A few years back bank and mail terminals were added to the KDF shipyard this was a big quality of life improvement, however an exchange terminal was overlooked. In my opinion adding one would be VERY nice and really all that would have to be done would be to change the bank terminal closer to the Customize ship npc to an exchange. It rarely has any players using it, most use the bank closer to the Ship Manager npc.
Just a little something on my Christmas wish list.
While we're at it, why can't Romulan and Jem'Hadar KDF allies beam directly to the Academy from the shipyard?
I'm curious, why? It's the same map as the main Qo'nos ground, so there's no performance difference. You can also Switch Starship in any non-combat space to change ships. Some RP reason maybe?
I was suggesting changing one of the bank terminals on the shipyard not both as there are two of them there currently.
Are those the consoles that just say Interact and not what they are?
Because it's annoying to have to change maps to access things that should all be available in one place. Yes it's technically the same map, but I don't have to waste time running to a transporter when I'm on ESD with one of my Fed toons because everything I might need to access is on ESD and even in close proximity. On ESD you have the ship selector, a vendor, a bank terminal, and a mail terminal all within a few feet of each other and the Exchange is not far away. For KDF toons these things are spread all over creation.
And while we're on the subject of the shipyard being the same map as first city; it used to be possible to fly to and enter the KDF shipyard from the Qo'nos system map, but now you have to fly close to the planet to beam down to first city and then beam up to the shipyard. I'm just irritated that KDF toons have to move between First City and the Shipyard to do things that Fed toons can do without leaving ESD.
I mean, it's the 25th century in game, it should be possible to do a lot of these things without running all over town to specific places to physically interact with terminals. Maybe I'm just spoiled from VIP in Neverwinter being able to summon vendors/bank/mail to wherever I am, but it's a QoL thing that annoys me almost every day.
I had made a longer post about how it's annoying to have to change locations and run all over the place to do things that Fed toons can do much more easily on ESD, but it was somehow deleted while I was editing...
Basically, it's QoL as I find it annoying to have to run all over First City including to the transporter to move back and forth between First City and the shipyard just to do things Fed toons can do without leaving ESD.
The two that just say Interact are mail terminals. They are the ones closest to the transporter. The bank terminals are the two closest to the big window with the ships outside.
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But by all means, do what Badmoon suggests above, Cryptic. That's what we'd really prefer.
I agree having a complete rework would be great, but realistically the chances of that happening are very slim.
Yes, I would think changing one terminal in the game would be relatively easy for the Devs.
Ah, must've missed one.
I use DS9, which is transwarpable (both transwarp menu and missions), though I very rarely use the Temporal Agent and Acedemy so just ignore them. I do use Contraband turn-ins, is there a Security Officer on the Shipyard?
I'd still like an Exchange near/in the Shipyard anyway if it's still a separate area. That way I don't have to beam if I forget some piece of gear I want for a new ship.
> The two that just say Interact are mail terminals. They are the ones closest to the transporter. The bank terminals are the two closest to the big window with the ships outside.
Ok thanks for clearing that up.
Given that the daily 480 Dil Academy 'History assignment is in the KA zone, and the security officer for Contraband turn ins is in First City - your evaluation is flawed. As flawed as NOT having a character Bank terminal in the KDF shipyard is.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Umm... I did say almost. Not absolutely. 🙄 And the OP was talking about an Exchange terminal, not a Bank terminal.
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I still fail to see ANY REAL detriment to the game as it stands by doing so. What? You think non-convenience is a virtue in STO?
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Detriment? I suppose that's subjective and depends on how you want to look at it. But you want convenience, ok. How about this? Remove entirely the Bank, Email, and Exchange consoles from everywhere and just put them in the UI. That way you can conveniently access them from anywhere. Just like moving DOFFing from the Bridge to the UI made Bridges irrelevant to the point that they're no longer used, bought, or developed, we can do the same thing with social zones. Hell, we can just move everything to the UI making everything convenient. Toons can just stand around idly while players click their UIs from anywhere to progress through the "game".
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And it probably would not take a lot of memory if they made it the bridge section itself, though going to the oldstyle lower decks area would possibly require a loadscreen in the turbolift.
I suppose they did the UI thing (in part) to keep the social areas populated more and reduce the loading-screen irritations, but if they had the zone chat from whatever social area they were in before the bridge transfer still going it would lessen the impact of fewer people still on the social spots like ESD a bit.
They did it, because people complained that it was too inconvenient to go to their Bridge to DOFF. The consequence (detriment?) - no more support/development of Bridges, because people don't use them, because they have no reason to go there. 😒
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You really love coming up with strawman replies. I get they the game needs objects to interact with. (Hell, what will be your next strawman - "Why noit just put an 'I Win' button in the UI?"...
The one major thing that realy bogs down gameplay is all the map moving (and you'd think after 12 years, they'd find a way to improve their backend network code so it doesn't more often than not take minutes to move from one instanced map to another; or completely hang or respond with a map moove failure that kicks people out to the login screen. I've been playing MMOs since EQ in 1999 and STO has to have the crappiest map moving backened of any MMO out there...
So, WHY do I bring that up? Putting an Exchange Terminal in the KDF shipyard woulkd eliminate players having to do ma map move. ESD has an exchange on the same map as the shipyard, so yeah please tell me again how it would negatively affect KDF faction players to have the same setup for their shipwayrd?
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
> You really love coming up with strawman replies. I get they the game needs objects to interact with. (Hell, what will be your next strawman - "Why noit just put an 'I Win' button in the UI?"...
> The one major thing that realy bogs down gameplay is all the map moving (and you'd think after 12 years, they'd find a way to improve their backend network code so it doesn't more often than not take minutes to move from one instanced map to another; or completely hang or respond with a map moove failure that kicks people out to the login screen. I've been playing MMOs since EQ in 1999 and STO has to have the crappiest map moving backened of any MMO out there...
> So, WHY do I bring that up? Putting an Exchange Terminal in the KDF shipyard woulkd eliminate players having to do ma map move. ESD has an exchange on the same map as the shipyard, so yeah please tell me again how it would negatively affect KDF faction players to have the same setup for their shipwayrd?
Uhm... The very quot you posted is about exactly that. He'd like to see the KDF given the same setup the UFP has. The Klingon Academy on the planet, and the shipyard on an orbital station, each offering the same services.
I think you ment to post THIS quote:
>Detriment? I suppose that's subjective and depends on how you want to look at it. But you want convenience, ok. How
>about this? Remove entirely the Bank, Email, and Exchange consoles from everywhere and just put them in the UI. That
>way you can conveniently access them from anywhere. Just like moving DOFFing from the Bridge to the UI made Bridges
>irrelevant to the point that they're no longer used, bought, or developed, we can do the same thing with social zones.
>Hell, we can just move everything to the UI making everything convenient. Toons can just stand around idly while
>players click their UIs from anywhere to progress through the "game".
Your snarky reply about an I WIN button in the UI is more in context with this quote than the one you actually posted...
And you really love accusing people of "strawman" arguments when you can't refute them. I don't experience these "minutes long" map moving issues that you apparently do, so obviously it's different from player to player, which suggests more of an issue on your end, that is, not the Cryptic server, despite your appeal to authority. I've already explained my viewpoint. Perhaps quote the correct text next time. I'm done debating you.
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You can see how it can snowball.
Is First City a bit more tedious to navigate? Yea. But we don't have a loading screen between First City and the Shipyard. We used to have one on OLD ESD between the main station and the shipyard.
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