try the ship tailor I think you can still get it but you need to buy it with zen. I remember the was a work around just missed out on the bundle but I end up getting that way
Yes end game Miranda Please. As it stand right now a Shuttlecraft and a Runabout have more hull points then my Miranda which is Totally unbalanced! I'm asking for some better balance ....doesn't have to be crazy, maybe something like the tier 5 steamrunner would do. Hull: 30,000 Standard Shields: 5,225 (Mk X) Shield…
"[CaptainGeko] We are strongly considering giving older ships a second look to see if any of them need some love. We have a couple in mind, but I don't want to share which ones yet in case the list changes. But, to be clear, I'm talking about older ships, not the Odyssey or Bortasqu. We are happy with those, although we…
Show me where CBS said No to a Fleet Miranda? In UGC Podcast Captain Geko talks of Adding Constellation and the Kelsey Grammer Miranda (AKA Soyuz class Miranda)
Sorry until Cryptic gives up a Reit,Fleet or some other type of update to the miranda. You'll see us VA's flying around in mirandas in fleet actions.... At least I participate.
Any love for the Miranda-Class ? Fleet, refit, C-store or anything. If so, will see all 4 different variants IE Reliant (Twok), Lantree (TNG),Saratoga(DS9) ,Bozeman (TNG) <Kelsey Grammer Thank you
Yes this would be a great time to add Fleet Miranda class with the other three variants of the class. Maybe even the soyuz class, just a thought heard it on a podcast once :rolleyes:
When is a Miranda refit coming to play. Like a Varaint II The USS Lantree (TNG- Unnatural Selection) or III USS Saratoga like you one from (DS9- Emissary)