I wish they would make more missile weapons outside of the kentari one, one of my characters has a torpedo build but I would love to use more missiles with them.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Yes, the missiles are a super blast to play (pun intended lol). And while the Kentari one does not do as much damage as a regular torpedo, with the two second recharge time, it's one of the fastest torps out there (especially when you reduce the recharge time and shoot them off every second 😁). However, it is important to note that if you use any ability that changes how the torpedo works in some way (like Torpedo Spread for instance), it increases the recharge time to ten seconds instead. But while High Yield does increase the recharge time to, it instead changes the torpedo into a nuke, which is great to see when it hits. 😀
Oh and yes, your right @rattler2. The torpedo you mention is a ferengi one (who's name I cannot remember atm, sorry) which can be bought from the lobi store as well. It has a 2.5 second recharge time, and can be used in conjunction with the Kentari one, and while I have not gotten it yet, I think it would be cool to have both of them on a Starship to use. And that is about as close as we can get to any type of "physical" torpedo weapons in the game sad to say. But what I wouldn't do to have the Battleship Yamato in the game too! Now that would be a super sweet ride! 😍
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Yes, I agree with what you said @corinthalas, but theme wise they are still very cool, but I actually got a question about the missiles (and even torpedo's too come to think of it) as I have never used more than one at a time. If I have all three missile types (or three torpedo launchers even), if I attack with them will they all fire at once, or will only the first one fire in the list? This question of course is only in regards to torp's/missiles with the same cooldown times, even if they are all different from each other. As I have heard that torps (and maybe even missiles) all are linked in a way (right?), I am just needing some clarification on the matter. Thanks...
Btw, I just remembered another question, though this one is a quick one (I promise lol). You know with our Bridge Officers under Skills, each one has a list of skills which they can learn via training manuals? Well, in addition to this, is there a way to ADD new skills to their list which they may not have per say? Or is it, what you see with each Bridge Officer, is what you got? If you can give them new skills to learn, how exactly do you do it?
See, a quick question like I said... though I am sure bigger ones will be coming again soon enough lol...
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
edited August 2022
You can make them specalists, which adds specalist abilities. So you could make a BOff a Command Officer and they can learn things like Suppression Barrage, or a Pilot and they can learn things like Lock Trajectory. Also note that they are not locked out of other Specializations if you train them as one. They can be all specializations, but only one can be active at a time.
Also note that space abilities can only be slotted on a BOff station that matches the specialization. Universal only counts for the base 3 of Tactical, Engineering, and Science, but can also be a Universal/Specialist. But it can only slot that specific specialist abilities if used as such. Any BOff station that is also a specialist seat will indicate as such by the icon attached to the BOff station that identifies what type it is. So a Tactical/Command or Science/Intel.
Ground abilities can be used no matter what, but again the only ones that can be used are of the active specialization. So you can't use Command abilities if the active specialization in Intel.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Wingman also benefit from consoles and traits like the trait that makes Eject Warp Plasma explode.
So they benefit from quantum and polaron damage consoles?
Not sure if anyone has confirmed they benefit from quantum. Though it has been confirmed at least with the volley power they benefit from polaron damage consoles.
Pets are inconsistent with when they benefit from consoles. For example heavy torpedoes on Scorpion pets benefit from some traits and consoles. While other pet torpedoes do not.
and its those inconsistencies that people have been talking about for a time. the largest issue i have with carriers, is that they are too much like a front line ship engaged in combat directly too much, when they should be lighter in combat personally, and heavier reliance on the pets and other skills to support them.
talked about in other threads in the past as well, but carriers should also have broadside armaments' applied to them.
well, Ideally, a carrier should be stand off, and not engage in direct combat. to do that you would have to extend the ability to see and target beyond 10K so you can direct your flights.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
well, Ideally, a carrier should be stand off, and not engage in direct combat. to do that you would have to extend the ability to see and target beyond 10K so you can direct your flights.
Well you actually can target beyond 10k, however I think the engagement range for hanger pets on attack mode is about...12k I wanna say. Honestly I feel the best Carries are actually once that have options to help the Carrier support the fighters in combat, such as those with Command seating. FAW + Suppression Barrage = easier to hit targets for hanger pets. The downside is there aren't that many carriers with Command seating, which I feel is a better Spec fit than Intel for Carriers.
And I personally lean more towards the beam pets because I trust the beam arrays to have more DPS than cannons because they aren't always pointing AT the enemy with cannons. Yea there are those with turrets but I feel beams do a bit more. But to each their own.
Right now my favorite hanger pets are Orion Slavers and Class C Shuttles. The Slavers jack stuff that you can sell to a vendor for ECs while dropping mines everywhere, and the Class Cs come with Aceton Beam. Imagine slapping a single enemy with 12 stacks of Aceton Beam III from two hangers worth of Elites. And if you happen to have Superior Area Denial, not only do the Class Cs have native Beam Overload, they now have access to FAW if you use it.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Ok so I was wrong on how far away you can be before you can tell your hanger pets to engage. More like 15k or so at least.
Maybe, but I've also found pet damage, on its own, to be insufficient beyond normal-mode content. And even for that, it can be deficient at times. So while they *can* attack from 15km range, it's pretty pointless. Sending a full compliment of hangar pets at a normal-mode borg sphere during a Red Alert is like watching paint dry. I can wipe out the tactical cube faster. And that's not sarcasm. I've timed it.
That doesn't seem right. The top tier pets should rip though a Borg Sphere. With the top tier pets and top tier buffs pets only are enough to fly though Elite content pretty fast. In Red Alerts I barely even use my main weapons as the pets melt though everything in seconds. I am not saying pets beat a top end ship weapons only that pet DPS should not be like watching paint dry.
I think the Lobi store has some Ferengi missiles.
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Oh and yes, your right @rattler2. The torpedo you mention is a ferengi one (who's name I cannot remember atm, sorry) which can be bought from the lobi store as well. It has a 2.5 second recharge time, and can be used in conjunction with the Kentari one, and while I have not gotten it yet, I think it would be cool to have both of them on a Starship to use. And that is about as close as we can get to any type of "physical" torpedo weapons in the game sad to say. But what I wouldn't do to have the Battleship Yamato in the game too! Now that would be a super sweet ride! 😍
Also from the Lobi store.
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See, a quick question like I said... though I am sure bigger ones will be coming again soon enough lol...
Also note that space abilities can only be slotted on a BOff station that matches the specialization. Universal only counts for the base 3 of Tactical, Engineering, and Science, but can also be a Universal/Specialist. But it can only slot that specific specialist abilities if used as such. Any BOff station that is also a specialist seat will indicate as such by the icon attached to the BOff station that identifies what type it is. So a Tactical/Command or Science/Intel.
Ground abilities can be used no matter what, but again the only ones that can be used are of the active specialization. So you can't use Command abilities if the active specialization in Intel.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
well, Ideally, a carrier should be stand off, and not engage in direct combat. to do that you would have to extend the ability to see and target beyond 10K so you can direct your flights.
Well you actually can target beyond 10k, however I think the engagement range for hanger pets on attack mode is about...12k I wanna say. Honestly I feel the best Carries are actually once that have options to help the Carrier support the fighters in combat, such as those with Command seating. FAW + Suppression Barrage = easier to hit targets for hanger pets. The downside is there aren't that many carriers with Command seating, which I feel is a better Spec fit than Intel for Carriers.
And I personally lean more towards the beam pets because I trust the beam arrays to have more DPS than cannons because they aren't always pointing AT the enemy with cannons. Yea there are those with turrets but I feel beams do a bit more. But to each their own.
Right now my favorite hanger pets are Orion Slavers and Class C Shuttles. The Slavers jack stuff that you can sell to a vendor for ECs while dropping mines everywhere, and the Class Cs come with Aceton Beam. Imagine slapping a single enemy with 12 stacks of Aceton Beam III from two hangers worth of Elites. And if you happen to have Superior Area Denial, not only do the Class Cs have native Beam Overload, they now have access to FAW if you use it.
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colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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