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amlross Arc User



  • Grrr your missing the point lol. :D Its for OCD sufferers who feel each ship should have its set! Like if you have a breen ship then you MUST use it with the breen set and breen torps. And as lianthelia said, like the jem set boosts the jem ships. They need to do this with all ships so we can mate each ship with a unique…
  • Thanks but thats a pretty general rule we all follow. My point is that what should these ships be mated with? Romulan/Reman or Adapted Borg sets?
  • I understand your viewpoint. When I wrote that post I was thinking "so F'ing tired of people trying to buy and sell **** in both the forums AND the in game chat window" I still feel that way. My view is, if you want to buy or sell something use the exchange. That's what it's there for.
  • I don't understand why you think the system is archaic. Prices reflect the demand and availability of these ships. Not long ago the jem'hadar bug was going for 400m + but since release of the doff pack there is an influx of bugs on the exchange and the drop to 200m reflects that. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. I still…
  • Please don't use the forums for the buying and selling of items.....:rolleyes: As for your request: That's not how it works. If I have a galor and the going price on the exchange is 80m, why would I sell it to you for less? You haven't said anything that would prompt or compel anyone to agree to sell to you.
  • I have to say the only reason I still play this is because its trek and there are no other alternatives. So I probably wouldn't play it anymore. But having said that, in my time online I have made a lot of good friends. Fleet mates. I look forward to interacting with them when I log in. So if they stayed I would probably…
  • I still don't get why Klingon players are always trying to "1 up" fed players. I get you want to make the two factions unique and different from each other. If that's the case then take away all the cloaks permanently for Feds! But wait, the galaxy x is from an alt future where they started equipping fed ships with cloaks!…
  • A cloak is purely defensive. And as many Klingon bop users will attest, it's not a perfect system. When cloaking in the middle of a fight, your shields go down. It makes you even more vulnerable until the cloak is fully in place. I've died many times trying to escape with my battle cloak. I might have survived had I stayed…
  • We are talking about a cloak, not a weapon. It doesn't change any stats on the ship. It just gives it more survivability. Same as a bop. Why wouldn't the federation have access to such tech? Are you forgetting that phasing cloak they were developing in secret? You are ranting stats that are totally unnecessary to the point…
  • I don't see how it would break the ship. That's stupid. I don't see why the Klingons can have it but the defiant or galaxy x can't. We are only talking about 2 ships. Not everyone uses them anyway. It probably won't happen but I wish it would. Why should only Klingons have it? And btw, there is no need for name calling…
  • If the feration and the Klingons are at war, and the Romulans are in disarray, why wouldn't the federation install cloaks in all their ships? At least in the combat ships like the defiant. Give us the option so we can level the PvP playing field.
  • I want to say something similar to the OP. I started as a F2P noob simply because this is my first (and probably last) MMORPG. I wasnt sure if i would be able to play an MMO, but since I love all things trek, what better mmo to try than this one? Since F2P started, I have played almost every day. Ive spent a lot of money…
  • Since starting sto I have added many new boffs. Mainly the rare Reman, Jemhadar, Borg and Breen Boffs. I have also kept some of my originals and just added more boff slots so I can hold boffs with different abilities. I have boff layouts for cruisers (beam abilities) and escorts (cannon abilities) I have also trained and…
  • Esc works great! It still happens to me a lot but at least I can recover quickly. Thanks!