So the announcement of the summer terraforming Kit said that each summer elemental module will grant:
"+20 Kit Performance - up to a maximum of +120 (5 Modules)
+20 Kit Readiness - up to a maximum of +120 (% Modules)
If the Player has one Elemental Kit Module of each type they gain
+100 Kit Performance - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module
+100 Kit Readiness - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module"
Are those two seperate ways to gain the bonus or do they stack? If you equip 4 elemental modules of different types then unless the bonus is mutually exclusive it looks like it would grant +180 Kit Perfomance and readiness. Not counting any KPerf Modifiers, which is where most of the original Risian Kit's power comes from.
Basically am I reading this wrong, or is this kit frame instantly the new meta frame?
I'm thinking the max is 120%. I doubt the kit is going to have even more innate Kitperf and -readiness modifiers.
It's probably written as +100% if you fill up your entire kit with elemental modules and then 120% if you have a sixth slot, hence the 'one additional' thing.
Note that there are four types. So
If the Player has one Elemental Kit Module of each type they gain
+100 Kit Performance - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module
+100 Kit Readiness - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module"
merely seems to be a faster way to get to 100, since you only need to use four modules to get there - with the downside being that they must be different types. Or you can use like two types - like only fire and wind - but then you need five modules to get to 100.
I'm assuming that these bonuses are mutually exclusive and that they want to encourage players to pick one way of reaching the bonuses. Which would, I might add, be the best thing to do.
As for the instant meta thing: I'm not sure. It depends on which modules will count towards these large bonuses.
I mean, the kit is good, but keep in mind that it seems like you're only getting these bonuses if you use the Risa modules.
At least, that's what I'm assuming, based on the discussion in the thread in the News section. Yes, you can get huge bonuses, but if it only works with these modules (some of which aren't very powerful at the moment, without those large, new Kperf bonuses), it doesn't leave the player with a lot of flexibility. So that's a reasonable tradeoff then, there.
I'm hoping this assumption is correct. I pray to Q that they had the sense to limit the Kit performance and Readiness bonuses to Risa-only modules. At least the most powerful Risa modules, like Ball Lightning, have long cooldowns to compensate for how powerful they are, so then it won't be as bad. In that case this new kit won't be the automatic go-to thing that's going to render obsolete pretty much everything else that's worth using now.
It would have been much more informative, had they explained what exactly they mean with 'elemental kit module' and whether this includes stuff like exothermic induction field or the Lukari lightning stuff.
Cause IF, on the other hand that is the case, then yes, it's going to be ridiculously OP. Since it'll mean that stuff like Symphony of Lightning are also going to be endlessly spammable.
Things like Exothermic Induction field and the Wind/Hurricane wave device kit modules are already OP and can be spammed nearly endlessly - we certainly don't need these things to become even more powerful and more of an 'instant win'-button than they already are.
So the announcement of the summer terraforming Kit said that each summer elemental module will grant:
"+20 Kit Performance - up to a maximum of +120 (5 Modules)
+20 Kit Readiness - up to a maximum of +120 (% Modules)
If the Player has one Elemental Kit Module of each type they gain
+100 Kit Performance - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module
+100 Kit Readiness - which can be enhanced to +120 with the additional of another Elemental Kit Module"
Are those two seperate ways to gain the bonus or do they stack? If you equip 4 elemental modules of different types then unless the bonus is mutually exclusive it looks like it would grant +180 Kit Perfomance and readiness. Not counting any KPerf Modifiers, which is where most of the original Risian Kit's power comes from.
Basically am I reading this wrong, or is this kit frame instantly the new meta frame?
You're reading it wrong. The +100 is a clear explanation of its mechanics, nothing more. You get +20 per element and/or module equipped up to a max of +120.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
So after testing this kit is, in fact adding a ton to Kit performance, the +20 bonus per elemental kit and +100 if you have four different elements are both applied, what's more like the other Risian kits it can be reingineered to all KPerf modifiers. All in all, when equiped with 4 elemental mods this is adding almost 300 KPerf.
ok what kit modules count as what element for one to get the bonuses on it? i see kit modules but no idea what counts for it as the game has no details on what kits to use. playing an engineer. does the kit have to do that element damage? it's a bit confusing
The blog says "Elemental Kit Modules" which made me think there would be some new universal kit modules. Nope, we have to guess which existing modules are coded to count as which element?
The blog says "Elemental Kit Modules" which made me think there would be some new universal kit modules. Nope, we have to guess which existing modules are coded to count as which element?
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The blog says "Elemental Kit Modules" which made me think there would be some new universal kit modules. Nope, we have to guess which existing modules are coded to count as which element?
I agree this is not clear at all.
If you right click on the modules in the event store the tooltip will tell you what element it's linked too.
For those you already have right clicking on it and then clicking "More details" will let you know in the tooltip.
Both of these examples are water elements.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited July 2024
I got a Pyromancer Sci with kit modules like Solar Gateway (lockbox) and Exothermic Induction Field (standard Sci option). I've been considering getting this kit frame for her, but I'm not sure if it only counts seasonal kit modules or if any elemental kit modules work.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Here is a list of all kit modules I could find with an Element attached - note that the only ones categorised as such appear to be from the two event stores (I checked some obvious standard modules such as Exothermic Induction Field and Solar Gateway, but none were marked with an Element).
They are broken down by Element, Store and Career:
S - Engineering - Electrical Overcharge
S - Science - Sonic Disruption
S - Science - Static Slam
S - Science - Virulent Dark Matter Cloud
S - Tactical - Storm Strike
S - Universal - Ball Lightning
W - Universal - Collective Nightmares
S - Universal - Cyclonic Generator
S - Universal - Hurricane Turret
W - Universal - Torment of the Underworld
S - Tactical - Corrosive Grenade
S - Tactical - Graviton Spike
S - Universal - Sandstorm Generator
S - Universal - Seismic Agitation Field
W - Engineering - Anchor of Gre'thor
W - Tactical - Cryotronic Modulation
W - Tactical - Gre'thor's Chains
S - Tactical - Magmatic Deployment
W - Universal - Exothermic Redistribution
S - Universal - The Floor is Lava
S - Universal - Molten Terrain
W - Universal - Ravager Barrage
W - Engineering - Cryo Mine Barrier
W - Engineering - Flash Freeze Bomb
W - Engineering - Freeze Armor
W - Science - Cryogenic Stasis Field
W - Science - Cryonic Pulse
W - Science - Cryothermic Armor
W - Science - Endothermic Induction Field
W - Tactical - Cryo Grenade
W - Tactical - Micro Cryonic Warhead
S - Universal - Andorian Summer
W - Universal - Cryo Visor Blast
S - Universal - Neve's Icy Wrath
S - Universal - Tsunami Generator
Even though I can understand 'The Floor is Lava' and 'Molten Terrain' being placed under Fire, it feels like they might be better placed under Earth given how few choices it has, but that's just me.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
So it literally is just the seasonal event kit modules. Dang it.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
If you right click on the modules in the event store the tooltip will tell you what element it's linked too.
For those you already have right clicking on it and then clicking "More details" will let you know in the tooltip.
Well spotted, thanks.
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here is a list of all kit modules I could find with an Element attached - note that the only ones categorised as such appear to be from the two event stores (I checked some obvious standard modules such as Exothermic Induction Field and Solar Gateway, but none were marked with an Element).
They are broken down by Element, Store and Career:
S - Engineering - Electrical Overcharge
S - Science - Sonic Disruption
S - Science - Static Slam
S - Science - Virulent Dark Matter Cloud
S - Tactical - Storm Strike
S - Universal - Ball Lightning
W - Universal - Collective Nightmares
S - Universal - Cyclonic Generator
S - Universal - Hurricane Turret
W - Universal - Torment of the Underworld
S - Tactical - Corrosive Grenade
S - Tactical - Graviton Spike
S - Universal - Sandstorm Generator
S - Universal - Seismic Agitation Field
W - Engineering - Anchor of Gre'thor
W - Tactical - Cryotronic Modulation
W - Tactical - Gre'thor's Chains
S - Tactical - Magmatic Deployment
W - Universal - Exothermic Redistribution
S - Universal - The Floor is Lava
S - Universal - Molten Terrain
W - Universal - Ravager Barrage
W - Engineering - Cryo Mine Barrier
W - Engineering - Flash Freeze Bomb
W - Engineering - Freeze Armor
W - Science - Cryogenic Stasis Field
W - Science - Cryonic Pulse
W - Science - Cryothermic Armor
W - Science - Endothermic Induction Field
W - Tactical - Cryo Grenade
W - Tactical - Micro Cryonic Warhead
S - Universal - Andorian Summer
W - Universal - Cryo Visor Blast
S - Universal - Neve's Icy Wrath
S - Universal - Tsunami Generator
Even though I can understand 'The Floor is Lava' and 'Molten Terrain' being placed under Fire, it feels like they might be better placed under Earth given how few choices it has, but that's just me.
Yeah--earth has rather few representatives, but then again, earth is kinda hard to represent outside of earthquakes and maybe sandstorms (although those might also qualify as air, due to the wind component).
Yeah--earth has rather few representatives, but then again, earth is kinda hard to represent outside of earthquakes and maybe sandstorms (although those might also qualify as air, due to the wind component).
Earth probably has the most of "could be either way" combos due being the most static of the classic 4(or 5) elements, besides those and the Lava ones, only I could think of would possibly a barrier of some sort.
Yeah--earth has rather few representatives, but then again, earth is kinda hard to represent outside of earthquakes and maybe sandstorms (although those might also qualify as air, due to the wind component).
Traditionally, Earth is also associated with plant and animal control (as well as healing sometimes) though I suppose that might be hard to do in STO.
The plant stuff might be doable, actually: consider that many plants release spores that have various effects (poison, confusion, sleep, paralysis, hallucinations, etc.). In addition, an AoE that causes rooting vines to shoot up, hold enemies in place and maybe even do DoT to them? YES PLEASE! Heh heh...(anything to be able to be as unfair as the AI sometimes is, power creep be damned). 🤣
There is that one Enterprise episode, Strange New World, where some of the crew go crazy while being stuck in a cave after having been exposed by something the plants on the planet released.
Though, given that we already have things like Soothing Pheromones and Incite Chaos, I don't really think that's an interesting thing to add more of. Same goes for paralysis, there's tons of stun and hold abilities already (most of which aren't very effective or useful, since they break with the tiniest amount of damage).
Poison could be interesting though. Right now we only have that Toxic dart thing from the Lukari colony and I think there's a Lockbox kit ability that does something similar. But given that these are single-target abilities with slow activation, a new one with more potency could be interesting.
There is that one Enterprise episode, Strange New World, where some of the crew go crazy while being stuck in a cave after having been exposed by something the plants on the planet released.
Though, given that we already have things like Soothing Pheromones and Incite Chaos, I don't really think that's an interesting thing to add more of. Same goes for paralysis, there's tons of stun and hold abilities already (most of which aren't very effective or useful, since they break with the tiniest amount of damage).
Poison could be interesting though. Right now we only have that Toxic dart thing from the Lukari colony and I think there's a Lockbox kit ability that does something similar. But given that these are single-target abilities with slow activation, a new one with more potency could be interesting.
A good "earth" one for poison would be a kit that grows the poison seed shotgun flowers that Vaal used. The flower is seen right at the beginning of this video:
Vaal's planet also has rocks that act as landmines which might be another way of doing a minefield, which is shown in that video at about 1:13, though regular explosive mines are getting a bit old nowadays.
It's probably written as +100% if you fill up your entire kit with elemental modules and then 120% if you have a sixth slot, hence the 'one additional' thing.
Note that there are four types. So
merely seems to be a faster way to get to 100, since you only need to use four modules to get there - with the downside being that they must be different types. Or you can use like two types - like only fire and wind - but then you need five modules to get to 100.
I'm assuming that these bonuses are mutually exclusive and that they want to encourage players to pick one way of reaching the bonuses. Which would, I might add, be the best thing to do.
I mean, the kit is good, but keep in mind that it seems like you're only getting these bonuses if you use the Risa modules.
At least, that's what I'm assuming, based on the discussion in the thread in the News section. Yes, you can get huge bonuses, but if it only works with these modules (some of which aren't very powerful at the moment, without those large, new Kperf bonuses), it doesn't leave the player with a lot of flexibility. So that's a reasonable tradeoff then, there.
I'm hoping this assumption is correct. I pray to Q that they had the sense to limit the Kit performance and Readiness bonuses to Risa-only modules. At least the most powerful Risa modules, like Ball Lightning, have long cooldowns to compensate for how powerful they are, so then it won't be as bad. In that case this new kit won't be the automatic go-to thing that's going to render obsolete pretty much everything else that's worth using now.
It would have been much more informative, had they explained what exactly they mean with 'elemental kit module' and whether this includes stuff like exothermic induction field or the Lukari lightning stuff.
Cause IF, on the other hand that is the case, then yes, it's going to be ridiculously OP. Since it'll mean that stuff like Symphony of Lightning are also going to be endlessly spammable.
Things like Exothermic Induction field and the Wind/Hurricane wave device kit modules are already OP and can be spammed nearly endlessly - we certainly don't need these things to become even more powerful and more of an 'instant win'-button than they already are.
You're reading it wrong. The +100 is a clear explanation of its mechanics, nothing more. You get +20 per element and/or module equipped up to a max of +120.
I agree this is not clear at all.
yep it's very vexing to say.
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If you right click on the modules in the event store the tooltip will tell you what element it's linked too.
For those you already have right clicking on it and then clicking "More details" will let you know in the tooltip.
Both of these examples are water elements.
Right now her set up in a Versitile Kit Frame is:
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My guess is that it's limited to a selection of Risa modules, nothing outside that (though I haven't really looked into the Winter event stuff).
They are broken down by Element, Store and Career:
S - Engineering - Electrical Overcharge
S - Science - Sonic Disruption
S - Science - Static Slam
S - Science - Virulent Dark Matter Cloud
S - Tactical - Storm Strike
S - Universal - Ball Lightning
W - Universal - Collective Nightmares
S - Universal - Cyclonic Generator
S - Universal - Hurricane Turret
W - Universal - Torment of the Underworld
S - Tactical - Corrosive Grenade
S - Tactical - Graviton Spike
S - Universal - Sandstorm Generator
S - Universal - Seismic Agitation Field
W - Engineering - Anchor of Gre'thor
W - Tactical - Cryotronic Modulation
W - Tactical - Gre'thor's Chains
S - Tactical - Magmatic Deployment
W - Universal - Exothermic Redistribution
S - Universal - The Floor is Lava
S - Universal - Molten Terrain
W - Universal - Ravager Barrage
W - Engineering - Cryo Mine Barrier
W - Engineering - Flash Freeze Bomb
W - Engineering - Freeze Armor
W - Science - Cryogenic Stasis Field
W - Science - Cryonic Pulse
W - Science - Cryothermic Armor
W - Science - Endothermic Induction Field
W - Tactical - Cryo Grenade
W - Tactical - Micro Cryonic Warhead
S - Universal - Andorian Summer
W - Universal - Cryo Visor Blast
S - Universal - Neve's Icy Wrath
S - Universal - Tsunami Generator
Even though I can understand 'The Floor is Lava' and 'Molten Terrain' being placed under Fire, it feels like they might be better placed under Earth given how few choices it has, but that's just me.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Thank you for breaking them down. Great work!
Earth probably has the most of "could be either way" combos due being the most static of the classic 4(or 5) elements, besides those and the Lava ones, only I could think of would possibly a barrier of some sort.
Traditionally, Earth is also associated with plant and animal control (as well as healing sometimes) though I suppose that might be hard to do in STO.
Though, given that we already have things like Soothing Pheromones and Incite Chaos, I don't really think that's an interesting thing to add more of. Same goes for paralysis, there's tons of stun and hold abilities already (most of which aren't very effective or useful, since they break with the tiniest amount of damage).
Poison could be interesting though. Right now we only have that Toxic dart thing from the Lukari colony and I think there's a Lockbox kit ability that does something similar. But given that these are single-target abilities with slow activation, a new one with more potency could be interesting.
A good "earth" one for poison would be a kit that grows the poison seed shotgun flowers that Vaal used. The flower is seen right at the beginning of this video:
Vaal's planet also has rocks that act as landmines which might be another way of doing a minefield, which is shown in that video at about 1:13, though regular explosive mines are getting a bit old nowadays.