When will the Achilles be available to buy with the event T6 token?
It was not discounted using these T6 coupons when I checked yesterday. That ship likely won't be available for quite a while with the restricted Event T6 coupons. Based on the previous bundle with stuff like the Hydra still being locked from purchase with these, it's unlikely to even be available this time next year.
I think I got screenshots of all the ones that don't qualify for the 100% coupon ATM (will show as 3000Z):
Interesting is that all the T6 Dyson Destroyers are discounted, despite being newer than some of the stuff that isn't. This means that all KDF, Romulan and non-faction C-Store ships are discounted.
Note for those new to the coupons, Mudd Store and Legendary ships are not purchasable with these coupons.
Edit: Now without personal stuff in the screenshots.
Someone mentioned in chat that they had been told by Support that the restricted T6 coupons can now only be used on ships that are at least 2 years old - hence the 13th Anniversary ships not being available yet using one, for example.
Apparently the T6 Dyson ships are bugged, which is why you can use one on them.
Someone mentioned in chat that they had been told by Support that the restricted T6 coupons can now only be used on ships that are at least 2 years old - hence the 13th Anniversary ships not being available yet using one, for example.
Apparently the T6 Dyson ships are bugged, which is why you can use one on them.
That "bug" would be a good thing if they actually had a Romulan Dyson science destroyer to use a token on. The thing they present as an 'uprated Romulan DSD' lacks the singularity core it takes to actually be believable as an overhaul of the existing (T5) version, and reportedly feels like a KDF ship in combat instead of a Romulan one.
As for the timing thing, it has randomly varied from about eight months to around a year and a half since the tokens first came out with a few exceptions here and there (like the T6 Luna) that were available right away, so the erratic application of it and the extra wait is not a surprise, just annoying and disappointing.
I imagine it also throws off their sales statistics concerning the popularity of certain designs since ships not available via token in a reasonable time would sit on the shelf while that timer runs its course instead of 'selling' in a pattern with reliable meaning.
That "bug" would be a good thing if they actually had a Romulan Dyson science destroyer to use a token on. The thing they present as an 'uprated Romulan DSD' lacks the singularity core it takes to actually be believable as an overhaul of the existing (T5) version, and reportedly feels like a KDF ship in combat instead of a Romulan one.
I was prepared to spend some cash to get Zen when that bundle came out as I really enjoyed flying the KDF and Romulan DSD's when the T5's first came out. The Starfleet one's didn't appeal to me - they looked too weird. They were improved somewhat when the regular Starfleet Hull Materials were unlocked on them a bit later, but the KDF and Romulan ones were far better.
When it became apparent that the Romulan Ship had a regular warp core, my money remained in my bank in the hope that it would be fixed. But, no - the warp core was intentional.
I'd really like to know the reason why the warp core was intentional, though...
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That "bug" would be a good thing if they actually had a Romulan Dyson science destroyer to use a token on. The thing they present as an 'uprated Romulan DSD' lacks the singularity core it takes to actually be believable as an overhaul of the existing (T5) version, and reportedly feels like a KDF ship in combat instead of a Romulan one.
I was prepared to spend some cash to get Zen when that bundle came out as I really enjoyed flying the KDF and Romulan DSD's when the T5's first came out. The Starfleet one's didn't appeal to me - they looked too weird. They were improved somewhat when the regular Starfleet Hull Materials were unlocked on them a bit later, but the KDF and Romulan ones were far better.
When it became apparent that the Romulan Ship had a regular warp core, my money remained in my bank in the hope that it would be fixed. But, no - the warp core was intentional.
I'd really like to know the reason why the warp core was intentional, though...
Same here, I had a little spare cash back then and would have bought the Rallus no question if it had the right core.
I would also like to hear the reason for the bait-and-switch concerning the core. If the devs hate singularity cores the answer would be to buff them slightly to regain overall parity with warp cores after the warp cores apparently got years ago but singularity cores didn't, not to eliminate them going forward.
That "bug" would be a good thing if they actually had a Romulan Dyson science destroyer to use a token on. The thing they present as an 'uprated Romulan DSD' lacks the singularity core it takes to actually be believable as an overhaul of the existing (T5) version, and reportedly feels like a KDF ship in combat instead of a Romulan one.
I was prepared to spend some cash to get Zen when that bundle came out as I really enjoyed flying the KDF and Romulan DSD's when the T5's first came out. The Starfleet one's didn't appeal to me - they looked too weird. They were improved somewhat when the regular Starfleet Hull Materials were unlocked on them a bit later, but the KDF and Romulan ones were far better.
When it became apparent that the Romulan Ship had a regular warp core, my money remained in my bank in the hope that it would be fixed. But, no - the warp core was intentional.
I'd really like to know the reason why the warp core was intentional, though...
Same here, I had a little spare cash back then and would have bought the Rallus no question if it had the right core.
I would also like to hear the reason for the bait-and-switch concerning the core. If the devs hate singularity cores the answer would be to buff them slightly to regain overall parity with warp cores after the warp cores apparently got years ago but singularity cores didn't, not to eliminate them going forward.
The answer to your question is unfortunately simple - the former requires actual development time, the latter requires nothing more than not adding any more singularity cores to the game.
Someone mentioned in chat that they had been told by Support that the restricted T6 coupons can now only be used on ships that are at least 2 years old - hence the 13th Anniversary ships not being available yet using one, for example.
Apparently the T6 Dyson ships are bugged, which is why you can use one on them.
The question then is was Support (which are separate from the devs that actually make the game) just back-rendering based on what is claimable, or if it's actually info from the devs passed to them. They do have more access to the devs than the average player, but not universal access and it's doubtful they'd ask everything asked of them.
If it's intended to be two years now, it's different than past years for the coupons, which were supposed to be whenever the ship left the New tab. Though, when the exit of the New tab happened has changed over the past few years.
Also, Seneca Command Carrier and Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort are a couple of months shy of being two years old, and are already available.
Someone mentioned in chat that they had been told by Support that the restricted T6 coupons can now only be used on ships that are at least 2 years old - hence the 13th Anniversary ships not being available yet using one, for example.
Apparently the T6 Dyson ships are bugged, which is why you can use one on them.
The question then is was Support (which are separate from the devs that actually make the game) just back-rendering based on what is claimable, or if it's actually info from the devs passed to them. They do have more access to the devs than the average player, but not universal access and it's doubtful they'd ask everything asked of them.
If it's intended to be two years now, it's different than past years for the coupons, which were supposed to be whenever the ship left the New tab. Though, when the exit of the New tab happened has changed over the past few years.
Also, Seneca Command Carrier and Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort are a couple of months shy of being two years old, and are already available.
I will no doubt be chastised for suggesting conspiracy theories, but it has the ring of a stealth change in policy to extend the delay period before the restricted coupons apply in the hope no one notices, or, that they are picking and choosing which ships are released from the lockout when.
It might be nice if we had some clarity from on high as to what the actual cut-off point for the restricted coupons to apply is, but I do not hold out much hope of getting any.
If it is 2 years now, for me at least it is still not going to persuade me to spend any additional real money just to get ships sooner.
Connie 3, not for the ship (really dont like the look) but for the special phaser for my phaser build. But I have to ask some of the post here make it sound like you can already choose and get it now? the event campaign is still not over 2 more to go no?
Connie 3, not for the ship (really dont like the look) but for the special phaser for my phaser build. But I have to ask some of the post here make it sound like you can already choose and get it now? the event campaign is still not over 2 more to go no?
If you finish the particular event before the end, you can keep playing it daily - you get bonus dil and 50 points per day. I don't usually do so, but some folks do. Also, if you have the Zen to spare, you can buy out part of the event as well.
Connie 3, not for the ship (really dont like the look) but for the special phaser for my phaser build. But I have to ask some of the post here make it sound like you can already choose and get it now? the event campaign is still not over 2 more to go no?
If you finish the particular event before the end, you can keep playing it daily - you get bonus dil and 50 points per day. I don't usually do so, but some folks do. Also, if you have the Zen to spare, you can buy out part of the event as well.
Yes I am aware of this i mean they are talking like they can get the big event reward for the free ships/lobi etc. now
But I have to ask some of the post here make it sound like you can already choose and get it now? the event campaign is still not over 2 more to go no?
As soon as you achieve 4200 campaign progress you can claim the grand prizes.
It's based entirely upon your progress number so it doesn't matter if there's two more events to go.
But I have to ask some of the post here make it sound like you can already choose and get it now? the event campaign is still not over 2 more to go no?
As soon as you achieve 4200 campaign progress you can claim the grand prizes.
It's based entirely upon your progress number so it doesn't matter if there's two more events to go.
Yup, I bought out the first two events out on day one with the commendation tokens from the old event system and then played every day too. By that point I had 3,850 progress, so was able to complete the Event Campaign a week into the third event.
Claimed the rewards back then but haven't quite decided which ship to get yet. Leaning towards the Connie III and hoping it won't appear in a Mudd's bundle for quite a while. Promo too, so not so easy to get on the Exchange.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,880Community Moderator
I ran each of the events for all three weeks. You can math it out to determine when the earliest is to get the big campaign reward. The way the Campaign is set up, if you just do the bare minimum it would probably take all events in the campaign to complete. BUT if you do more than that, you can get it sooner. Its really up to the player to decide how much they want to get.
Also I will note that you can actually get 2 days of progress 1 time for each event. The day you get the event reward, it unlocks the bonus dilithium counter thing as soon as you claim the reward. So... as long as you have something you can get credit for, you can get credit for the overall campaign. A minor cheese but its 50 points closer to the Campaign goal, and some extra Dilithium in your pocket for the day.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
And also if your work/sleep/play time is flexible you can eke out 25 days of progress (1,250) from a 21-day event. As the event timer is 20 hours, you can gain four hours every day if you're super-efficient about it. Meaning every five days you can wangle an extra run. Handy to know if you're a little behind. Can be a bit tough though, especially when the end of the timer falls in the middle of the night...haha.🥱
Haven't posted anything here in a very long time. Didn't see any good reason to. Logged in and this thread caught my attention.
There's only one ship I've considered. Ferengi Quark Marauder (T6). For my Jem'Hadar Tac. I have most of the Ferengi-specific gear for the ship. The Ferenginar Plasma weapons I own are Mk XV Epic. I have the Expedited Delivery Console Set. I am busy working up enough EC so I can purchase three Ship Upgrade Tokens. She ought to make a very good Beamboat.
The only problem I'm having is what to name the new ship. My Jemmie is under contract to the F.C.A. in my headcanon. The image of a Ferengi lecturing a Jem'Hadar First about derivatives and bond markets and profit margins and overhead costs and so on popped into my head and I couldn't stop chuckling about it. Particularly when the Ferengi told my Jemmie, "Business is warfare conducted by other means." Unsure if this is part of the Rules of Acquisition or not. I think it should be. I can only imagine the shudder which will ripple through the Great Link if the Ferengi in question, one Sull, decides to formally adopt my Jemmie and then make him his heir.
Anyways, for your entertainment, I'm listing some of the names I've thought up with so far.
D.V. Founder's Margins
F.C.A. Victory is Profit
F.C.A. Contract Enforcement
D.V. Latinum Express
F.C.A. Collections R Us
D.V. Delinquent Accounts Manager
I've had a lot of fun with my Gamma Recruit Jemmie playing him for laughs and enjoyment. I have entertained myself for hours PUGing with my D'Kora while listening to people bemoan my choice of ship. Until they cannot draw aggro away from me and, as an added bonus, my D'Kora routinely finishes second in DPS when I parse said PUG.
The Ferengi Quark Marauder (T6) looks like it promises more fun and being better at the same things.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
When will the Achilles be available to buy with the event T6 token?
Holding out for Typhon myself. ^^ Though I suspect it'll be a while! XD
Oddly, I'll be able to get the big prize as soon as I play the upcoming Flagship event. Hooray for bonus points throughout the event! XD As for what I'll get from the big T6 box, I'm on the fence.
Resident TOS, G.I. Joe, Transformers and hair metal fangirl.
Anyways, for your entertainment, I'm listing some of the names I've thought up with so far.
D.V. Founder's Margins
F.C.A. Victory is Profit
F.C.A. Contract Enforcement
D.V. Latinum Express
F.C.A. Collections R Us
D.V. Delinquent Accounts Manager
FCA (or DV) Profit Is Life
FCA Debt Collector
DV Unexpected Acquisition
When will the Achilles be available to buy with the event T6 token?
Holding out for Typhon myself. ^^ Though I suspect it'll be a while! XD
Oddly, I'll be able to get the big prize as soon as I play the upcoming Flagship event. Hooray for bonus points throughout the event! XD As for what I'll get from the big T6 box, I'm on the fence.
Me too. Twice!
I'm planning on getting the Typhon, but I'll probably get that using the token from the Science Destroyer pack when I get that (I'm waiting on another 35% sale - we've just had one, so I'll be waiting a while).
When I complete the event on Thursday, I'm going to get the World Razer. Terrible name for a ship, but it looks quite fun, and should make my Galaxy class (currently technically the Fleet Andromeda with the Venture skin) more fun to fly.
Incidentally, I've gotten these three from past events:
When I complete the event on Thursday, I'm going to get the World Razer. Terrible name for a ship, but it looks quite fun, and should make my Galaxy class (currently technically the Fleet Andromeda with the Venture skin) more fun to fly.
World Razer is a fun juggernaut as well. I just wish the nacelles would be tweaked slightly to better mesh with standard Galaxy pylons. There is a SLIGHT gap in the connection point at the back of the nacelle, probably because it doesn't have one detail the standard Galaxy nacelle has.
I honestly don't use the saucer because it makes the Galaxy look VERY front heavy and off balance. IMO if they had a saucer variant without the Deflector on it I'd probably use that.
Gripes aside, a solid ship that synergizes VERY well with Phaser builds.
As for the name... I wonder if it is supposed to imply laying siege to planets or something. As it uses the word Raze, which is pretty much "burn down."
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
World Razer is a fun juggernaut as well. I just wish the nacelles would be tweaked slightly to better mesh with standard Galaxy pylons. There is a SLIGHT gap in the connection point at the back of the nacelle, probably because it doesn't have one detail the standard Galaxy nacelle has.
I honestly don't use the saucer because it makes the Galaxy look VERY front heavy and off balance. IMO if they had a saucer variant without the Deflector on it I'd probably use that.
Gripes aside, a solid ship that synergizes VERY well with Phaser builds.
As for the name... I wonder if it is supposed to imply laying siege to planets or something. As it uses the word Raze, which is pretty much "burn down."
I'll be putting the Venture skin on it anyway, so no worries there.
And yeah I know what the word razer means. I just think it's a terrible name
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,880Community Moderator
I'll be putting the Venture skin on it anyway, so no worries there.
I'm using Galaxy Refit on mine. I could go Ross if I wanted, but honestly the deflector on the Ross just feels like it kinda took over the ENTIRE stardrive section to me.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Didn't they originally restrict free coupons from working on items in the new category, so why did they change to two years now?
If they did actually change it, it was probably to make it so they did not have to keep ships in the "new" tab so long in order to keep people from using the free coupons on them.
Of course, if they would bring out more ships that people actually want enough to purchase them with cash that problem would be less of a problem.
Promo--Shrike (absolutely LOVING this thing!)
Cstore 1--Dyson Destroyer Bird of Prey (thank God for that "bug"--thing is a BEAST)
Cstore 2--Kortar Raptor (another absolute unit, completely wrecks enemies with insane torpedo damage)
Lobi--Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer and Altamid Plasma Omni for my Romulan Borg "barbie", as well as the Zambean outfit for two of my other toons.
I will pick the terran eagle pilot raider from feb. 2023
That one is still blocked from being purchasable with the coupons from this event.
I was kinda expecting movement on all the older ships not being purchasable by now, but alas, not to be. I wonder if whoever normally deals with flipping the restricted coupon tag is no longer working on STO. I've heard from people saying that Support told them different than the two-year thing, so that's probably not the reason, but who knows.
On the topic of using the coupons, anyone know of any beam or cannon type consoles that are buy-able with the restricted coupons? I had some good fun with things like the T5 Vesta's death beam (Quantum Field whatsit), Bortasqu's totally-not-Yamato-cannon from Star Craft, and the the T5 Dyson beam console on a build, but only one of those has a direct upgrade (and shouldn't, but does work with the coupon). Needs to go on any ship, so the Spinal Cannons from the Mat'ha, which while fun, don't count. The only other one I could find was the Trinary Arrays from the Recon Destroyers. I've got most of the more practical energy DPS C-Store stuff that is old enough to work, so novelty it is.
It was not discounted using these T6 coupons when I checked yesterday. That ship likely won't be available for quite a while with the restricted Event T6 coupons. Based on the previous bundle with stuff like the Hydra still being locked from purchase with these, it's unlikely to even be available this time next year.
I think I got screenshots of all the ones that don't qualify for the 100% coupon ATM (will show as 3000Z):
Interesting is that all the T6 Dyson Destroyers are discounted, despite being newer than some of the stuff that isn't. This means that all KDF, Romulan and non-faction C-Store ships are discounted.
Note for those new to the coupons, Mudd Store and Legendary ships are not purchasable with these coupons.
Edit: Now without personal stuff in the screenshots.
Apparently the T6 Dyson ships are bugged, which is why you can use one on them.
That "bug" would be a good thing if they actually had a Romulan Dyson science destroyer to use a token on. The thing they present as an 'uprated Romulan DSD' lacks the singularity core it takes to actually be believable as an overhaul of the existing (T5) version, and reportedly feels like a KDF ship in combat instead of a Romulan one.
As for the timing thing, it has randomly varied from about eight months to around a year and a half since the tokens first came out with a few exceptions here and there (like the T6 Luna) that were available right away, so the erratic application of it and the extra wait is not a surprise, just annoying and disappointing.
I imagine it also throws off their sales statistics concerning the popularity of certain designs since ships not available via token in a reasonable time would sit on the shelf while that timer runs its course instead of 'selling' in a pattern with reliable meaning.
When it became apparent that the Romulan Ship had a regular warp core, my money remained in my bank in the hope that it would be fixed. But, no - the warp core was intentional.
I'd really like to know the reason why the warp core was intentional, though...
Same here, I had a little spare cash back then and would have bought the Rallus no question if it had the right core.
I would also like to hear the reason for the bait-and-switch concerning the core. If the devs hate singularity cores the answer would be to buff them slightly to regain overall parity with warp cores after the warp cores apparently got years ago but singularity cores didn't, not to eliminate them going forward.
The answer to your question is unfortunately simple - the former requires actual development time, the latter requires nothing more than not adding any more singularity cores to the game.
The question then is was Support (which are separate from the devs that actually make the game) just back-rendering based on what is claimable, or if it's actually info from the devs passed to them. They do have more access to the devs than the average player, but not universal access and it's doubtful they'd ask everything asked of them.
If it's intended to be two years now, it's different than past years for the coupons, which were supposed to be whenever the ship left the New tab. Though, when the exit of the New tab happened has changed over the past few years.
Also, Seneca Command Carrier and Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort are a couple of months shy of being two years old, and are already available.
I will no doubt be chastised for suggesting conspiracy theories, but it has the ring of a stealth change in policy to extend the delay period before the restricted coupons apply in the hope no one notices, or, that they are picking and choosing which ships are released from the lockout when.
It might be nice if we had some clarity from on high as to what the actual cut-off point for the restricted coupons to apply is, but I do not hold out much hope of getting any.
If it is 2 years now, for me at least it is still not going to persuade me to spend any additional real money just to get ships sooner.
Yes I am aware of this i mean they are talking like they can get the big event reward for the free ships/lobi etc. now
As soon as you achieve 4200 campaign progress you can claim the grand prizes.
It's based entirely upon your progress number so it doesn't matter if there's two more events to go.
Claimed the rewards back then but haven't quite decided which ship to get yet. Leaning towards the Connie III and hoping it won't appear in a Mudd's bundle for quite a while. Promo too, so not so easy to get on the Exchange.
Also I will note that you can actually get 2 days of progress 1 time for each event. The day you get the event reward, it unlocks the bonus dilithium counter thing as soon as you claim the reward. So... as long as you have something you can get credit for, you can get credit for the overall campaign. A minor cheese but its 50 points closer to the Campaign goal, and some extra Dilithium in your pocket for the day.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
There's only one ship I've considered. Ferengi Quark Marauder (T6). For my Jem'Hadar Tac. I have most of the Ferengi-specific gear for the ship. The Ferenginar Plasma weapons I own are Mk XV Epic. I have the Expedited Delivery Console Set. I am busy working up enough EC so I can purchase three Ship Upgrade Tokens. She ought to make a very good Beamboat.
The only problem I'm having is what to name the new ship. My Jemmie is under contract to the F.C.A. in my headcanon. The image of a Ferengi lecturing a Jem'Hadar First about derivatives and bond markets and profit margins and overhead costs and so on popped into my head and I couldn't stop chuckling about it. Particularly when the Ferengi told my Jemmie, "Business is warfare conducted by other means." Unsure if this is part of the Rules of Acquisition or not. I think it should be. I can only imagine the shudder which will ripple through the Great Link if the Ferengi in question, one Sull, decides to formally adopt my Jemmie and then make him his heir.
Anyways, for your entertainment, I'm listing some of the names I've thought up with so far.
D.V. Founder's Margins
F.C.A. Victory is Profit
F.C.A. Contract Enforcement
D.V. Latinum Express
F.C.A. Collections R Us
D.V. Delinquent Accounts Manager
I've had a lot of fun with my Gamma Recruit Jemmie playing him for laughs and enjoyment. I have entertained myself for hours PUGing with my D'Kora while listening to people bemoan my choice of ship. Until they cannot draw aggro away from me and, as an added bonus, my D'Kora routinely finishes second in DPS when I parse said PUG.
The Ferengi Quark Marauder (T6) looks like it promises more fun and being better at the same things.
Holding out for Typhon myself. ^^ Though I suspect it'll be a while! XD
Oddly, I'll be able to get the big prize as soon as I play the upcoming Flagship event. Hooray for bonus points throughout the event! XD As for what I'll get from the big T6 box, I'm on the fence.
And knowing is half the battle!
21 'til I die!
FCA Debt Collector
DV Unexpected Acquisition
Me too. Twice!
I'm planning on getting the Typhon, but I'll probably get that using the token from the Science Destroyer pack when I get that (I'm waiting on another 35% sale - we've just had one, so I'll be waiting a while).
When I complete the event on Thursday, I'm going to get the World Razer. Terrible name for a ship, but it looks quite fun, and should make my Galaxy class (currently technically the Fleet Andromeda with the Venture skin) more fun to fly.
Incidentally, I've gotten these three from past events:
1. Miracle Worker Constitution Flight Deck Cruiser
2. Universe Class
3. S31 Intel Science Dreadnought.
World Razer is a fun juggernaut as well. I just wish the nacelles would be tweaked slightly to better mesh with standard Galaxy pylons. There is a SLIGHT gap in the connection point at the back of the nacelle, probably because it doesn't have one detail the standard Galaxy nacelle has.
I honestly don't use the saucer because it makes the Galaxy look VERY front heavy and off balance. IMO if they had a saucer variant without the Deflector on it I'd probably use that.
Gripes aside, a solid ship that synergizes VERY well with Phaser builds.
As for the name... I wonder if it is supposed to imply laying siege to planets or something. As it uses the word Raze, which is pretty much "burn down."
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I'll be putting the Venture skin on it anyway, so no worries there.
And yeah I know what the word razer means. I just think it's a terrible name
I'm using Galaxy Refit on mine. I could go Ross if I wanted, but honestly the deflector on the Ross just feels like it kinda took over the ENTIRE stardrive section to me.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
If they did actually change it, it was probably to make it so they did not have to keep ships in the "new" tab so long in order to keep people from using the free coupons on them.
Of course, if they would bring out more ships that people actually want enough to purchase them with cash that problem would be less of a problem.
Cstore 1--Dyson Destroyer Bird of Prey (thank God for that "bug"--thing is a BEAST)
Cstore 2--Kortar Raptor (another absolute unit, completely wrecks enemies with insane torpedo damage)
Lobi--Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer and Altamid Plasma Omni for my Romulan Borg "barbie", as well as the Zambean outfit for two of my other toons.
That one is still blocked from being purchasable with the coupons from this event.
I was kinda expecting movement on all the older ships not being purchasable by now, but alas, not to be. I wonder if whoever normally deals with flipping the restricted coupon tag is no longer working on STO. I've heard from people saying that Support told them different than the two-year thing, so that's probably not the reason, but who knows.
On the topic of using the coupons, anyone know of any beam or cannon type consoles that are buy-able with the restricted coupons? I had some good fun with things like the T5 Vesta's death beam (Quantum Field whatsit), Bortasqu's totally-not-Yamato-cannon from Star Craft, and the the T5 Dyson beam console on a build, but only one of those has a direct upgrade (and shouldn't, but does work with the coupon). Needs to go on any ship, so the Spinal Cannons from the Mat'ha, which while fun, don't count. The only other one I could find was the Trinary Arrays from the Recon Destroyers. I've got most of the more practical energy DPS C-Store stuff that is old enough to work, so novelty it is.