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bain4 Arc User



  • Same here can't train anything on one of my Romulans, bridge officer trainer is grayed out .
  • Yeh I agree with the OP , this ship is so overpowered, I can see it now I will fly into a mob charge up my super weapon and by the time it has charged up there will be nothing for me to shoot because some escort will have vaporized the mob with sv3 and ts3 . As for PvP everyone will be wanting to sit on my tail to destroy…
  • Same here Player Booting Failed
  • I'v been having some fun in the T'varo in PvE it just destroys mobs, when I get to within 4k from a mob I let loose with over charged torp fly into the middle of them hit the singularty power that teleports u 5k away and leaves a gravwell behind turn around and hit with a scatter volley and torp spread 3, I have found that…
  • Does that mean that everyone will be sitting in an arena looking at empty space becuse everyone is cloaked (assuming Rommi ships have a cloak) .
  • Think it will still be 2 sides, just the Romulan and Reman will be allied to fed or kdf,
  • I find cr3 and torp spread 3 work well for me in my escort for STF's, tho I do use attack pattern Delta 3 gives a nice boost to your resists and when u aggro a group it slaps a nice -49% resists on them all.
    in DPSing Comment by bain4 February 2013
  • There are only two types of situations I've observed where Bugships go down; 1. Against other Bugships-full stop. 2. When the pilot's clearly flying something he bought in his first ever PvP experience-as in mistakes Raptor or FedScort jockeys don't tend to make, even when they ARE new-i.e. incredibly, mind-blowingly,…