the bug after miy test is caused by not properly setting episode wise that you cleared the neutral zoen and are not yet fully allied what causes those issues in otherwords the scripts for beta quadrent and delta quadrent are not yet complet transwarping to a system will first make the game belive to be rank 1 of that…
a lockbox has still a monetary vaule Zen and dilitum can be excchnaged for real monet which give the lockboxes a real monetary vaule Zen can be echange for like 1100 Zen is round 10 Euro dilitium is exchanged round 160-500 is 1 Zen Lootbox keys go for 100 Zen 20 lootbox go for 200 dilitium all this gives you real money…
in the movie where Admiral krik educatis a bunch of rookies in the kobayashi Maru event he fully admits afterwards that he changed that program, where he hack the computer befor hand so it nolonger was a no win senario. here an out take about what happend: _______________________________________________________________ The…
all new tzenkenthi stuff still only in halv beta sicne its been release for a very short time so all proper adjustement to the stf on all difficulty is not done: meaning normal is elite elite is normal and so forth sicne those tend to bug like that the first 2-6 months same thing with the battlewar zone the adjustements…
its to help those that start, to save time and money by doing episodes and red alert on normal and to understand that the debuff can be removed at 0 cost at bases
as long yopu play on normal difficulty there is literaly no down side of dieing and higher difficulty doesnt give any better rewards what so ever in red alerts, and episodes the only bonus you get is in the fleet ,events and stf queue runs what actualy gives very rare R&D materials for crafting and slight more marks and…
allready rank 50 at new character once you in 25 cen they rank up as fast as romulna ps the UI is based on KDF sicne yes its Mirror univers starfleet thats why mirrow univers starfleet logo and extremly restricted races reason i think its mirrow is cauise they have the mirror starfleet logo that was shown in a mirror…
reasaon that its alot of work is they create TOS first as a KDF version then they kinda gotten, oh its actually federation lol and then since its an out split of KDF that is rewritten to federations they needed to re:add all the scripts for every TOS thingy instead of just sub a federation sub and then simply revamp it,…