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Fighting with away teams

mudhut#3231 mudhut Member Posts: 16 Arc User
Hi all,

I was curious if anyone uses the specific boff ground commands and pause button. Been playing for two years and I just started focusing on the ground side about 6 months ago. I basically set my team up as a military fire team. Team leader, grenadier, medic and two rifleman. I started using the paise button and giving my boffs individual commands. For example, I’ll have myself and the grenadier start attacking the enemy to pin them down as I order my rifleman to flank. Pausing as I reevaluate the situation. Takes some getting used to but now I absolutely love ground.

Wondering if anyone else plays this way or does everyone just set up for max dps and bulldoze everything. That’s how I play my Gorn but find it boring.

Thanks all. Have a great weekend. I’m
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,243 Community Moderator
    Actually, I've been hoping for an update to Ground combat. I'd love for us to have Ground commands, similar to Carrier commands, that would put our Away Team into various formations automatically: Line, File, Wedge, V, Circle... I'd also love to see the half Specializations made into full Specs, so that we could train our BOFFs in those skills as well, further enhancing Ground combat. I really want Commando BOFFs. 😁
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  • mudhut#3231 mudhut Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    > @baddmoonrizin said:
    > Actually, I've been hoping for an update to Ground combat. I'd love for us to have Ground commands, similar to Carrier commands, that would put our Away Team into various formations automatically: Line, File, Wedge, V, Circle... I'd also love to see the half Specializations made into full Specs, so that we could train our BOFFs in those skills as well, further enhancing Ground combat. I really want Commando BOFFs. 😁

    That sounds amazing. I do find the existing system more complex then I first thought tho. I love the total war games and the pause and play style. I understand most players just want to blow thru content but being able to give individual commands and selecting what abilities I want my boffs to use has been a blast. I find myself sneaking up on groups, evaluating the terrain and thinking about how I’m going to plan my attack. Are we going to be aggressive using flanking tactics, head on attack or is there a choke point to draw the enemy into a trap. It really has improved the gameplay, for myself, of course. I get not everyone wants to pause and plan but learning the ground system really scratches that strategic side I love.

    Thanks for answering. I hope you guys have a great weekend.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,780 Arc User
    edited May 2023
    A ground revamp would be nice, maybe with some ground patrols.

    Solo ground is the only place to fight with your own crew, and be free from the eye-bleeding spam of 20 neon AOE hazards and swirly things. In ground a TFOs it's hard to even target foes there's so much splatter hiding them :(
  • theboxisredtheboxisred Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    I'd be happy with a single button to disable all the ground bridge officer abilities instead of having to right click four times per officer.

    That's not to say that selecting the different abilities doesn't have its uses for different styles of play, but why there isn't a "master switch" is beyond me.

    It's just more fun for me that my Landing Party use the weapons I've bothered to equip them with.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    I mostly use the rally point command to put them somewhere where they don't get in my way. :D

    The only reason I let them out of their gilded cage that is my bridge is because Starfleet, from time to time, insists I do so.
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  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    Sometimes I flank enemies with them, when I replay a mission on one of my alts, I use the knowledge of beam in spots, like for example In The Kitomer Discord mission instead of following Ja'rod you could go through the other door, place your BOFF in neat line then go back and follow Ja'rod, so that when he beams in his minions they get shot in the back,

    sometimes I split them into Teams of 2 and place them on opposite sides of each other, that way the enemy gets shot in 2 different directions in a pincer attack, while I play the part of being the bait.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    I'd be happy with a single button to disable all the ground bridge officer abilities instead of having to right click four times per officer.

    That's not to say that selecting the different abilities doesn't have its uses for different styles of play, but why there isn't a "master switch" is beyond me.

    It's just more fun for me that my Landing Party use the weapons I've bothered to equip them with.

    Wait... you have to click 4 times for each of your BOFFs, The BOFFs pretty much do everything on their own on the console version, though I wish they were smart enough to not put down Cover Shields in front of doorways, you have to wait awhile until it disappears.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,919 Community Moderator
    Wait... you have to click 4 times for each of your BOFFs, The BOFFs pretty much do everything on their own on the console version, though I wish they were smart enough to not put down Cover Shields in front of doorways, you have to wait awhile until it disappears.

    They do things on their own on PC as well. Its just that some people prefer to disable their BOff abilities and have them only use their weapon.
    And honestly I wouldn't trust BOffs to place Cover Shields so I'd replace that ability with something more useful.
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,780 Arc User
    edited May 2023
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Wait... you have to click 4 times for each of your BOFFs, The BOFFs pretty much do everything on their own on the console version, though I wish they were smart enough to not put down Cover Shields in front of doorways, you have to wait awhile until it disappears.

    They do things on their own on PC as well. Its just that some people prefer to disable their BOff abilities and have them only use their weapon.
    And honestly I wouldn't trust BOffs to place Cover Shields so I'd replace that ability with something more useful.

    Yes, never give them cover shield. They love to pick the worst possible spot.

    I also don't give them sniper rifles, at least when my captain is an Engineer. "Time to place some constructs and mines before battle...hey! why'd you let them know we're here. Is the word 'Ambush' not in your vocabulary!?" Or on Nimbus, they love to bring every arthropod on the map into battle when I'm just trying to get to one of the story missions.

  • foxman00foxman00 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Wait... you have to click 4 times for each of your BOFFs, The BOFFs pretty much do everything on their own on the console version, though I wish they were smart enough to not put down Cover Shields in front of doorways, you have to wait awhile until it disappears.

    They do things on their own on PC as well. Its just that some people prefer to disable their BOff abilities and have them only use their weapon.
    And honestly I wouldn't trust BOffs to place Cover Shields so I'd replace that ability with something more useful.

    Yes, never give them cover shield. They love to pick the worst possible spot.

    I also don't give them sniper rifles, at least when my captain is an Engineer. "Time to place some constructs and mines before battle...hey! why'd you let them know we're here. Is the word 'Ambush' not in your vocabulary!?"

    Have to admit, the cover shield thing with BOFFs can sometimes be funny. Its like the BOFF goes "Oh, you really dont like us? OK, im gonna really TRIBBLE with your day"
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,994 Arc User
    There was a game, I forget which one at the moment, where the minions were solid and the AI was not exactly brilliant. The problem was that if you went into a narrow space that turned out to be a dead end (there were a lot of those in the game iirc) the companions would pile in behind you and trap you in the little space at the end because if there was not enough space for them to circle around to the back they would just stand there because the AI could not handle being in front the character.

    As for STO, I second Baddmoonrizin about the formations thing, for instance it would be great to be able to have my faux-Vorta captains surrounded by or behind the boffs instead of being out ahead of them.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Wait... you have to click 4 times for each of your BOFFs, The BOFFs pretty much do everything on their own on the console version, though I wish they were smart enough to not put down Cover Shields in front of doorways, you have to wait awhile until it disappears.

    They do things on their own on PC as well. Its just that some people prefer to disable their BOff abilities and have them only use their weapon.
    And honestly I wouldn't trust BOffs to place Cover Shields so I'd replace that ability with something more useful.

    Yes, never give them cover shield. They love to pick the worst possible spot.

    I also don't give them sniper rifles, at least when my captain is an Engineer. "Time to place some constructs and mines before battle...hey! why'd you let them know we're here. Is the word 'Ambush' not in your vocabulary!?" Or on Nimbus, they love to bring every arthropod on the map into battle when I'm just trying to get to one of the story missions.

    That's the worst thing about Boffs on the ground. Also in other zones like Kobali Prime or the Dyson battlezone, they tend to attract enemies that could've been ignored because they tend to walk something like two metres beside you on each side, making you broader than when you are on your own.

    And of course they feel the need to stop and return fire every time this happens, instead of maintaining run speed.
  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    Ground Combat on Console needs some serious looking at, with most of our abilities having to be automated it can cause you to die a lot. For example one of the borg ground tfo's you are attacking the borg and the square you are standing on starts to turn green, about to fry you with plasma, you try and get off the square, but your character decides now is a great time to throw a grenade, call down and orbital strike or some other automated action and so you stand there like an idiot and get fried because your move command does not override the automated animation.

    The simple fix is that if you move while executing and grenade throw etc then that action stops and your character moves away from the burning ground or where a grenade is about to hit. There's a reason why 3 out of 5 players leave the tfo if it is a ground one on console, and that's because you die a lot because your character won't move out of the path of a grenade, plasma flames or other AOE effect while it stands there performing an animation of some ability.

    And no, non automating these abilities is not the answer as the dialogue windows overlap the ability wheels so you can't see what ability you are trying to activate if you do it manually.(this happens is space also) plus it is slow going trying to locate the ability you want in combat, as they never stay in the same place on the wheel, so doing the actions manually will get you killed just as easily as standing there like an idiot while fire rains down on your char as it performs it's animation.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited May 2023
    The AI controlling the BOffs is very poorly designed. It will make my Jem'Hadar use a Ketrocel White consumable every twenty seconds or until whatever insignificant enemy it is attacking eliminated. My Tactical BOff will use Lunge when I've provided said BOff with the very best ranged weapon I can afford. The AI controlling enemy NPCs is not any better. I can understand a Dewan arthropod charging my team. But a full team of Terran NPCs, fully equipped with Phaser rifles and grenades, doing the same thing?

    What is the point of cover and concealment when every NPC can not only see me but shoot right through the rock outcropping I'm currently taking shelter behind?

    Ground combat in this game has been ignored almost as much as PvP. I'm delighted to see someone has taken enough interest in this game to announce publicly something needs improving. I have every confidence anything on improving Ground Combat will not go any further than this announcement.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,510 Arc User
    My Tactical BOff will use Lunge when I've provided said BOff with the very best ranged weapon I can afford.
    Tovan does that, too. On my Rom characters, I usually just break down and give him a melee weapon, since that's what he loves.
  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    First thing I do is remove the lunge ability and give them one that works with ranged weapons
  • alonaralonar Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    On my main I just gear for total chaos and have nearly every kit and device slot a summon on both my capt and the boffs, and have my army wipe the map while I watch YT TRIBBLE, lol.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    I usually spec each team based on the character they're playing with. My melee augment (main) has a great support team to keep him up and provide covering fire as he out fights everything on the battlefield. My Engineer is a bunker builder with a fire team providing bonuses to the team as a whole. My Jem'Hadar is the Commander of an all out assault squad, buffing his team and healing them as he does.

    I would personally LOVE to see ground combat reworked or overhauled, as there is a bunch of issues, but i really don't see that happening based on comments made in the livestreams.

    As such, that's why i don't ever really USE the boff commands. I've just never really had luck with them working properly. Occasionally, if one of my boffs gets stuck or i need them to stand in a specific spot to trigger a wall in a mining camp, i will hit the button but other than that, i just doesn't do anything for me. There have even been times where the boffs ignored the "hey, stand HERE!" orders and just kind of ran about like an spaz.

    As for the pause button, i'd played around with it when the game first started, but not really since then. The RTS use of it is actually a great idea, though, and would be a cool feature to follow up on. It's just a shame that "Shooter mode" didn't get more love to make that more worth while.
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  • krisxr400krisxr400 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    Nice, sounds like alot of us like to use those commands. Some really good scenarios mentioned above, it was a nice read. I do have alot of fun setting up ambushes and choke points. Getting up on something high is also fun to look for. You get up there, then have your boffs move in from a different preset direction, enemies turn to face them, and you let'em have it from up high and behind, they don't really have many cover options, if any, and sometimes they look confused. lol Occasionally I have had the random boff lunge or strikes save my bacon. The other night a tholian captian was giving me the beans with some orbital strike, and right before he could finish me Tovan ran up and dropped kicked him, knocking him down and breaking his fire. I quick drawed a hypo then hit the secondary on a piercing beam rifle.... and the quarterback was toast. :smiley:
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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    My Tactical BOff will use Lunge when I've provided said BOff with the very best ranged weapon I can afford.
    Tovan does that, too. On my Rom characters, I usually just break down and give him a melee weapon, since that's what he loves.

    If you think Lunge is bad try making a schi support character, it's a coin toss if they'll use their abilities at all if put on "active" stance and in passive they won't do anything. We really need a "support" stance in ground combat, actually we probably need a ground up (excuse the pun) rebuild of the NPC AI.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    I'd be happy with a single button to disable all the ground bridge officer abilities instead of having to right click four times per officer.

    That's not to say that selecting the different abilities doesn't have its uses for different styles of play, but why there isn't a "master switch" is beyond me.

    It's just more fun for me that my Landing Party use the weapons I've bothered to equip them with.

    you mean this one?
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    Ground Combat is a breeze on consoles, If you're playing as a species with Superstrength, Knocking down NPCs is fun, especially if you have a melee weapon equipped, I also put most of my points in both Endurance and Shields.
  • paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    I'd be happy with a single button to disable all the ground bridge officer abilities instead of having to right click four times per officer.

    That's not to say that selecting the different abilities doesn't have its uses for different styles of play, but why there isn't a "master switch" is beyond me.

    It's just more fun for me that my Landing Party use the weapons I've bothered to equip them with.

    you mean this one?

    Wish Consoles had that Option.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    yeah they are handy. L-R passive, act normal, attack my target, everyone rally
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  • theboxisredtheboxisred Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    I'd be happy with a single button to disable all the ground bridge officer abilities instead of having to right click four times per officer.

    That's not to say that selecting the different abilities doesn't have its uses for different styles of play, but why there isn't a "master switch" is beyond me.

    It's just more fun for me that my Landing Party use the weapons I've bothered to equip them with.

    you mean this one?


    The button in the red circle has no effect on the bridge officer abilities in the green circle, which must be disabled by right clicking each ability individually. (They can still be manually activated when the player left clicks them.)

    Disabling these abilities allows your bridge officers to fire their weapons uninterrupted.

    As I said before, a "Master Switch" would be fantastic!

    (I really hope that image uploads.)

  • mudhut#3231 mudhut Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    There’s some really great stuff here. Thanks all. I have been messin with ground a lot and I am really starting to enjoy it. That being said, I can certainly understand folks who have been playing for years not bothering with all the commands since you really can just bulldoze thru everything. I’m just trying to make the ground experience better as I love strategy and tactics.

    I did notice, while messin around, my vanguard boffs. I set the tac one as melee and science range. I noticed the tac one wouldn’t do much but the science one would run into melee range all the time. I just switched them and now they do what I want.
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