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Stuck in Ship's Armory in Delta tutorial

jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,431 Arc User
I went and forgot my Delta recruit's name, which is all right, as I think I'm going to have to start over; however, this bug is being encountered by multiple players. In the Delta Recruit Federation tutorial, when the Borg first attack, you're tasked with going to the Armory, unlocking it, and getting (and equipping) a phaser rifle. The system refuses to acknowledge that you've equipped the rifle. Some people found that unequipping it, logging out, and re-equipping it helped; for some of us, however, that resulted in being locked inside the Armory, with the two NPCs back outside, no way to escape, and the equipped rifle still not being acknowledged. I also tried logging into another toon, waiting about 15 minutes, and swapping back - no joy. Then I tried deleting the rifle and relogging to see if it'd start the mission over. Now I'm stuck in the Armory with no rifle.


  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    1) Created new Starfleet Delta recruit today and started tutorial
    2) Got to the part where I get my rifle from the arms locker
    3) Got stuck in arms locker, so tried hitting 'Z', unequip/reequip rifle
    4) Logged out & logged back in
    5) Character stuck in hallway leading outside of arms locker, but the mission still says I need a rifle and to leave the arms locker
    6) No doors work
    7) Logged out, restarted PC, logged back in
    8) Character now stuck in transporter room with Borg
    9) The door does not work
    10) Character stuck, cannot progress any further
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    11) Changed characters
    12) Still stuck
    13) Logged out, waited over 15 minutes (closer to 20), logged back in
    14) Character still stuck
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Sorry, was so frustrated forgot the important stuff:

    Last map you were in: Starfleet Tutorial
    Map you were going to: Out of the tutorial.
    What the issue is: I'm stuck in the Starfleet Tutorial, mission journal tells me to leave a room I already left with a rifle I already have, somehow found myself in transporter room with Borg, doors don't work, can't progress at all.
    What steps you already tried when attempting to resolve your issue: Everything above this post
  • normssonnormsson Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Last map you were in: Starfleet Tutorial
    Map you were going to: Out of the tutorial.
    What the issue is: I'm stuck in the Starfleet Tutorial, mission journal tells me to leave a room I already left with a rifle I already have, somehow found myself in transporter room with Borg, doors don't work, can't progress at all.
    What steps you already tried when attempting to resolve your issue: Tried logging out, re-equipping the rifle, tried character stuck, logged out, logged in but was stuck in hallway with security, doors don't work at all, logged out and back in again. Now stuck in transporter room with Borg, door doesn't work. I haven't moved the character and somehow I'm moving room to room when re-logging. Tried changing characters too. Logged out, waited 15 minutes, logged back in, still stuck in transporter room. Oh, and my mission still says I have to get the rifle and leave the arms locker!!!!
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Stuck too, but after logging out and back in again, I am somehow moving from the arms locker, to the hallway, to the transporter room (mind that I am logging out each time I magically change rooms). Now I'm just plain stuck, but the mission says I still need to get the rifle and leave the arms locker.
  • shinlogoslokiyoshinlogoslokiyo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2023
    I've restarted the same character three times and each time came across the bug. I've tried unequipping and re-equipping the rifle, z key swapping, logging in and out, logging into another character and logging into the bugged character, shutting down my computer and restarting the whole shebang, and am now in the other process of leaving the whole thing for six hours (one suggestion from someone, I'm going through everything like a person looking for a home remedy). It would be nice if a core experience of the game had a more thorough QA pass and was patched up, especially since this bug has been around for years.

    EDIT: Thankfully I can confirm that after only three hours and a half hours the quest unstuck itself.
    Post edited by shinlogoslokiyo on
  • endeaver1972endeaver1972 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    same trouble here
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2023
    Perhaps Day-Zero for an event means it comes before QA testing? I'm having the same issue.
    Post edited by crimsus#8997 on
  • malaghaasmalaghaas Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same here. Can't believe this is still a thing. I want to make multiple Delta toons but this is just giving me the urge to uninstall completely and not look back.
  • shijuro#5918 shijuro Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I was stuck in the armory like most others are reporting in Zone chat. I used /RESPAWN and ended up in the transporter room (with the security cadets I'm supposed to join outside in the corridor), unable to open the door or to progress or exit.
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I was stuck in the armory like most others are reporting in Zone chat. I used /RESPAWN and ended up in the transporter room (with the security cadets I'm supposed to join outside in the corridor), unable to open the door or to progress or exit.

    I knew the armory bug was an issue for many, but I thought I was the only one that somehow ghosted between rooms without having walked there (given the doors don't work).

  • kormakrip#3961 kormakrip Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Me too, tried a new toon and did the fast equip like the pop-ups said. Not a good way to introduce STO to new players, or is it?
  • alexmarie616#6323 alexmarie616 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same here I try all of that and even deleting the toon and making a new one and I keep stuck on the transport with the borgs. I use the respawn button but the mission doesn't continue.

  • ordoxenosordoxenos Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Same here, was just about to create another bug report for it.
  • ordoxenosordoxenos Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    There is another thread for this issue... posted there and posting here for visibility, tried all the suggestions but deleting and starting over.. and waited over 3 hours.. still stuck.
  • rockape#6608 rockape Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I had the same problem with my fed delta recruit. I created a KDF delta and played through the tutorial without issue then logged back in as my Fed delta and the stuck in armory bug was fixed. Don't know if this was because I played for over 15 minutes on another toon or whether it was a Delta recruit thing. Hope this helps someone.
  • normssonnormsson Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    ordoxenos wrote: »
    Same here, was just about to create another bug report for it.

    Please do report it, the more the merrier, and the more attention it draws.
  • waffle#8068 waffle Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Yeah same problem… :s
  • ordoxenosordoxenos Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Was logged out for a few hours... played on another character for a few more... still broken.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,431 Arc User
    Okay, deleted the first one, started another. Got stuck in the Armory again, tried a few solutions I'd seen in chat. What finally worked was when I un-equipped the rifle, logged out (did the Log Out selection, then Quit Game), waited several hours, logged back in, and equipped the rifle. It finally gave me credit for equipping the weapon and unlocked the door, and I was able to complete the tutorial.
  • gmfnomadgmfnomad Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    If you ask me they need to patch it so it works right to begin with i cannot get past the armory and i have tried every suggestion and i cannot get out please fix this....
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Okay, deleted the first one, started another. Got stuck in the Armory again, tried a few solutions I'd seen in chat. What finally worked was when I un-equipped the rifle, logged out (did the Log Out selection, then Quit Game), waited several hours, logged back in, and equipped the rifle. It finally gave me credit for equipping the weapon and unlocked the door, and I was able to complete the tutorial.

    I created a new toon and tried your method. Unfortunately, my new toon is stuck in the armory. Thank you for describing what worked though, at least it was one more option to try.
  • mitlammitlam Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Good day all. I too was having this same issue, tried all of the possible solutions from above. Deleted the character, recreated and started it all again. This time, when I could, I changed the Gameplay from "normal" to "advanced". When I did this, I was able to get into the weapon locker, get the rifle (confirmed in quest log) and exit the room with the other two NPCs. It seemed to work for me and hopefully for you too. So I will continue to keep my gameplay on Advanced from here on out. It just makes it a little more challenging.

    Thank you and good luck!
  • crimsus#8997 crimsus Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    So one of my toons somehow had the issue fixed, while the first Delta recruit is still stuck. No rhyme or reason as I've tried all of the same fix actions with each toon. Someone is turning some machinery to fix things at least (I hope).

    I think after this fiasco is over, Arc should allow players that have at least one toon (with maybe some arbitrary level requirement) that completed the tutorial to have the option to skip the tutorial without any event penalties. If Arc obviously can't get the bugs out of the tutorial map, why should players be hyped up about a new event where the next 30+ hours will be them waiting for the devs to fix a tutorial that has been classically plagued with issues for YEARS when there's a new event?
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,762 Arc User
    It does seem to be more of a problem during the event than it is normally for some reason (and it is annoying enough outside of the event). I have avoided making Federation Deltas lately even when the faction would be more appropriate and used one of the other two instead (of course, I already have Deltas of all three factions, so I don't have to put up with the bug the way a new player does).
  • sovwellsovwell Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    After the borg infiltrate the academy ship, Captain Taggart orders the player to stop off at the armory to grab a weapon. The player is to attach the weapon from the inventory to the characters weapon slot and then step away from the armory case. This is the bug as although the player has completed this step, the player is still instructed to do so and is stuck in the room. Instead of dragger the item to the inventory the code is in error, as another test character I did you are right right click and equip it. That seemed to work, but you were still stuck in the room. You can use the im stuck or restart feature and it will take you back to the main entrance and out of the room. But this bugs out the security team and the doors to the transporter room. I used this same I'm stuck feature at the transporter room door, but then I was trapped in the transporter room with the transporter tech on the floor, a cadet defending herself from Endless beaming, constant arrival, non-stop infiltration, self-replicating... BORG. "Resistance is Futile" pun was indeed played in on this one :) I messaged and made a ticket, and was told to make an official one here.
  • sovwellsovwell Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    This was my Test character - outside the armory in the hall way


    This was my view of the security that was to follow me to transporter roombhnh3lqcva5e.jpg

    I can understand that they are scared and did not want to come with , but....

    Thats okay.... the Transporter doors never opened for this character

    Now please note somehow, it was fixed for the test character. He eventually got through and it worked as normal. Here I thought it was fixed by the devs and we could continue on. And I was having fun on the test character that I forgot about the new main one. Ooopps... shes still stuck.tey9bofgsczz.jpg

    With endless beaming of Borg!

  • darkdeludarkdelu Member Posts: 1 New User
    I also encountered this bug. Created and deleted 4 characters and tried all suggested fixes...no luck.

    Last week the bug where you could not log into the game and now this...
  • cel2601#6112 cel2601 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I hit respawn a couple of times and it threw me in to the transporter room, logging out for days doesn't fix it, and I can't delete the character as it's holding the server down time compensation upgrades so I guess I am just totally screwed as Customer service says only the devs can fix it.
  • umbracorvus#3600 umbracorvus Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    After respawning a couple of times, I'm also in the transporter room with the Borg constantly respawning. Bug started at the armory. The Tutorial is asking me to Join the Security Cadets.

    Similar to cel2601, this character has the server down time compensation upgrades so I don't want to delete it and start over.

    I've tried logging out and back in. I can't use "I'm stuck" because I am constantly in combat with respawning borg. Beinbg stuck in a room with no way out is getting very frustrating. I just purchased 5000 Zen Coins and I'm experiencing this with my new Federation Caitian character. Not impressed!

    My first Federation character playthrough of the tutorial was fine.
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