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What is the Arc Client?
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cplreivax Arc User



  • http://s7.postimg.org/56mx6v6xn/screenshot_2013_09_19_14_45_09.jpg USS Red October
  • I'll keep all that in mind. Glad to know there's other options outside. Just need to sit down and hash it out with the fleet leader. I think an ultimatum might scare him but eventually lead to nothing. We'll see though. Thanks again everyone
  • I feared as much, I contacted cryptic earlier, so I guess I'll wait to see what they say. But I assume it's going to be the "sorry but not our problem" speech. I know I only lose my spot on the leaderboard... which isn't an issue. Just hate having to gather everyone up and moving out. Alas it's only a game. Thanks for the…