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Stargate Hail Ba'al Rambling



  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Alucard: I don’t mind, her name was also valendria… she died at a young age my…. *he stares into his cup with a sullen sigh* I’d prefer to leave it at that if it’s all the same to you.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: *she gives a slight nod* Nexa while being my child by blood... I didn't give birth to her. My husband and I found her when we were on Earth visiting old towns. While I thought it was so weird to find a little Orion girl there, I knew when I saw her that she was my daughter and we took her with us. Everything that's happened since has only cemented that. *there's a slight smile as she closes her eyes* I'm sorry if my reminiscing opens old wounds. But Val lost her father too, and she seems to like having you around. *she feels her thoughts are a bit cloudy as the alcohol starts taking effect*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Alucard: no it’s fine, I’ve held this in for so long I had forgotten what the pain felt like. If she is willing then I can try.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: Thats good... *she grunts for a moment before wondering* Where do you come from by the way? I don't think you're from this universe and you're not from Val's...
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Alucard: I come from the mirror of this universe, tho I am not with the Terran empire… I serve some one else. *he says taking a drink*
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: *she finishes the last of her glass closing her eyes again* Terran huh? Its always sounded so weird to me, thinking of what its like over there, why things happened as they did. How it could have turned out that way. But hey, I guess there's weirder universes than that. *she says with a pained chuckle*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Alucard: a small change can drastically alter events. *he stands up* you should get some rest.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: *She nods slowly* Good idea. Take care Alucard... *She starts trying to let herself fall asleep even through the pain*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    *a day and a half passes. val sits up in her bed stretching*

    val: *gets up and walks to the kitchen making some coffee* hey are you up love?


    *after a day of rest and some of the worst pain janri has ever felt, the process is finally finished giving her much needed relief. the immediately noticeable differences are increased strength, perception and reflexes more will become apparent as she gets used to this new form of vampirisim*
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: *She yawns, stretching in the bed* I am now. How have you been sleeping since your "change"?


    Janri: *She has been taking her time to experience the changes in her body, checking in with Val and Nexa, currently she's drinking some blood, practicing her ice to make another mini sculpture as a test of how minute her control over it is with her newfound strength.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val: ok I suppose if it weren’t for the nightmare's… but I guess that’s a given. *she walks over handing nexa a mug of coffee* I hope my change isn’t to difficult for you.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: *She chuckles then gives a soft smile as she takes the coffee, blowing gently to cool it* Val, honey... with what we've been through together this isn't that bad. If you remember, I kind of united my soul while we were in Silent Hill, sure the lifetimes were shorter but now we've both gone through something similar. No matter what will happen, I will always be by your side.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val: *smiles softly* we’re both the same as before, but with a new coat of paint. *she looks around* it’s strange. With all of this excitement over it’ll be difficult to adjust back into a calm life but I supppose I’ll find something to do, there’s still janri to teach and that tau to deal with… what were you planning on doing with her by the way?
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: Nova? *She stretches as she gets out of bed, sipping her coffee* She's welcome to stay here if she wants, though maybe she'll decide on joining Starfleet like Lythe, or something else. She seems nice and well intentioned. My crew is one of the better places she could be in our "humble" galaxy here.

    As for our calm life, I like not having to worry about ominous things and just getting to enjoy spending time with you, and having my family close by.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    val: right nova was her name. i suppose ill have to find something to do as well.... i never gave much thought to an occupation before. *she ponders as she gets supplies to make breakfast, pulling out a pan to make eggs and bacon.* im not particularly good at much aside from war.


    *alucard knocks on janri's door*
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: I mean, Security is a valid occupation around here, though I'm happy to help you try and find whatever you enjoy doing. We could also try out some stuff to see if you like any hobbies. *She comes over and hugs Val from behind as she cooks*


    Janri: *She opens the door after a moment, setting down the ice sculpture nearby. He likely hasn't seen much of her previous attempts but it is noticeably improving due to her changes and her diligent practice.* Alucard? Good to see you. *She's currently dressed in a more relaxed outfit, a tank top and some functional pants.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val: hmm security could work. *she sways as she cooks flicking her tail from side to side* what sort of hobbies do you think I’d be interested in?


    Alucard: hello I was just checking up on you.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: I'm not sure... you might like painting or art, or maybe music? We'll have to try a few different things and see what you have the most fun with. *She rests her head against Val's back for a moment, before breaking the hug*


    Janri: *She nods* Thank you. I'm doing better, everything has cleared up but it feels strange. I'm having to get used to how it feels, being stronger than before... feeling my senses a bit differently.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val: it’s worth a shot. I’m not sure if I’ve ever asked but what are your hobbies? *after stirring the eggs and finishing the bacon she plates it for the two of them*


    Alucard: that’s good, you will grow more accustomed to it in time for now I believe Val wanted to talk with you when you felt better.
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Nexa: I really like literature, even reading supernatural stories and articles. Once upon a time I used to think it was all just myths... but you know, things change. *She says with a wistful tone* Even now, reading all the different books different cultures write, and getting to live those stories in the holodeck is fun. *Nexa takes a plate when its ready then goes to take a seat and eat*


    Janri: I guess I should go see her then. Have you talked with her much since? *She makes the ice fade away before coming out, starting to walk with Alucard*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val: I might take up reading. *she takes a plate sitting down with nexa*


    Alucard: I only just woke up so no I haven’t had a chance. Nexa and Val were busy anyway. *he walks to nexas room*


    *the turbo lift comes to a stop as its doors open*

    Jorin: right welll here we are. *she walks down the hall to the office door*


    *on the tepes lythe walks down a hall reading a padd*
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,258 Arc User
    Bri: *she comes up behind Lythe* what you looking at?

    *the Tepes has nearly arrived back at K13, its about an hour out.*


    Freeman: Feels like Coruscant Turbolifts take forever... *he stretches and follows Jorin*

    (for those not in the know, gotta try boot camp again in the future. Bones didn't wanna cooperate.)
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    Janri: They certainly have been. *she says with a sigh.*

    *After a moment they arrive and she rings the door chime*

    Nexa: Oh? Maybe its my Mom. I'll get it. *She's eaten a good amount of food by the time they've run the bell, so she gets up and opens the door with a smile as she sees Janri and Alucard* Come in! So, feeling better Mom?

    Janri: *As she enters the room* Yep. I've fully recovered and feel better than ever. Its taken a bit of getting used to, but in a good way.


    Rax: *He continues with them* The buildings are pretty tall. Hell, imagine riding up from the lower levels.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    *as janri looks at nexa she can practically see the blood running thru her veins, she smells its sweet aroma. Deep with in her a hunger quickly rises threatening to take control*

    Alucard: *walks in with janri*

    Val: ah janri I see you’re adjusting well


    Jorin: I’ve only ever seen buildings this tall on holovids…. *she walks to the marshals office. The door seems to be open already so she peaks in. There a receptionist sitting at a near by desk that notices her*

    Receptionist: can I help you?

    Jorin: *awkwardly stumbles in* um hi I’m here to see the marshal.

    Receptionist: *looks at her quizzically* oh you must be that cathar hybrid he was talking about, but you don’t look like the Jorin I’ve seen on the posters. Are you really the dragon of mandragore?

    Jorin: it’s mandalore and yes I am… wait what posters?

    Receptionist: oh the wanted posters.

    Jorin: what?! *her ears fold back in surprise as her tail fluffs up*


    Lythe: *she’s currently wearing her robes with her provisional rank and combadge in the usual places and her staff in hand. She doesn’t seem surprised by Briana* ah commander Victoria. I was just going over today’s duty rosters, so far everyone is where they should be and I’ve found nothing abnormal thus far. Was there something you needed?
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,258 Arc User
    Bri: I mean I wanted to check up on you. You are part of my duty as well as not only tactical officer but as executive officer as well. Gotta make sure you're up to Starfleet reg.


    Freeman: wanted for what exactly? She hasn't been anywhere near New Republic space since the Empire fell. even during the war she worked for the alliance. *He shifts a bit to take a defensive position in case anyone is stupid enough to try something*
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: For the most part. Its pretty intense, but I had some experience with it before, because of everything. How have you been doing?


    Rax: I can think of someone who looked quite similar to Jorin who was up to shady business. Perhaps its a case of mistaken identity? *He crosses his arms as he thinks wondering if somehow the whole clone doppelganger situation resulted in a bounty on Jorin*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    Val:no need to worry about me I’m fine.

    *janri feels the hunger constantly gnawing at the back of her mind*


    Receptionist: I only know what I seen on the poster didn’t get a chance to read what the charges were. The feller there is tall’n broad and can breath fire. Now forgive me for being skeptical but you got the wrong bits to be the one on them posters so to me you’re the fake one.

    Jorin: *sighs* I guess in a sense I was him at some point but now I’m something new…

    Receptionist: I’m not sure what that means but I’ll let the marshal be the judge of your authenticity. I’ll let you in but your friends need to stay here. *he motions for Jorin to continue forward*


    Lythe: of course. Everything is in order ma’am, as I said earlier I’ve not found anything out of place. Have I not been doing my tasks to starfleet regulation?
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
  • nickkyana#2794 nickkyana Member Posts: 16,258 Arc User
    Bri: I didn't say that, but looking over it and giving proper mentorship is one of my responsibilities. You've been doing a good job so far.


    Freeman: why alone? We've come all this way. I'd like to be able to see this through and see what this is all about. Can't you make an exception for an officer of the alliance?
    "We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    Janri: *she forms an ice cube in her mouth and chews on it just a bit, trying to distract herself from the more intense feeling. She'll have to get used to it.* Should I be feeding more often than before? Since I'm stronger? What's the usual length you wait before feeding again?


    Rax: He's got a decent enough reason to go in with her. As for me, I'd like to be there for one for my sister if possible. *he means it in the mandalorian sense, but doesn't clarify*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • hoan113hoan113 Member Posts: 6,039 Arc User
    edited November 2024
    val: well you just had your body ripped apart and put back together so you're probably blood starved. we should do something about that. and yes you will need more then normal and the downside of it all is the longer you don't feed the higher the chance you lose yourself to the blood lust.

    alucard: i suppose we will have to take her hunting then?

    val: indeed. *she looks at janri* any particular place you want to go?


    receptionist: im only doing what the marshal said. *he looks down at the terminal* oh, i guess you can go in then.

    *jorin nods and walks thru the door. the office is sparsely decorated with a few pictures on the wall and some plants with a desk in the middle. the marshal sits waiting for them. the receptionist watches them wondering if they are family.*

    marshal farris: i appreciate you coming but i wasn't expecting you to bring yer fellows. cant blame you tho this does scream trap but im on the up and up an i aint one to lie only ones whos in here is me and my receptionist. now i aint ganna force'em out *he looks at freeman* 'side's it'd be rude of me to kick out an officer of the alliance.

    jorin: so why have me come alone then?

    marshal farris: well i still need to verify that you are jorin but we're dealing with some sensitive stuff and i reckon you would've liked to handle it yourself. now then can i see your lightsaber?

    jorin: i suppose... *she pulls out her main lightsaber*

    marshal farris: *nods* yep, that's the real deal. weather you took it off his corpse or you really are jorin is another issue. *he looks over at freeman* major freeman, you're pretty well known among alliance veterans so your word would go a long way can you vouch that this is indeed the same jorin that fought for the alliance during the war?


    lythe: thank you ma'am. do you have any mentoring advice for me?
    "The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
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