first. i want to point point out that i broke no rules. there was an post on the official facebook page telling us that a red alert event was coming, and the comments section was talking bout the rewards. My comment was that it was a little tiresome that PC kept getting spoiled since they were getting a T6-X token and we console plebs only got an upgrade and spec point, i was not alone in this opinion btw. this comment was removed 4 times and i reposted it 5 times, the final time i put a note at the bottom saying no matter how many times the admin removes it, ill repost it cause it breaks no rules. i wake up this morning to my comment being removed again, and a DM from the admin in question threatening me that if i mouth off to the admins again, ill be removed, not warned or muted. removed. so i promptly screenshotted the message as it was quite hostile and shared it with the group since it was uncalled for and they should know about eh abuse of power there, for which i was immediately banned. This is childish behavior from an admin, to remove a comment simply because you dont like it and to then threaten someone? of course there's nothing that can be done about it, this individual will be allowed to keep bulying those on the page over petty things like this. But i thought id share it here, for the rest of the community to see and know about.
To keep people from attacking OP over this: The Community Team is not responsible for any STO groups on Facebook, only the official page, and this did not take place on the official page per @ambassadorkael#6946. The groups are all fan-operated. — WingedHussar
reddits a good idea. im told they look at that more than anything. thanks m8
Would you like me to pass this on to Kael?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
ETA: ⬇️ That.
> Hey there, I have arrived. I'm the only one who controls the official STO Page, and I didn't have this interaction with you or remove any comments like that. Since you mentioned it was a group, I'm guessing it's one of the fan run STO fan groups? We only have an official Facebook *page,* not an official *group.*
I assumed it was the official one since it has the verified thing next to the name and all the links back to here that you'd usually find. I could be very wrong in this instance. How would I find the link the official page? I can't share an image here otherwise I would and you could verify it for me. I can say that it has the star trek: reflections logo set as its profile picture with a verified symbol next to the name.
> This is the very first line on the Facebook page you're mentionning.
Except it's not. It's a link back here. Then the esrb rating, and then a description of the game.
Because if it is then this group is a Fan-made group and not the official Cryptic STO facebook page.
So if it's fair to say PC are getting spoiled by getting a better reward, it's also fair in two weeks to say console is getting spoiled because they're getting a new better event and PC's stuck with another week of red alerts.
All face book does is censor you these days, so don'y bother with it.
Social media SUCKS Horta butt.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yea we've already determined it was option 3.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
It was kind of obvious that it was option 3, the other options were immediately ruled out.
^ This.
Call it a blessing, and find other independent platforms or make your own elsewhere.
I know. I'm just stating from a mod standpoint on this as it was discussed with the mods and CM before Kael posted.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Honestly I trust Kael's word more than Borticus, I don't support everything the Devs say or do like Dil for Reroll tokens, honestly it feels pretty good rubbing that in, sorry, however out of the Devs Kael seems the most trustworthy and why would anyone lie about something like this.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode