is with the unlocks, because for some reason the Jupiter (Leeta) only unlocked 3 of the jupiter shirts, whereas odyssey unlocked about 8 of them…
  • The pieces are, oddly enough, in the Uniform category. The top is under Uniform - Jacket Tight, and has options for upper, hands, both arms, shoulders, wrists, chest gear, and back. The bottom is under Uniform - Pants Tight, and has options for Lower, Feet, and Hips Left/Right. There's also a helmet under the "Helmet and…
  • The whole Category option is missing on my human female, specifically for the Omega, Delta, and Voth costumes. I can also confirm the Khan facewrap is missing from off-duty, but the vedek hood and knitted cap are still there. Maco and uniforms seem to be working okay.
  • Is yours a standard or fleet T5? The B'Rotlh skin does work on the standard T5 B'rel, but not on the Fleet B'rel. I haven't tested the Fleet Kor, but I can confirm the rest on my end.
  • The real question is have you been a lifetime member for more than 1,000 days? Unlike Holodeck, which grants your rewards instantly because you're a lifetime member, Tribble grants rewards solely based on your "length of service". I ran into this issue myself when the vet ships were first released, because at the time I…
  • I'm liking the system so far, but I do have one suggestion: Given that the first Admiral rank is granted at 40, it seems to me that an Admiralty system should start when the player actually becomes an admiral (or equivalent).
  • http://sto.gamepedia.com/Patrol_Escort_Refit should have what you need.
  • I'd love to see an increase on the number of channels too. To be honest, I never really understood the limit, except that Cryptic's chat system is somewhat... fragile. The limit is just one of numerous issues that need to be addressed at some point. The biggest reason to stay is that beta and gamma fleets will tend to be…
  • For being so overpriced, I'd expect that software to be relatively free from exploits. So much for getting what you pay for.
  • While you're in there cleaning up stuff, could you make accessories somewhat more consistent across the categories? For example, if I can wear the Enterprise boots in Loose, I should be able to wear them in the other categories too unless it would cause clipping issues. You can probably guess from my sig where I'm going…
  • Voyager did. Also, keep in mind that STO isn't that far off from canon where future episodes are concerned. In TNG's "All Good Things" (set in 2395), the Dreadnought could destroy Klingon ships with two or three shots from its phaser lance. In Voyager's "Endgame", they had transphasic torpedos and ablative armor, which was…
  • You can just do the castle build during the off-time, and wait to turn it in when the event starts. You'll get the bonus favors, and not have to worry about the rush of people. As others have said, they're supposed to be disabled. not sure why they aren't, but it's probably an exploit. Would be nice...
  • It's not the other players on the map. I've seen this issue on both holodeck and tribble, with nobody else on the map in either location. As others have said, the issue only happens when facing the island itself, which means it's an issue with either the ground or the vegetation. Whether that's the models, textures, or…
  • Am I the only one who thinks the ship is backwards? The way it looks in the promo pic, the three prongs are pointed toward the rear of the ship (whereas on the D'kora, they're pointed forward). The way it looks now, it looks like a Cardassian/Ferengi hybrid to me.
  • FE's don't work because they're not being tested on Tribble. The Cstore doesn't work because a) they're not testing the cstore on tribble right now, and b) they don't want players wasting zen on tribble (either intentionally or accidentally).
  • Personally, I'd prefer the name Ju'day over Condor. I'd love to see a Maquis Raider in the game either way though.
  • I concur. This change is directly contradictory to previous statements that we would be able to obtain old event ships (either from scratch or finishing a previously started project). As someone who was drawn to STO because I could work for what I wanted without having to rush (or feel like it would be useless a month…
  • As a request... instead of changing or replacing existing assets, would it be possible to add the new versions as a secondary option wherever possible? That was done with the Defiant's variants, and I greatly appreciated having more options as opposed to having parts changed completely. Reason being, I'm looking at some of…
  • I have a feeling the sto-forum.perfectworld.com link will (eventually) redirect to the STO section of the ArcGames forums. Personally, I'm annoyed and disappointed by this upcoming change. They already made changes to the forum once with the Cryptic/PWE accounts merger, and everyone lost their previous post association.…
  • To answer the OP's question, the following shields have visual effects: Crafted: Aegis - "TRON" lines Omega Force Reputation: Assimilated - portions of the hull look assimilated MACO - portions of the hull have a "shiny armor" look Omega - portions of the hull look armored Honor Guard - hull is armored/gray, with nacelle…
  • Yes, the Photonic Engineering Boff (Delta Recruit reward) is fully customizable. There is no exo-comp boff, but federation engineers can spawn exocomp drones (both support and seeker)
  • For the devs who are investigating this issue, I noticed that the Iconian tech-related BOff dialogue triggers after going through the lift. I picked up the device and stood around to see if it would trigger on a time limit, but it always seemed to trigger after going through the lift. Considering that this dialogue (and…
  • For those who are having the issue on holodeck, a fleetmate clued me in to this workaround. 1. On the mission step "Go to Cargo Bay 6", go to the indicated doorway, but do not use the door yet. 2. Pause the mission. 3. Interact with the elevator (either by clicking the button or right-clicking on the door itself). 4.…
  • Specializations cannot be respecced, but you can (eventually) spec into all available trees. If you want points somewhere else, you simply need to earn more points to spend in those locations. Personally, I wish we could respec, but it's currently not possible for Specializations.
  • Actually... we do see the ejection system, or at least the hatch(es) for it. Exhibit A: Voyager extends landing gear. Note the hexagon-shaped hatch just behind the deflector. Also note the proximity to the deflector (toward the front of the engineering hull). Exhibit B: Voyager ejects warp core. Note the hexagon-shaped…
  • The reasoning was that they wanted players to be able to tell what a weapon was by the color. Gold = phaser, green = disruptor, etc. Of course, that kinda went out the window with the blue Andorian Phasers and green Biomolecular phasers, but whatever.