Heh, Feee-male ferengi middle fingers and a Karemma teen calling Quark "Ears"! I've always liked that Karemma girl. She's so bright, cheerful even in the middle of a mutant grasshopper invasion. Awesome mission, awesome prequel mission briefing, awesome writing. Great job, Cryptic! Could make a legit Trek script off of it!
What in the Vault of Eternal Destitution happened to Odo's face? And, no, Gurluas. No D'kyr for Romulans until the Romulans are willing to give up THEIR ships in return to the Federation - or, better yet, share tech that will better arm their Vulcan cousins. New Vulcan/Federation Romulan vessel... The D'tankyr... The…
Funny thing is, that random person/team of average Jacks n' Jills, put more work into that refit ship interior than Cryptic will ever do with another "expansion" again.
Y E S. God, YES. Vorta are the premium race of the Gamma Quadrant. Please, PLEASE. LET IT BE SO. PLEASE, SAY, YES. MAKE IT SO, CRYPTIC. Scientists AND doctors/surgeons/medical professionals... registered medical professionals. AND engineers - those that have studied aerospace engineering would have me stop with a "say no…
I would love to but I would not get Delta Recruit. It's over... I'm just holding on to some feeble hope that I can somehow get my tesseract device on my character.
A. Yes. B. Yes. C. No. I DID make a delta, however. Got the cutscene from a temporal agent that handed my future self the tesseract device, but logged off prior to my future self giving it to my current self and now I can't get it at all. So it's B.
I believe that I did finish the tutorial, sir. i am currently on "communication breakdown" quest. Is that still the tutorial? Please pardon me if my questions seem a bit... ignorant. I'm not used to the federation side.
I'm afraid to progress further with this character... I sent a GM Ticket, hopefully it'll get resolved. Here's proof of my character's creation time: https://imgur.com/a/LncfTJQ
All I want is Vorta as a LTS reward. You know Cryptic has turned back on what they have said before if it means profit. C'mon, vorta in Dominion faction.... LTS.... That's the perfect incentive. Vorta can be doffs and be sent on dangerous missions for Starfleet/KDF as petty officers. I see no reason they can't be starship…
Exactly. I can't believe that Starfleet would choose the morally red area in supporting those... monsters! I mean, come on? Body snatching? .... Without enforcing PAYMENT for the body and the snatching?! Hu-mans!
Yeah. You can't be a superior being of the highest intellect Ferengi. And just why, might I ask, would you NOT want to be a Ferengi? It's illogical as a Vulcan would say!
You have an excellent analytical mind, Snow. Be proud of that. You've got it all right! Welcome to the Psuedo-Prime Universe of Star Trek Online! Everything you knew and loved bottomed out and was completely subsidized by my most esteemed compatriots of the Ferengi Alliance since 2409! Want a Narada-esque BORG-assimilated…
Letheans are weird... No one really pays attention to them for over 8 years and when they finally get a ship named after them it's a carbon-copy of some weird Andorian and "Dewan" ship... Which chicken came first? There is no way Letheans, Andorians, and Dewans - of ALL things - can have a similar looking vessel.…
We kind of threw morality out of the window when we allowed the conniving Romulans and their homicidal Reman cousins to fly in our faces with their vaunted Scimitars fully armed with Thalaron weaponry. There is no profit in this for us without green blood and an avian fetish. They get our ships yet we get nothing from them…
You really have to work on that proofreading, Kael... "In “Storm Clouds Gather,” the first mission of Victory is Life, your Captain is summoned to Deep Space Nine to participate in the one of the largest meetings of the galaxy’s powers in history." Silly Klingon.
Some of you guys really need to T H I N K outside the B O X before you type. :tired_face: Vorta are doffs. Vorta can be sent out on missions, often very violent missions to do battle or what have you if you assign them to do so. They're representing the Klingon Empire or the Federation as registered members of those…