Hiya Folks...
As I was checking out STO on YouTube and all the Starships talked about there, a question came to mind, so I figured I would ask it here and see what all your views were. What would you say is the "best" Carrier Starship is that can be played on the Federation faction, and why?? I know that "best" can be a very subjective word but generally speaking I am curious as to what all you say about the matter. Personally I love Carriers, and actually have the Caitian Aspero Support Carrier (T6), I think it's a great one, but as there are so many Carriers in the game, I am wondering what you all think are the best ones generally speaking (in order maybe?), and why? So please share if you will...

It would seem my top 3 picks are exactly the same as yours
Personally my top carrier is the Vorgon Carrier due to its unique set bonus. After the Vorgon my 2nd fave is the Xindi Carrier again due to its unique set bonus. I tend to swap between a Vangurad Support and these other two carriers.
Well worth running 50 ice races to get the carrier and T5 frigate back in 2014-15.
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However, when I said Fed side @rattler2, I meant those Carriers that can be played cross-faction, especially Federation side (as that is usually the faction I like playing in atm). After doing some research after these great views, I also think the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier (T6) is a sweet one, and one I would actually like getting. The only issue with that though, is first I would need a Jem'Hadar character (which I don't have atm), THEN get the Vanguard Carrier somehow (which is sorta doubtful atm too), and then max out its Mastery to be able to unlock it across all factions. Oh, and then of course get the ship again for the Federation character I am thinking who could use it the most. Makes me sorta wish all ships, from every faction, was available to get from the get go, instead of having to get the ship in any particular faction first. Either way, great views all around everyone, and thanks again!
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But for non lockbox carriers for any faction, the Cardie flight deck is the top. 5/3 weapon layout and 2 hangar bays. Fleet quality out of the box, and has a cloak. It is eng slot heavy but is great for aux2bat specs with 2 hangar bays it is pretty awesome to fly immediately.
If you don't mind getting a fleet ship, the Suliban flight deck is killer. It is also 5/3, and even though it is a Rommie ship, it uses a warp core instead of a singularity, which to me is a bonus. Also, it has a battle cloak, and the turn rate is okay but not really bad like most dreads. It has 2 hangar bays and it is also eng slot heavy, but again, fine for aux2bat builds.
These two ships are easier to get than others in my opinion.
I do love the jemmy vanguard flight deck but only as a sci carrier that specs gravity well, otherwise, I like the other two better.
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DSC Connie is great, although I do prever the Miracle Worker variant. And my DSC D7 outperformed my old Blackguard KDF side.
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I got the T5 version, and the T6 Dreadnought Cruiser so I have access to the Xindi-Primate Heavy Fighters. At elite level on either Aquatic Carrier... that's a LOT of Torp Spread 3s going off.
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I haven't used those much yet. But torp spreads are always good, so I might try them soon.
However, the one thing that I did notice about the Carrier, which did sorta bug me a bit, is that when I go and recall my pets, the only one that seems to want to come home is the one that actually separates from my ship. All the rest just continue to fly next to me like some cool cats, with their tails in the air. Is this just a bug, or something normal that happens with the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier? Because it is... weird. Otherwise, I almost got the ships Mastery maxed out, and when that happens I'm gonna try and give my 2nd main Federation character the ship as soon as I can.
As it can be used at any level, it should be interesting to see how different it play's as compared to the Dominion side. Oh, and before I forget, it was fairly cool and ironic too that on my first solo run (after DS9), when I was able finally to do Patrols at level 62, I was lucky enough to team up with someone who was using the Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier, and let me tell you, I sorta starting feeling bad when I was killing everything much faster than him. So it was a nice comparison to see. In either case, thanks again for all your takes on Carriers (which I have written down btw); it helps...
Combine that with the separation pet AND squadron pets... You're looking at the current MOST number of combat pet entities that can be deployed in STO.
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And that is one reason I like the Carrier so much @rattler2; the number of pets you have available to take down enemies (leaving you free to help others with buff's and the like if needed). However, in regards to my pets not docking, I was referring to the four squadron pets specifically. Whenever I hit the dock button for them, they don't do anything but hang around next to the ship, smoking their sigs & drinking beer, all the while looking at me and saying... "What? You wanted something?" lol And yes, while not game breaking in any way at all, theatrically I sorta like docking them before I leave a instance. So any ideas?
Also while I am here, when using the ship, for the first time I really began using the torpedo's more, and more specifically the scatter volley ability, and it got me wondering about maybe trying my hand at a torpedo build. The Vanguard Carrier seems sorta made for it (or can be I think), but as I have no real clue on how to make an effective torp build, I don't know what to get, slot, or set up in any way. I have heard that torp builds are more involved to build then beam array ones (which I mostly play), and as I would only be able to get items, and abilities I could get for free and/or missions, would any of you have any great suggestions on how to build a cheep/free Torpedo build by chance? Thanks...
P.S: Oh and fyi, when I unlocked the fully Mastery of the ship, and went to the Fed side and looked at the ships to buy, when I saw that the Vanguard Carrier was there and was free to get, I got it now on my 2nd main Fed character, so thats way cool... 😁
Also you can link your Wingmen so issuing a command to one issues the same command to the other.
To me, the Vanguard Carrier reminds me a bit of the Bengal class Strike Carrier TCS Tiger's Claw from Wing Commander.
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One thing that comes to mind for someone that has two science heavy carriers and a science ship would be to spawn a decent gravity well then fire two different exotic damage based torps into it - Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher (exchange/crafted) and Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher (reputation). If anything remains alive throw some more science on top of things.
Since the Vanguard carrier is Intel perhaps give Ionic Turbulence a try.
Destabilizing Resonance Beam is a decent mission rewarded ability that can also fit in nicely with a science theme.
However another quick question here about Torp builds. Do they actually work better on Science Vessels, or Escorts, or does it even matter? I know that one sorta needs a couple of things to make a good Torpedo build work (Two Tactical Bridge Officer seatings (Lt Commander & Commander ones) with seperate "Concentrated Firepower 3" & "Torpedos: High Yield 3" abilities, but I am unsure as to which ship type works best for torp builds (generally speaking).
In addition, I have never really used a Science ship before, and while some of the Carriers I have used are Science one's too, I tend to be straight forward and build them for straight damage & DPS (hence why I have used Beam Overload a lot). So I really don't have much experience in playing the "Wizard" role so to speak. But your ideas do look very interesting @protoneous, so I will check the items out. Besides I am so used to Beam Overload, that I might as well try something else out. After all, having some diverse ships to play would be good imo. Though I don't think I am in any way ready to try my hand at EMP builds yet lol.
Pets are inconsistent with when they benefit from consoles. For example heavy torpedoes on Scorpion pets benefit from some traits and consoles. While other pet torpedoes do not.
That's honestly why I usually put beam builds on carriers. To offset the slower turn rate and allow for broadsiding. Ships like the Vo'Quv I wouldn't even bother with torpedoes because their native turn rate is so low. So I go all beams to offset the mobility issue.
But a ship like the Tellarite FDC, yea I'll put my normal cruiser build of beams/torpedoes on because she's got the turn rate to support the torpedoes.
A ship like the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier I'll even slot a torpedo on. But something like the Vo'Quv or another ship with TERRIBLE turn rate... beam boat.
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