I do think also that the tholian encounter is probably the most challanging overall so far. Getting behind those webs is a must. We did a Tholian Video last week if you would like to check that out.
Glad you guys enjoyed it =) As far as rewards, we got about 2,000 Fleet marks if you count in fleet mark bonus pool tokens. Plus it was a lot of fun. We have made several videos that can be found on our site including other races such as Tholian and Nausicaan if you would like to check those out aswell.
Concerns are mounting about why the fleet doff's cannot be used to contribute to fleet projects. Even worse, the fact that they can be posted on the exchange but you cannot detect any difference from a fleet Doff and a normal doff making what you are purchasing on the exchange a complete unknown. This is a mounting concern…
Thank you for replying! I fear issues with the fleet politics solution. With some fleets being very large, monitoring everyone that contributes, and the only method for recourse being removal from the fleet will create additional problems. And this is for only the baddies that know there is a policy and dont follow it.…
Just to add another idea with this, you have a system developed already with the fleet bank that allows fleet leaders to setup min and max limits of deposits and withdrawls per bank tab. In our fleet the bank tabs are named similar to fleet ranks so you gain access to more items in the bank as you earn rank in the fleet.…