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arkatrix Arc User



  • Yeah can't comment either. Tried logging in & out. Tried posting a reply to someone else's comment. Nothing. Curse of Friday the 13th. :(
  • Good luck everyone. :)
  • HAVE: A D'Kora. WANT: Galor or Temporal Destroyer. PM if interested. :) Oh & here's some limericks. Hopefully they are ok. :) There once was a lock box from STO Which had a lid that just wouldn't blow So to open it's top Data took out a mop And Picard with a yell said make it so. There once was a lock box from STO Which…
  • Have a D'Kora. Would love a Galor. Probably not happening but Inbox me if you do. :D
  • /Signed Not that this will actually do anything because I am pretty sure no one PWE side actually gives a flying monkey's a***; but at least I'll add another discontented voice to the numbers. Lost my ID/Account name & join date. The forum is really confusing & ugly too in my opinion. STO lacks it's personally now & just…
  • Not enough. This is like a slap in the face! Oh BTW thanks for your feedback, we'll take note for CO. Really??? Uhmm this is STO. I don't care about CO. I don't play it; what I care about is the fact that no one could have used the foresight to make sure people would not lose something as important as their identities.…
  • So now I've lost my forum name, account name, join date, posts count I've had since open beta :(!! Honestly makes me not want to play STO anymore when you introduce stupid things like this!