You didn't mention Twitter, but due to how you misspelled BlueSky I'll also say that large portions of the Trek fandom have abandoned Twitter over the past year or so due to Elon Musk, and this includes Bort and Thomas. Counselor Sunna is active on both though, and the game itself currently only has an official account on…
Likely no. However, I do like the fact that it appears like the Feds and Klingons are getting a Romulan equivalent to the Scimitar. All they need is a fighter slot and they would be set. The miracle worker bonus console slot sort of makes up for that. The designs are nice, especially the BoP. Like others have said tho, I…
Science Pilot Escort is my current favorite. Love the 5/2 set up with the pilot abilities to keep foes in that forward arc. Also, that variant has 5 tac consoles and access to Grav Well, good times. For an older ship, I really liked the fleet Ar'Kif. Fun ship with quad cannons and some fighters to watch get caught in warp…
Stone age thinking??? WTF does social justice and minority rights have to do with re-writing a franchise? Agree or disagree with the changes but by comparing the two you are slighting the real struggle of minority rights. Re-boot, lens-flare acceptance is not on par with TRIBBLE rights, or the civil rights movement. Come…
Lol, that is because they axed the poor Caitan female. Also, they changed the shuttle bay to include a ship entering the bay. Not to mention adding lights to the consoles. We can agree to disagree whether the new lighting is better or not but can they at least give examples that are the same? There was no need to add…
Interesting and good questions all around but think about what you are saying. It's 2410 and your talking about whether we should use 31st century ships or 29th. Let that sink in for a bit......
Perhaps, although I imagine the coding for the PC game and either console are quite a bit different. Either way, the shadows are better but the coloration is way off in the afters. I guess it is a matter of preference. I suppose I would rather see more interiors or other such fluff rather than this fluff. Shrug.
Hmm, my money is on a new expansion with a new playable race that can pick Fed/Kling alignment same as Roms. Perhaps a exploration revamp but I doubt it.
Well, I can appreciate a good challenge and many others do too. However, when basic mechanics are broken or bugged, that is a whole different story. Most of my angst with this game is the unstable servers. Sometimes I can play for hours, most of the time I get booted every 15 minutes. Usually when just surfing the…
Seems to me that most "I Quit" threads by people being childish and wanting a "grand exit" would likely use more middle fingers or curses when they leave. The OP was civil. Something lost on you, apparently. I have quit other games and left rants. Generally, if a game is going well and people are not upset, they have no…
Honestly, when people complain that the OP left an I quit thread, I have to laugh. Some quitters are just trolls. This OP seems to have well reasoned complaints, whether you agree with them or not. And as to why quitters post, because they care. If they did not feel bad about leaving and "had" a love for the game, they…
1000% this ^^^^^. This ship is just nasty. 5/2 wep setup with 4 DBB's, Rom hyper torp and omni plasma/kcb out back. Very survivable and great dps. Fun ship. I do wish there was a t6 mirror mogai but alas. That was an epic ship while leveling up.
I believe the Romulan HEC would be pronounced "Ar'Kif". I can just say, I hope they release a T6 Ar'kif. I love mine and would love for it to have T6 goodness, a new tac oriented trait and another piece to its current 2pc console/quad cannon set. Also, on a side note. T6 T'varo is already out, masked as a "intel" ship. At…
Before the Trolls go on parade(too late), I think the OP is referring to the Delta recruit "enhanced experience". I agree, it is way to fast. For an alt char it is great. If you are new to the game, it is ridiculous. For instance, I have been trying to level my 59 Rom Tac to 60 for longer than it took me to get my Delta…
Wow, just wow. While I can feel the pain many KDF have over being screwed on story missions being rehashed Fed content, no Sci ships, no T6 Carrier, etc., how can people complain about these pilot ships. Seriously.....They have the best hull, a cloak like every KDF ship(save BoP and carriers), and a nice 5/2 layout. Not to…
Well, I do not argue with Geko's numbers on sales but considering the dyson ships were un-klingon looking, a carrier is not a pure sci ship and gorn ships are not Klingon, I have to disagree with Geko's assessment. Like others have said, make a Vesta stat like ship that looks like a Klingon design and it will sell. Hell, I…
Best game I ever played for Star Trek pvp was Starfleet Command. That game was based off of the old wax pencil Starfleet Battles. Ships were given a point value, so no one was able to face off with a dreadnought compared to a frigate. Also, in that game, no way a frigate would stand a chance against a dread. Unlike here…
This and quad cannons, annihilation mode, elite scorps and battle cloak. With the new Xindi weapons coming out the Ar'kif can make use of the new turret and plasma torp. This ship will continue to kick TRIBBLE and have some survivability. Until they offer T6 fleet, it will still best the Faeht.
This mission, though somewhat lacking in real content, was ok. The bigger problem I have with it is Sela's voice acting. It seemed that her tone for most of it did not match the situations in which we heard her say it. It is either a major fail on the VA's part or Cryptic's for not setting her up to the correct situation.…
I happily fly the Fleet Ar'kif and just recently decided to pony up and grab the quad cannons from the Arkala to make the 2pc set exclusive to the Ar'kif. Wow, all I can say is wow. Even though I roll with beams(DBB and Omni), adding the cannon has added quite a bit of dps. I do not roll with FAW and prefer BO.…
Honestly, I know this will be closed but I am having the same issue and cannot even get a link to submit a ticket to fix it. Looked all over their support site and Perfect World contact page and even though they list hours of operation to contact them, they do not list a phone number.....:confused:. Not making any claims…
Indeed, if a fleet Faeht were available, that might shift he balance over to it. But as currently laid out, I could not justify the $30 for it. Fleet would indeed be a game changer.
OP, I roll in a fleet Ar'kif as well. I have seen no reason, other than cosmetic, to switch to the T6 T'varro. I love the look of it and it does have cool abilities but it is squishy as hell. As you know, the Ar'kif sports not only a better shield mod but much better hull. Your dps is 0 when dead or running for your life.…