Being in a small fleet, I don't normally have access the these goodies, but though this nice offer, all my characters now have elite fleet shields. Thanks guys!
Only the Spheres seem to have EPtE. GW is still effective in KASE and CSE (and Crystalline Entity event!) On a related note: I've tried a GW+Aux2Bat build on my Fleet Dhelan. The shorter cooldown is awesome, and the lower Aux power level doesn't seem to make a difference.
For carriers, I like the Jem HEC. It has a mediocre turnrate out-of-box, but if you use an Aux2Bat build, the extra engine power will make it play more like a real escort.
This post is like showing up to a kid's birthday party with a nicely wrapped present, then interrupting the birthday song to proclaim that none of it matters because his parents will probably be divorced in a few years anyway. :P
Just upgraded to lifetime last weekend and this is happening to me too. My 3 Fed and 1 rom-KDF can claim their fireworks from ESD and New Romulus (respectively). However, the console in First City isn't active for any of my 3 KDF.
Other notes: Post-LoR, Tholians can also gain a massive hull damage resistance buff. (I think it's a bug, but maybe it's just an undocumented mechanic.) If you notice that your target is only taking ~4 hull damage per shot, it's best to move onto the next target and come back later.
EPS helps - Recovery from beam overload, recovery from full impulse, recovery from a different power setting EPS does not help - Normal shots (cannons or beams) Extra Note: EPS skill increases the power bonus from EPtX skills, so if you run EPtW, it will increase your DPS slightly.
Way too many buttons in STO for a game controller. Even if you make all the no-brainers autocast (EPtX, TT, ...), there are still so many situational combat abilities. I actually play WoW too, and this was the first game that forced me to integrate Ctrl and Alt chords into my keybinds. ><
Lifetime is 500 Zen per month + a bunch of inventory slots + vet rewards Legacy Pack is basically a bunch of ship and costume unlocks (almost all of which you can buy individually with Zen) with a bulk pricing. If you could only get one, I'd go with the Lifetime
Crystalline Entity Event - Tholian and Shard adds intermittently gaining extremely high hull resistance (only taking 1 damage per shot). Hypothesis: Is this the buff that the CE was supposed to have during the absorption phase?
Comparing BOFF skills to player skills makes me a bit confused so you may have to include a screenshot if this doesn't answer your question: You need to spend a minimum number of points at a lower tier to put points in higher tiers. There is also a minimum bar for ground/space points. Try putting points in some lower…
Possibilities: - Crazy stuff going on in the linker - Non-diff based patching - New network stack (although it's a stretch to think they would try a new library every 3 days)
I've seen this once or twice, but don't have consistent repro steps. It seems to be binding anything in your spellbook that is not already bound. A possible workaround might be to scroll up to bars #4-6 and dump everything you don't care about there.
I've seen queues during the first week of each new season (since FTP), but it usually gets back to normal after that. Never seen 2000+ before though. Probably going to take a few days off, but I expect to be on my normal DOFF schedule by this time next week.
This. I have characters both sides, so I'm actually happy about Fed PL. That said, I think the lack of 5-tac console KDF Fleet Ships is unfair and should probably be rectified as soon as possible. It shouldn't take much dev time either: no new models necessary, no new logic necessary. Also: +1 to everyone who pointed out…
That's kind of like asserting that Broccoli is a dessert, and then going on to complain how unfair it is that a dessert can be healthier than iceberg lettuce.
You can purchase extra BOFF slots from the Z-store (under Services). However, if your next rank ship has a 5th station, you should receive a free BOFF slot when you hit that rank.
It's always been that way. Before, Leadership was broken, and Romulan Operative didn't exist, so Efficient was really the only working BOFF space trait. Now I'd say it's: Romulan Operative >> Subterfuge >= Leadership > Efficient > (no space trait) Edit: looks like Subterfuge has a defense bonus now