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Is there anyway? Fleet issue

cplreivaxcplreivax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Earth Spacedock
I know this is kind of a lost cause but is there anything my fleet can do to remove or demote a fleet leader who is personally abusing the fleet.

- He's been begging all the newcomers to the fleet for EC, anywhere between 4-11 mil EC at a time. Then saves it all up to buy new ships for himself after he told everyone it was going to be for the fleet. (note: this is after I an officer in the fleet keep telling everyone to not give EC to anyone)

- He's unwilling to give any of the officers any real power... we're merely used as figureheads. When approached he'll temporarily make us happy then if we do something he doesn't like we're stripped of those said powers.

- Actively tells people outside the fleet that if he ever needs more EC he can mooch it off the fleet.

The only reason myself or other officers don't leave the fleet just yet is b/c we're tier 4 and progressing towards t5 shipyard and we've all donated so much and spent so much time helping the fleet that we don't want to leave without a fight. Keep in mind this fleet leader is basically a child when approached. I just want to know if there's anything we can do. If not our only option is to just leave. I'd hate to leave after all that time spent building this fleet up only to see it crumble b/c of one idiot in charge who basically won't learn or listen.
Post edited by cplreivax on


  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm sorry to hear what has happened. It's a shame when people act in this manor and seem to forget that being part of a fleet is building a strong community where like minded players can have fun and relax.

    I saw a similar thread months back with something like this and they ended up having to start over. I'm not even sure if Cryptic will do anything about it personally. I think you can claim leadership when they don't log on for 30 days, but that's probably it.

    I do hope you can get it resolved. That being said, if you are unable to find a solution to stay in your fleet, then you are more than welcome to join us. We're approaching Tier 4 Military ourselves, so not too far behind.

    Hopefully it won't come to that though. Sorry I can't be of much more help to you!
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll throw out there, that there are other T4 fleets that are active, and moving towards T5 themselves. Perhaps one of those would be more to your liking.

    You lose absolutely nothing by moving to another fleet, he looses people he can abuse. Good people from the sounds of it.

    Well, you do lose your spot on the Leaderboard (this is fleet specific). But any Fleet Credit you have earned carries over with you.

    Other than that, you can a) hope he goes inactive for 30 days, or b) start a new fleet.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • cplreivaxcplreivax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I feared as much, I contacted cryptic earlier, so I guess I'll wait to see what they say. But I assume it's going to be the "sorry but not our problem" speech.

    I know I only lose my spot on the leaderboard... which isn't an issue. Just hate having to gather everyone up and moving out. Alas it's only a game. Thanks for the replies.
  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Your welcome! It's a shame when something like this happens. But again, if it were me, I'd rather keep a strong community alive than deal with the kind of stuff your facing with the leader and start again or find one to join.

    It is a game and having fun should always be the main focus :)
  • micel942micel942 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First of all, I would like to say I am just appalled by your leader. That is just an outrage. And you should consider joining a tier 4 fleet or higher. The only way to defeat your leader is to:

    1. Leave with as many fleet members as you can and start a new fleet.
    2. Leave with your fleet mates and join an existing fleet.
    3. Just don't contribute to anything and revolt.
    4. You can report all of your leaders chat messages as spam.
    5. Report him to a GM
    6. Ignore him.
    7. Don't follow his commands.

    That's all I can think of. It's a miracle that you stayed in the fleet longer than you should of. Although in light of what is happening, You still have a Tier 4 fleet. That is something to be proud of. I just became a fleet leader and I'm rallying as much cooperation as possible. Fleet moral needs to exist in order to be a "fleet". Owning a fleet or being apart of a fleet for the long run is about 90% people and 10% duty. Your leader seems like none of that, and is clearly scamming you into oblivion.

    However I will also mention, if any of your mates are willing to join a Tier 0 fleet, I will gladly open my doors to you and anyone else involved. Not saying you are willing to invest that much into a fleet again, but my doors are open and I would honestly believe many other fleets are willing to do the same for you :) you can definitely contact me on my in game handle at baldwin@micel942 if anything comes up. And I wish you the best of luck :D
  • warpedcorewarpedcore Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tell the other officers and the membership whats going on. Give the current Guild Leader an ultimatum. Stop being a jerk, or we leave en-mass. If you can take a number of the people with you, you can start a new fleet and re-earn what you stand to lose. You can also go to a new fleet with your current membership and negotiate a fleet merger, or something. Pending on the numbers you have available to you.
  • cplreivaxcplreivax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll keep all that in mind. Glad to know there's other options outside. Just need to sit down and hash it out with the fleet leader. I think an ultimatum might scare him but eventually lead to nothing. We'll see though. Thanks again everyone
  • stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As the GM of our fleet at SSO I have to ask, how did this just happen? I mean I have only been at this since april but my fleet knows me, they all do, they have all talked to me, know what I am like, and I have earned their trust in that I practice what I preach.

    Now we have probably 60 members, but if I treated my members, my friends, like your saying your GM is treating you all, well I would soon be in a lonely fleet. We have a T3 base on the way to T4, a T2 embassy and almost a T2 Dil mine, but even with all that I don't think my fellows would put up with actions like your GM is doing.

    What advice you have been given is correct, pack your bags and take as many with you as will follow, you need any support pop by www.ssofleet.com and PM me, Handle is Loki. SSO stands ready to give any support we can to help.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    GM usually stands for game master and thats something different than a fleet leader
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