I like to point out some of the ships in the Lobi Store are old. I suggest STO could replace them with
Prototype and
Concept ships that are Very Rare like the Ambassador Prototype which is renamed as the Narendra Class, and the Atlas Class Dreadnought. Could we get more Federation ships into the Lobi Store, such as ships from Wolf 359 and several prototypes seen in TNG, perhaps in other StarTrek Films and Series.
For the Miranda Class Selection you have different variants and early prototypes like the Miranda Mk1 etc and to unlock other variants you must buy the ship from the Lobi Store to customize the class and variant from Starship Customization. So I would suggest adding to the new list of Starfleet vessels to the Lobi Store with the following ships.
1. Miranda Class - Concept Design

2. Intrepid Class - Concept Design

3. Miranda Class / Antares Variant

4. Curry Class -

5. Pegasus Class - Concept Design

6. 23rd Century Challenger Class -

7. Shangri-La Class - Concept Design

If it were possible could add some content from other games:-
StarTrek Invasion
StarTrek Shattered Universe
StarTrek Armada
In spite the fact this game has every ship and getting newer ones and bring out the best ships for the players to fly. But as for the old ships which are currently in the Lobi store must remove the alien ships or create a list of Federation&Starfleet/Romulan/Klingon/Other known ships.
Need to create a vote for which ship can stay in the Lobi store and which to remove because some fans are still waiting for new upcoming lobi ships and equipment.
The Narendra and the Atlas are already in the game. Yet ANOTHER Miranda variant is not going in the Lobi Store either.
Cryptic already has permission to use ships from other games, as long as they rebuild the models themselves. They've already started doing this, but so far, none of those have gone to the Lobi Store either.
I don't see where removal, separate ship lists, or voting is necessary either. The Lobi Store works fine as it is.
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Additionally... ...I don't think we'd ever get is since it was the inspiration for the Neo-Constitution (Constitution III) and that's in a lockbox!
Still, I'd love to see T6 versions of some of the ships that still don't have T6 variants, such as:
And as for votes....no, no, no, no. Same with removing ships....NO! There is zero reason to remove ships. I'm still miffed the old shi'khar model has gone! They could have left that in.
The ONLY ship in OP's list that even deserves to be in STO is the Curry class.
Especially alien ships which (a) are part of console sets, and (b) let us create themed captains who fly them. I have a SCIENCE! captain who flies all of the Tholian ships including lobi. Other captains fly herald, tal shiar, xindi, etc.
Cheers to a "25 posts" person for keeping the spirit alive.
I acknowledge your terrible ideas.
And yea we have the Valkyrie and Kodai fighters, which were in other Star Trek games. The Valkyries came from Invasion, and the Kodais came from SFC 2 and Shattered Universe. They're just not PLAYABLE.
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Things should definitely be added though, it's been years since new ships were added there.
But when I say 'things', I don't mean these things presented here.
These designs don't seem unique enough to be put in the Lobi store - or in the game at all. Either add them as C-store ships or as free unlocks to existing ships.
We already have multiple Miranda's, we don't need 47 versions of each ship, each with minor and barely noticable variations of the basic shape that remains unchanged.
This proliferation of ships that are presented as being new when they're really just slight variations of the same model, became silly a long time ago.
If a concept variant of a Miranda needs to be added, then it should be added as a variant of an existing Miranda, not as a new ship. New ships should have significant differences in design. Same for the Shangri-La, that ship is a Constitution III with some minor alterations to that same basic concept. Enough already with the bizarre pretentions (or should I say, marketing spins?) that it's a wholly different ship.
Lastly, some of these shouldn't be added at all, imo. Usually I tend to think 'why not, if someone else wants to fly something, let them'. However, most of these designs - take the 'Curry class' - don't even look like finished ships. Or they look like something that was just created because a designer got bored, not because they were actually ever intended to be real starships featuring on a show or in a movie.
Technically speaking... a Connie-III is actually a Shangri-La. The designer used his previous design as a base for the Connie-III.
As for the Curry class, it was actually designed as part of the Dominion War Kitbash fleet, same with the Centaur. It also DID appear in DS9.
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You don't understand or get my point, I played those lobi ships and non were good and they're getting are old. As for the Narendra and Atlas those were examples and we need more of them to command, to get that feeling of flying a rare ship. And thing have been REMOVED from the store before I started playing STO in 2014.
Baddmoon did understand and get your point.
The lobi ships can be good if built well, some of them getting old is not a good piece of criteria to judge these ships by. What is one person's trash is another person's treasure. You just might not have built them well. With that said, some updates to their models would not hurt.
I support keeping them in the lobi store, I oppose their removal. No to removal of content in this game!
STO got ships seen from Wolf 359 and the Dominion Wars, the centaur might get a refit as the new StarTrek Game called Resurgence from the USS Resolute. But I'm talking about bring the ships that never got a chance for the commanders to fly. The Niagara, Nebula Prototype 1 and the McQuarrie Class needs to be in STO.
And yes the Connie Class III is based on the Shangri-La Class but we can't access it because the Connie Class III is known as a Neo Connie Class of the 25th Century. Set in motion the Constitution Class are the original ships and the Neo Connie is part of that now. Same for the Excelsior Class and Refit, and now there's a Neo Excelsior class (Which I call the Excelsior class III) because the refit is the phase-II. So in canon the Neo-Constitution Class is officially known as the Neo- Connie phase-III, as for the Original Shangri-La Class is deserves to be in STO, as Lobi or Bundle.
We have the Original Constitution, Constitution Refit, Constitution Variants and now we have the Neo-Constitution. Same for all other ships including Miranda Class and her variants, the Excelsior Class and their variants. All ships tell a story as StarTrek Online is a Roleplaying game players would love to command very rare ships even from KitBashers.
I agree on that part, if there was a vote. But where would it go?
Lobi Store
Excelsior Variants
Miranda Variants
You need to do more research the Shangri-La isn't a Connie-III. The Neo Connie-III is based on the re-design of the Shangri-La, so technically it's not the same class. For example, A Mini Cooper (a 20th Century Earth Vehicle) made in the 60s, 90 years later a newer design based on the classic design indicates it's a new mini but not the same car. Again for the Constitution Class (Original Connie-I), then later came the Refit then called the Connie-II, 2 centuries later the Connie-III in the 25th century was re-designed from the Shangri-La Class but not as a Constitution Class. Even for the Intrepid Class there's a Yeager Class which should be a Variant of the Intrepid class design based on it's hull.
Cryptic has done a pretty good job interpreting concept art into ships, like with the Concept Ambassador into the Narendra, and even a Concept Defiant into the Valiant.
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Say that to the Jupiter Class Dreadnought, Typhoon Class, and the Original Shi'Khar Class.
I agree, but according to StarTrekOnline Wikipedia there are charts of the ships they had in game content based on the ships that were at Wolf 359 and in the Dominion Wars. But sadly they were removed and kept some in game.
As for the Miranda Class Concept design have you notice what other ship share some similarities?
With the advent of cross-faction flying, these equipment bundles (starship trait & console) have been rendered obsolete. Hence, they were removed from the game.
The point was STO can remove items, eqipment, crews and ships from the game. They did however remove 3 ships from the lobi store one was from the Romulan, one from the Klingon and the other was a alien from unknown origin.
Saying that old ships should be ...hauled away AS garbage!....is saying "stop liking what I don't like."
It's fine that you don't want to fly a Tholian or Herald ship. No one is going to make you. Many of us do want to.
> Say that to the Jupiter Class Dreadnought, Typhoon Class, and the Original Shi'Khar Class.
The Jupiter Class Dreadnought was not removed. As for the Typhoon I don't think we have it yet. It would have been nice if they had kept and updated the original Shi'Khar model as a variant instead of removing it for those who liked the past look before it was updated.
They were replaced with T6 versions I believe.
This. We never had a playable Jupiter Dread or Typhoon. We can kitbash the Fed Command Battlecruisers to approximate the look if a higher quality Typhoon. And we have the Jupiter carrier, which is based on the old Dread.
They chose to replace the old Shi'khar model with the current one due to the poorer, launch era quality. And IMO the current model is far superior while maintaining the style of the original.
The only thing I would say was totally removed was the original Fleet Patrol Escort, which was replaced with the Refit. Different BOff layout and a fused tailgun. I still got a vintage FPE on a character.
I don't recall there being any Wolf 359 or Dominion War era ships being REMOVED from the game. They revamped the Cheyenne model, made the New Orleans, and revamped the Nebula and Ambassador. But nothing was removed. And I've been playing STO since JUST before F2P, so I was even there when they added the Ambassador in the first place. They've only ever retired ships a couple times, and when they did they were replaced with newer versions.
They had a MISSION that took you back to Wolf 359, but it was removed because it no longer fit the narrative the game was aiming for in the leadup to the Iconian War. The Iconians can't use Time Travel, so why would they use Time Travel to send Modern Borg back to Wolf 359 to try and take out Sisko? It made no narrative sense. The only downside is we don't have a mission involving Q now outside of events.
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They're just gonna continue focusing on expensive packs and gamble ships
On top of that, if there is a ship that is so obsoleted by power creep that it would be a valid candidate to move elsewhere, that elsewhere would more appropriately be the c-store, not Mudds's, since most of the ships there are, on average, more exclusive than even the popular ones in the Lobi store and moving them to Mudd's like that would be an elevation in status, not a demotion to a lesser distribution channel.
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please please please please please with sugar on top,
the firehawk from the old fleet command
Always wanted to see the king condor battleship from sfc2, but given the era and the fact they're romulan...don't think we'd ever see either ship unfortunately
Stranger things have happened. I mean we got the Kodai fighters, which are technically from that very same era.
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Ironically, that might be complicated by the fact that Paramount put language in the license they granted FASA that in theory gave them a sort of joint ownership of the ships and whatnot FASA made for the game but was considered questionable at the time. And Paramount refusing to renew the license was one of the bigger nails in FASA's coffin as a game company so there is very probably resentment between them that could hamper getting the ships into STO.