So considering we first see caitians in the TOS series why can we not have TOS caitian characters? I still think they should require unlocking via the zen store.
Star trek 4 during Kirk's trial
Star trek VI again...
lieutenant M'ress from the Animated TOS Series.
note i'm only speaking of TOS caitians so lower decks which i'm pretty sure is TNG does not count...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Your pictures are borked. For some reason the forums don't like pictures from wikis.
yeah i know.. should be fixed now.
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
Yup. You're good.
There is a possiblity that through the Captain Alteration Token we may be able to backdoor 2409 species options into TOS, but that is still kinda whiteboard stuff far as I am aware. There was talk at least.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Well my thinking is caitians were introduced in the TOS era so why are they not avalible in the TOS options? i dunno if they even need changed much at all just maybe an extra color pallate choice???
Well my thinking is caitians were introduced in the TOS era so why are they not avalible in the TOS options? i dunno if they even need changed much at all just maybe an extra color pallate choice???
considering my preferences it would incentivize me to make a TOS character.
Post edited by kursed#7599 on
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
Well my thinking is caitians were introduced in the TOS era so why are they not avalible in the TOS options? i dunno if they even need changed much at all just maybe an extra color pallate choice???
Because they weren't introduced in TOS itself. They were introduced in TAS, then in the movies.
When the TOS Feds were introduced, they focused on the four founding members of the Federation as playable races, and stuck with pure TOS asthetics.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The forum here doesn't seem to be able to handle WebP images and a lot of wikis are switching to that format. Also, some of them try to limit bandwidth use with techniques to prevent linking to pictures on their pages.
I too would like to see more TOS races available in the TOS character generator. We should at least be able to make any of the races from Journey to Babel, which would even be possible with minimal coding by including a subset of the Alien tab stuff from the 2409 generator) though including anything that is reasonable for the time (like aliens from ENT that are known Federation members by the mid 2200s) would be the best.
Before the recruitments became a standard thing, I made a lot of the unavailable TOS races in the 2409 generator and put that they were whatever TOS race they were in the background, but that was rather annoying trying to warp the TNG spandex monstrosities into something vaguely resembling TOS uniforms and other irritations, like how all TOS style ships except the Pioneer were locked behind unscalable paywalls back then.
That is especially disappointing when most TOS races were done with greasepaint, wildly different foundation tones from what the actors would normally use, and wigs and almost no latex, so simply adding a few colors for skin, hair, and giving the height slider more range would take care of like 90% of them.
As for TAS Caitians, one big difference between them and the movie era versions is that the TAS ones sort of had "anime face" if you look closely at the frames, rather than true cat heads on human bodies like the current STO ones. The difference is that instead of a true muzzle they have a sort of muzzle-like protrusion, but it is smaller and flatter than a real animal muzzle and the head shape is more human overall, sort of like the characters in the old kids show Zoobilee Zoo.
It would be interesting to have them like that for the Temporal Recruit Caitians, but I am not sure the extra head modeling (and possibly animations) would be worth the effort since they already have the anamorphs, and more people seem to prefer the anamorphs anyway. Personally I go the other way though, I would not only like to see the M'ress type Caitians, I would really like an option to use neko style Caitians as well, which is what the twins Kirk was in bed with were supposed to be (though they never made the ears for them since Abrams told them to leave them and the eyes off for some unknown reason, though some behind the scenes sources said he was worried that the scene would be banned as "animalism" if they were too catlike).
Unfortunately, the neko style ones are extremely unlikely since nekos nowadays seem to be getting the hate that the anamorph furrys used to get in Second Life about a decade and a half ago (I never really understood why so many people had/have that hate reaction, but that is beside the point).
Well my thinking is caitians were introduced in the TOS era so why are they not avalible in the TOS options? i dunno if they even need changed much at all just maybe an extra color pallate choice???
Because they weren't introduced in TOS itself. They were introduced in TAS, then in the movies.
When the TOS Feds were introduced, they focused on the four founding members of the Federation as playable races, and stuck with pure TOS asthetics.
As a younger person I don't know which came first TAS or the movies? (google search says TAS)
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Still more TOS species would be nice like Denobulan (Dr.Phlox) Catiains (On the top of my list) Trill to name a few. trying to think of aliens we see in ENT and TOS that were on the ship I know there's the other alien from TAS but three legged like Arex would be a bit hard i think.
Still more TOS species would be nice like Denobulan (Dr.Phlox) Catiains (On the top of my list) Trill to name a few. trying to think of aliens we see in ENT and TOS that were on the ship I know there's the other alien from TAS but three legged like Arex would be a bit hard i think.
But did the Denobulans join the Federation when it formed? Phlox was aboard the NX ENT as part of an exchange program, not as a member of the UESPA Star Fleet (similar to T'Pol being there mostly as an observer from the Vulcan Science Council, not an official "crew member"). And I haven't seen any other reference to Denobulans in Starfleet, even in DSC where we got the one with a spider-head in the background.
Just because a species was seen in TOS doesn't mean their people joined the Federation, after all. The Iotians, for instance (although I still want to see a followup on what happened to their society - they almost certainly didn't turn into a mini-Fed because nobody left behind any literature on how the Federation works, but the idea of a 1920s-Chicago-gangster culture with 23rd-century technology is either horrifying or hilarious).
same with ferasans i think the problem is all of the feline haristyles leave room for the ears....
Do the hairstyles need to leave room for the ears, though?
I mean, consider the limitations on Andorian hairstyles which have to leave room for their antenna...
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
It could be head geometry is different than that of the humanoid species. I mean look at the exclusive hairstyles for Klingons and Cardassians.
But i want a ferasn with blue Klingon Dreadlocks! or heck can we get male Caitians/Ferasans with beards?
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
If the head geometry is different, they'd have to custom make things to be compatible with Caitians/Ferasans. Otherwise you could have clipping or gaps.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
If the head geometry is different, they'd have to custom make things to be compatible with Caitians/Ferasans. Otherwise you could have clipping or gaps.
i don't see why that would be, considering it'd be easier and less of a burden on the modeling team to design them with the head geometry was the same , but I don't know...
There were over a thousand worlds in the Federation in TOS, though most of those weren't direct members (like all the colonies from Earth and Vulcan they ran into or mentioned at various times) since they only had a few hundred homeworlds by the time of TNG according to dialog information. They may have had as few as several dozen central worlds in TOS, though the movies show too many delegates for that to be probable.
Most races in the area the Federation claimed at the time were inhabited by Humans and Vulcans, some with adaptive changes or whatever, and that was implied to be because of a combination of the ancient war between Sargon's (originally dialog identified them as Humans, but NBC forced them to change it so it is only implied in the final script) and Henoch's (Vulcanoid) peoples, as refugees from that war sought places to settle far from the destruction, along with the Preservers moving people from pre-space populations around to lower the chance of something wiping out an entire race. Radically different humanoids (and nonhumanoids) were relatively rare. A partial listing:
The four original signatories (plus all of them are mentioned as having multiple colonies):
Humans. Humans from Earth and its colonies were known in TOS as Terrans (not just the mirror ones the way it is used now) and "Earther" was in insulting slur.
Vulcans. Also, there are other Vulcanoids mentioned from time to time but it is unclear whether they are Federation members or not.
Andorians and Aenar.
The episode Journey to Babel introduced a few new alien races. When Coridon applied for full Federation membership least nine parties had some kind of direct stake in Coridon and were involved in the negotiations, most were presumably humans from different homeworlds and were mostly different in culture rather than physically, but three (or four if you include information from the spinoff series) were distinctly different species:
Ithenites. Very small people with a metallic bronze-gold coloration to their hair and skin (and they wore fez hats, which for some reason people seem to remember most about them.)
Violaceans. Unsurprisingly, they are the ones with the violet skin tone. Behind the scenes info is that they can calm people around them, similar (though in some ways opposite) to the Orion lust pheromone schtick.
Zambeans. Simply called "giants" on the call sheets for the episode, they are tall enough to have to duck to get through standard Starfleet doorways.
Coridanites were mentioned but not shown in TOS, and according to mentions in the spinoffs the planet was admitted to the Federation at the conference the Enterprise was transporting those delegates to. Also, from TNG and ENT it turns out there are two species native to Coridon, one of them relatively human looking except for rough scaly skin, the other looking like they have a facehugger from Alien stuck on their face for a face.
The Way to Eden adds two more alien races:
Tiburonians. They have extreme gender dimorphism with the males being almost completely hareless and the females having huge "fright wig" manes of hair and their eyebrows are very heavy with hair about six inches long or more.
Catullans. They look human except for TNG-Klingon-pattern hair and eyebrows (the only example has florescent blue hair). Like the Coridanites, they were in the process of joining the Federation in 2269.
TAS had too many aliens to list offhand, and most of them were not positively identifies as Federation citizens or not (or were shown in Starfleet uniform with no information about them whatsoever), but an interesting (though probably impossible to implement in STO) case are the Aurelians/Skorr and the wingless Novolare subset of both that is first seen in Lower Decks. Aurelians and Skorr, despite an avian ancestry instead of feline, are like the Caitians and Ferisans in STO in that they are branches of the same base race, and LD has added that they have a wingless subset (which a third-party book calls the Novolare). The Aurelians are the branch that are Federation members and the stockier, shorter-necked Skorr are not. LD shows Novolare in Starfleet and calls them Aurelians so it is safe to assume they are from that branch.
There are probably more that I don't remember at the moment too.
The suggestion I've seen before that makes sense to me is TOS Alien, then you can roll your own for any of the species where there are the right parts. The odds of them adding 10 new alien types just for TOS captains seems low.
The suggestion I've seen before that makes sense to me is TOS Alien, then you can roll your own for any of the species where there are the right parts. The odds of them adding 10 new alien types just for TOS captains seems low.
If they let you make felinoids in aliengen, then they should give us that nice reptillian/saurian tail Mr Starfleet Alien Ground Captain NPC has had for years... T_T
Adding aliengen would work for most of the TOS aliens, and some of the TAS aliens, but a few, like the anamorphs, require changes to the underlying model and would have to be in their own tab.
Not sure about the lizard tail, but the cat tail is usable on the human models as an old bug showed, and it would be a nice addition to the aliengen tab along with the cat ears in order to make the "neko twins" version of Caitians (ironically, it would probably not be possible to put both the anamorph and neko variants in the same tab because of the underlying model differences).
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
i don't see why that would be, considering it'd be easier and less of a burden on the modeling team to design them with the head geometry was the same , but I don't know...
Well... the fact that Caitians don't have the same hair options as, say... Humans... kinda leads me to believe there are some differences between Caitian and basic Humanoid head geometry. We see this difference a bit more prominently with Klingons. TOS style Klingons have access to far more hair options than TNG Klingons because of differing head geometry thanks to the forehead ridges on TNG Klingons. You can't put, say... Dr. Crusher's hairstyle on a TNG Klingon with the forehead ridges, but you can on a TOS style Klingon.
We look at Nausicaans, they don't have the same hair options as humanoids.
I think Cardassians have fewer options than most humanoids because of the head geometry. While they do share some hairstyles (I believe) its obvious they don't quite fit.
You can't just copy/paste a hairstyle from one model to another when the geometry is different in some way. Not without obvious issues. Most of the Humanoids that do share the same geometry have a lot of the same features in the same places. Humans, Andorians (although they have added antennae), Vulcans, Orions, Romulans... they all have the same head shape. Tellarites are a bit bigger. And then we have the wacky capabilities of the Alien gen characters, but they are working off the Humanoid head model geometry.
The fact remains though, that Caitians are different in some way. We'd probably need a Character Artist to weigh in on it specifically, but as of right now... all we can say is that its most likely something about Caitians that make most humanoid hairstyles incompatible.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The suggestion I've seen before that makes sense to me is TOS Alien, then you can roll your own for any of the species where there are the right parts. The odds of them adding 10 new alien types just for TOS captains seems low.
If they let you make felinoids in aliengen, then they should give us that nice reptillian/saurian tail Mr Starfleet Alien Ground Captain NPC has had for years... T_T
the problem with alien iMHo is you don't really get any race specific traits (or do you)
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,829Community Moderator
Nope. They just get an extra trait slot to make up for the lack of race specific traits.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I still wish we could get that lizard tail in aliengen. T_T Mr lizard tail still shows up in the game, and last appeared in the opening briefing scene of the final mission of the last Terran story arc.
But yeah, I know caitians and ferasans have different head shapes, but I still hope they could tweak some existing hairstyles (like the newer versions of old hairstyles) and make them available.
I also forgot, as of Lower Decks, they've shown caitians can have a lot more color pattern variety. Like T'ana's calico coloration. Wish we could get that (and consistently appearing pattern options in character editing) here.
It is possible to design human and animorph head models that map in such a way that they can directly use the same customization parameters coherently along with using many of the same accessories (like hairstyles) and whatnot without changing them (ESO does it), but the head models and accessories have to all be made with that idea in mind in the first place.
However, it is a horrendous painstaking pain in the posterior to do so. I suppose there might be new tools to make that kind of thing easier (I haven't done mesh in Second Life for about six years at least now and have not kept up with modeling program news as much as I would have liked), but Cryptic did the original character models for STO well before anything like that which kind of restricts what they can do without having to rebuild all the current accessory meshes.
And considering the ridiculously short deadline Cryptic had to work with I suspect they wouldn't have had time to mess with that compatibility issue, even if they thought it might be something people would want sometime down the road.
It is possible to design human and animorph head models that map in such a way that they can directly use the same customization parameters coherently along with using many of the same accessories (like hairstyles) and whatnot without changing them (ESO does it), but the head models and accessories have to all be made with that idea in mind in the first place.
However, it is a horrendous painstaking pain in the posterior to do so. I suppose there might be new tools to make that kind of thing easier (I haven't done mesh in Second Life for about six years at least now and have not kept up with modeling program news as much as I would have liked), but Cryptic did the original character models for STO well before anything like that which kind of restricts what they can do without having to rebuild all the current accessory meshes.
And considering the ridiculously short deadline Cryptic had to work with I suspect they wouldn't have had time to mess with that compatibility issue, even if they thought it might be something people would want sometime down the road.
Yeah... There's a reason it's been taking SE's team for FFXIV so long to implement both genders of the newest races and then start getting headgear set up for them. Those exact issues. >_<
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
There is a possiblity that through the Captain Alteration Token we may be able to backdoor 2409 species options into TOS, but that is still kinda whiteboard stuff far as I am aware. There was talk at least.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Because they weren't introduced in TOS itself. They were introduced in TAS, then in the movies.
When the TOS Feds were introduced, they focused on the four founding members of the Federation as playable races, and stuck with pure TOS asthetics.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I too would like to see more TOS races available in the TOS character generator. We should at least be able to make any of the races from Journey to Babel, which would even be possible with minimal coding by including a subset of the Alien tab stuff from the 2409 generator) though including anything that is reasonable for the time (like aliens from ENT that are known Federation members by the mid 2200s) would be the best.
Before the recruitments became a standard thing, I made a lot of the unavailable TOS races in the 2409 generator and put that they were whatever TOS race they were in the background, but that was rather annoying trying to warp the TNG spandex monstrosities into something vaguely resembling TOS uniforms and other irritations, like how all TOS style ships except the Pioneer were locked behind unscalable paywalls back then.
That is especially disappointing when most TOS races were done with greasepaint, wildly different foundation tones from what the actors would normally use, and wigs and almost no latex, so simply adding a few colors for skin, hair, and giving the height slider more range would take care of like 90% of them.
As for TAS Caitians, one big difference between them and the movie era versions is that the TAS ones sort of had "anime face" if you look closely at the frames, rather than true cat heads on human bodies like the current STO ones. The difference is that instead of a true muzzle they have a sort of muzzle-like protrusion, but it is smaller and flatter than a real animal muzzle and the head shape is more human overall, sort of like the characters in the old kids show Zoobilee Zoo.
It would be interesting to have them like that for the Temporal Recruit Caitians, but I am not sure the extra head modeling (and possibly animations) would be worth the effort since they already have the anamorphs, and more people seem to prefer the anamorphs anyway. Personally I go the other way though, I would not only like to see the M'ress type Caitians, I would really like an option to use neko style Caitians as well, which is what the twins Kirk was in bed with were supposed to be (though they never made the ears for them since Abrams told them to leave them and the eyes off for some unknown reason, though some behind the scenes sources said he was worried that the scene would be banned as "animalism" if they were too catlike).
Unfortunately, the neko style ones are extremely unlikely since nekos nowadays seem to be getting the hate that the anamorph furrys used to get in Second Life about a decade and a half ago (I never really understood why so many people had/have that hate reaction, but that is beside the point).
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Just because a species was seen in TOS doesn't mean their people joined the Federation, after all. The Iotians, for instance (although I still want to see a followup on what happened to their society - they almost certainly didn't turn into a mini-Fed because nobody left behind any literature on how the Federation works, but the idea of a 1920s-Chicago-gangster culture with 23rd-century technology is either horrifying or hilarious).
I mean, consider the limitations on Andorian hairstyles which have to leave room for their antenna...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Most races in the area the Federation claimed at the time were inhabited by Humans and Vulcans, some with adaptive changes or whatever, and that was implied to be because of a combination of the ancient war between Sargon's (originally dialog identified them as Humans, but NBC forced them to change it so it is only implied in the final script) and Henoch's (Vulcanoid) peoples, as refugees from that war sought places to settle far from the destruction, along with the Preservers moving people from pre-space populations around to lower the chance of something wiping out an entire race. Radically different humanoids (and nonhumanoids) were relatively rare. A partial listing:
The four original signatories (plus all of them are mentioned as having multiple colonies):- Humans. Humans from Earth and its colonies were known in TOS as Terrans (not just the mirror ones the way it is used now) and "Earther" was in insulting slur.
- Vulcans. Also, there are other Vulcanoids mentioned from time to time but it is unclear whether they are Federation members or not.
- Andorians and Aenar.
- Tellarites.
The episode Journey to Babel introduced a few new alien races. When Coridon applied for full Federation membership least nine parties had some kind of direct stake in Coridon and were involved in the negotiations, most were presumably humans from different homeworlds and were mostly different in culture rather than physically, but three (or four if you include information from the spinoff series) were distinctly different species:- Ithenites. Very small people with a metallic bronze-gold coloration to their hair and skin (and they wore fez hats, which for some reason people seem to remember most about them.)
- Violaceans. Unsurprisingly, they are the ones with the violet skin tone. Behind the scenes info is that they can calm people around them, similar (though in some ways opposite) to the Orion lust pheromone schtick.
- Zambeans. Simply called "giants" on the call sheets for the episode, they are tall enough to have to duck to get through standard Starfleet doorways.
- Coridanites were mentioned but not shown in TOS, and according to mentions in the spinoffs the planet was admitted to the Federation at the conference the Enterprise was transporting those delegates to. Also, from TNG and ENT it turns out there are two species native to Coridon, one of them relatively human looking except for rough scaly skin, the other looking like they have a facehugger from Alien stuck on their face for a face.
The Way to Eden adds two more alien races:- Tiburonians. They have extreme gender dimorphism with the males being almost completely hareless and the females having huge "fright wig" manes of hair and their eyebrows are very heavy with hair about six inches long or more.
- Catullans. They look human except for TNG-Klingon-pattern hair and eyebrows (the only example has florescent blue hair). Like the Coridanites, they were in the process of joining the Federation in 2269.
TAS had too many aliens to list offhand, and most of them were not positively identifies as Federation citizens or not (or were shown in Starfleet uniform with no information about them whatsoever), but an interesting (though probably impossible to implement in STO) case are the Aurelians/Skorr and the wingless Novolare subset of both that is first seen in Lower Decks. Aurelians and Skorr, despite an avian ancestry instead of feline, are like the Caitians and Ferisans in STO in that they are branches of the same base race, and LD has added that they have a wingless subset (which a third-party book calls the Novolare). The Aurelians are the branch that are Federation members and the stockier, shorter-necked Skorr are not. LD shows Novolare in Starfleet and calls them Aurelians so it is safe to assume they are from that branch.There are probably more that I don't remember at the moment too.
If they let you make felinoids in aliengen, then they should give us that nice reptillian/saurian tail Mr Starfleet Alien Ground Captain NPC has had for years... T_T
Not sure about the lizard tail, but the cat tail is usable on the human models as an old bug showed, and it would be a nice addition to the aliengen tab along with the cat ears in order to make the "neko twins" version of Caitians (ironically, it would probably not be possible to put both the anamorph and neko variants in the same tab because of the underlying model differences).
Well... the fact that Caitians don't have the same hair options as, say... Humans... kinda leads me to believe there are some differences between Caitian and basic Humanoid head geometry. We see this difference a bit more prominently with Klingons. TOS style Klingons have access to far more hair options than TNG Klingons because of differing head geometry thanks to the forehead ridges on TNG Klingons. You can't put, say... Dr. Crusher's hairstyle on a TNG Klingon with the forehead ridges, but you can on a TOS style Klingon.
We look at Nausicaans, they don't have the same hair options as humanoids.
I think Cardassians have fewer options than most humanoids because of the head geometry. While they do share some hairstyles (I believe) its obvious they don't quite fit.
You can't just copy/paste a hairstyle from one model to another when the geometry is different in some way. Not without obvious issues. Most of the Humanoids that do share the same geometry have a lot of the same features in the same places. Humans, Andorians (although they have added antennae), Vulcans, Orions, Romulans... they all have the same head shape. Tellarites are a bit bigger. And then we have the wacky capabilities of the Alien gen characters, but they are working off the Humanoid head model geometry.
The fact remains though, that Caitians are different in some way. We'd probably need a Character Artist to weigh in on it specifically, but as of right now... all we can say is that its most likely something about Caitians that make most humanoid hairstyles incompatible.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
But yeah, I know caitians and ferasans have different head shapes, but I still hope they could tweak some existing hairstyles (like the newer versions of old hairstyles) and make them available.
I also forgot, as of Lower Decks, they've shown caitians can have a lot more color pattern variety. Like T'ana's calico coloration. Wish we could get that (and consistently appearing pattern options in character editing) here.
However, it is a horrendous painstaking pain in the posterior to do so. I suppose there might be new tools to make that kind of thing easier (I haven't done mesh in Second Life for about six years at least now and have not kept up with modeling program news as much as I would have liked), but Cryptic did the original character models for STO well before anything like that which kind of restricts what they can do without having to rebuild all the current accessory meshes.
And considering the ridiculously short deadline Cryptic had to work with I suspect they wouldn't have had time to mess with that compatibility issue, even if they thought it might be something people would want sometime down the road.
Yeah... There's a reason it's been taking SE's team for FFXIV so long to implement both genders of the newest races and then start getting headgear set up for them. Those exact issues. >_<