A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
It was not JJ's mess - he just wrote a script he thought would be entertaining...CBS is the one who green-lit it.
Everything people think is bad from that movie, is 100% CBS' fault.
They turned one of Trek's Greatest Superpowers into a bunch of Refugees, Imagine the Backlash if the same thing happened to Qo'noS and the Klingon Empire.
I personally would like a Tal Shiar mini/sub-faction, might be the only way to get a proper Tal Shiar uniform like Hakeev and Sela, anyways you start the tutorial invading Virinat, before being betrayed by Hakeev and joining the Republic to seek revenge on him,
or have Qowat Milat mini/subfaction, with a tutorial where you train your abilities at your monastery before you're sent to help the Republic because the Qowat Milat considered D'Tan's idea of reunification to be a lost cause.
Quite a bit different in fact. Jem Hadar have a modicum of free will and ego. We've seen this in the few episodes of DS9 where they've been more than cannon fodder. The Founders demand a thing be done, but rarely get involved in minutia of how.
That's because it's the Vorta that handle the minutia, and the Jem Hadar follow those orders regardless of whether they agree with them or not.
No they don't - there was a DS9 episode where a Jem'Hadar literally shot his Vorta supervisor, and he wasn't suffering from any ill effects other than Sickofhisbullshititis.
It was not JJ's mess - he just wrote a script he thought would be entertaining...CBS is the one who green-lit it.
Everything people think is bad from that movie, is 100% CBS' fault.
There's a HUGE part of me that isn't convinced JJ has ever written a word, because he doesn't care. He's never cared about any franchise he's ever disturbed. It would probably ghost-written, or he just tossed a bit out there and they started shooting.
I'm not convinced new factions even work...I genuinely believed with the Romulans that they were going to be a faction all of their own, but then we're faced with the "Choose your Faction". It was crushing for me at the time and I still don't understand why they put so much effort into New Romulus, so that they weren't even a Faction...just a playable Race.
Unless it's a whole new thing...A playable Cooperative Faction say, with a Delta Quadrant home world and no ESD etc, then there's not really any point to it.
At least the Romulans picking a side made sense storywise since they needed resources at the time, they probably would get the full faction treatment if JJ didn't blow up Romulus, God I wish Picard season 2 would undo JJ's mess aka the destruction of Romulus and Remus with their time travel story.
The Remans...WHY couldn't the Remans have been back with a vengeance in Disco? They were abandoned by the Romulans, unless they were on N'Var as we just didn't see them and quantum singularity drives wouldn't have been affected by The Burn...they could have cleaned-up and finally stopped being second class citizens.
I personally think they're the most underutilized species, with the most potential in Star Trek. Their design is exquisite, telepathic, downtrodden by the Romulans, etc...it's a brilliant backstory.
It was not JJ's mess - he just wrote a script he thought would be entertaining...CBS is the one who green-lit it.
Everything people think is bad from that movie, is 100% CBS' fault.
There's a HUGE part of me that isn't convinced JJ has ever written a word, because he doesn't care. He's never cared about any franchise he's ever disturbed. It would probably ghost-written, or he just tossed a bit out there and they started shooting.
The writers of the Kelvin stuff were Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, not Abrams though Abrams was in charge of the projects overall. Of the two writers, Kurtzman is the closest disciple of Abrams methods, which is probably why DSC and most of the other new ones would fit better with the Kelvin timeline than the traditional one.
Using a c-store ship might be a problem, but they could always have the player start with a warp delta instead, they seem like they would be fairly simple to model.
Using a c-store ship might be a problem, but they could always have the player start with a warp delta instead, they seem like they would be fairly simple to model.
Except I'm not sure that ship is still IN the C-Store... remember, they changed all the T1-T4 ships to dilithium.
But of course, it's a general concept; the details could be changed.
True, I was tired and forgot about that change. On the other hand, wasn't it just part of an ENT themed starter bundle or something?
As has been said earlier, there are only two actual factions in the game.
Want to add a new faction? Okay, I nominate Romulans.
Of course, the question then becomes what to do with the "old" Romulans?
There are, no doubt, a lot of Romulans that have friends in the game playing proper Federation or KDF Captains. Telling them that they are going to suddenly be unable to be in the same fleet as those players is unfair. I mean, some people will have come into the game knowing that their Romulan Captain would be going to the Federation or Klingon side specifically to be able to play with people that were already there.
Now, they could make a Romulan race separate from the Romulan faction, like being able to play as a Federation Klingon, but it's one more step in the process.
If you are just talking about the standard ~10 level background stuff before the Captain joins one of the two "real" factions, then I guess Mirror Universe.
A couple of ways to set up things in those early missions, but in the end it culminates in the player deciding to "cross over" and join the Federation or Klingons on this side of the mirror.
well... allowing everyone to fly any ship, regardless of its faction of origin is stupid and it doesn't follow canon, I preferred it when Romulan ships were only exclusive to Romulans and Starfleet ships were only exclusive to the Federation characters, the only reason I don't have Elachi ships is because Elachi aren't playable and it wouldn't make sense to fly one as non-Elachi, I don't care what other people think but Canon matters to me.
I agree to an extent, but ships are a big part of how the game makes money, and the more players that might be able to use a ship, the more money that ship can make for them.
Selling the really spiffy D'deridex variant to people that think they would enjoy using it with their Romulan Captain is all well and good, but what about the players that stick mostly with the Federation or Klingons? People that might not be interested in sinking a lot (or even a little) money into their Romulan Captain, if they even play one?
If that same D'deridex can bring that same level of spiffiness to Federation and Klingon Captains? More chance for sales, more money for the game.
I think that philosophy is not without its own issues, but they have access to data that I do not and may find those other issues to be negligible or certainly not as much of an offset as they could potentially be.
Again, not saying that I necessarily like it, but I do understand it.
I'm not convinced new factions even work...I genuinely believed with the Romulans that they were going to be a faction all of their own, but then we're faced with the "Choose your Faction". It was crushing for me at the time and I still don't understand why they put so much effort into New Romulus, so that they weren't even a Faction...just a playable Race.
Unless it's a whole new thing...A playable Cooperative Faction say, with a Delta Quadrant home world and no ESD etc, then there's not really any point to it.
At least the Romulans picking a side made sense storywise since they needed resources at the time, they probably would get the full faction treatment if JJ didn't blow up Romulus, God I wish Picard season 2 would undo JJ's mess aka the destruction of Romulus and Remus with their time travel story.
Actually, it never made sense... The New Romulan Republic formed from a band or refugees trying to get away from the Tal Shiar and the remnants of the old Romulan Star Empire. They were a united front under the leadership of D'tan. I find it totally ridiculous that they would choose to divide themselves against each other, because that is exactly what the forced decision to pick a side did. It would have made better sense narrative-wise had the NRR never been formed, and the UFP and KDF just got to add Romulans and Remans to their playable races on the grounds that the survivotrs of those worlds, without a home or a strong leadership had no choice but to go wherever they could find a place. Therer would have been no centralized organization for them. "We do what we must to survive" would be the reasoning behind willingly fighting other Romulan refugees who had fallen in with the opposing faction.
But the whole point of the NRR was to re-establish the Romulan civilization free from the totalitarian paranoia-driven mentality of the old Empire. Where its citizens could live in peace, while rebuilding the civilization. But that goes out the window with the faction switch.
See, Cryptic could have something amazing with the NRR... They could have continued to add episodes, treating it like a series. Even if those episodes took place using the same locations that came into the gasme with Legacy of Romulus... And you know? They could have made those faction-agnostic so UFP and KDF characters could also run them, but for a NRR character, they would just be the next step in their on-going story arc.
But they didn't do that. They just went, "You're not really Romulans You're Starfleet and Klingon officers with a Romulan skin, and the whole purpose behind your origin story means NOTHING... Congratulations!"
When Legacy of Romulus was first announced, NOBODY imagined that it was going to force a choice between UFP and KDF.
I understand that because adding a true 3rd "side" to the game would be impossible without a core-redesign of the game. But thw NRR could have remained a PvE-only faction, with new episodes added to the existing mission chain from the origin story. Sure that would mean coming to an end of the narrative, but new episodes would bring players back to Legacy of Romulus.
But that would have meant that Cryptic would actually have to do some real work coming up with cohesive stories.
The Year of the Klingon story arc shows how they could have done it. It wasn't just about the KDF faction. There was a faction-agnostic story arc that KDF and UFP players could all participate in, but centered arounf a Klingon-centered plotline. THAT is how the could have handled Legacy of Romulus. NRR characters would have gotten the romulan origin story, and everyone else could have gotten the stories that take place afterward. On the mission timeline, it would follow the New Romulus story arc that players of the UFP and KDF already have access to. So it would be faction-agnostic content, but would allow the NRR to remain a power unto itself... It just wouldn't have things that tie to the PvP mechanics.
The purpose of the joint task force efforts on New Romulus was to help get the Romulans back on their feet. But what happened was that it divided a civilization agsinst itself, which is just plain stupid.
That's a good point, I never thought of it like that.
To me, it’s not so much what faction it is but moreso how it plays into the game narrative. For one, are they going to be Fed/KDF aligned? Because, if they are, then their missions have to play into the beginning arcs and, as we’ve seen with the writing team lately, it’s been spotty at best to their creativity of cohesive storytelling. Also, it kinda sucks that there are no future arcs that play into the factions. For example, why don’t we get any TOS arcs that take us back to our time to re-interact with events from the era? Or a Jemmie arc where we have to deal with a Gamma Quadrant race that’s none to pleased with the Alliance/Founders encroachment? Or even some new Romulan stories not directly tied to the past but more about the future of New Romulus? Maybe a threat to D’Tan’s seat of power from Obisek (yeah I know he said he’s only a soldier but New Romulus still looks like a exploratory colony after all these years-somebody gotta get mad!). Introducing factions is great but they gotta be supported or they’re worthless. I got alts for al the recruitments that I haven’t even finished because they ultimately became nothing more than a fad and the rewards aren’t necessary to grind out for other alts. Just my two cents though.
If there were no restrictions for certain source-material;
I'd love to see the ISC and the hydrans (causing more agony over animating non-humanoids for cryptic), perhaps the other SFB/SFC-related races too (we kinda have a stand-in for the Kzinti).
I'd also retcon the Hur'q in STO; The Dranzuli should not be the Hur'q but their own thing - I'd prefer to re-introduce the Hur'q as seen in ST:Invasion.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Start out with choosing a species (for example, Humans, Klingons, and Romulans), select what they look like before being assimilated (i.e. Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic), and you start out on the starter ship being captured by a Borg ship.
You and your faction appropriate BOff gets assimilated. You awaken (first person perspective), exit your alcove and then proceed to your designated tasks, with flashbacks that include parts of your original faction tutorial cutscenes and then you start the actual Borg tutorial that relates to your function/class (i.e. maintenance/engineering, etc.).
Your original faction comes to your rescue, liberating what remains of you and your fellow shipmates before you go and assimilate a new planet. While you have returned to your respective original faction, you are still linked with those you've worked alongside in the Borg vessel (sort of like the Romulans who sided with Starfleet/KDF).
At the end of the tutorial, you start out with a partially assimilated original faction ship (i.e. Miranda, Bird-of-Prey, T'Liss) with a Borg Collective vanity shield variant that's exclusive with this playable faction that can be used for any other ship this character will take up in the future. Also maybe a couple new costume pieces for the player and BOffs, which could be account unlockable like the TOS Klingon and Gorn appearances if they completed the TOS Starfleet content.
There could be a 'safe haven/Unimatrix Zero' that players can go to (sort of like the Command Centre for the Romulan Republic/Captains' Table) that is open to Borg Collective characters' original faction.
Start out with choosing a species (for example, Humans, Klingons, and Romulans), select what they look like before being assimilated (i.e. Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic), and you start out on the starter ship being captured by a Borg ship.
You and your faction appropriate BOff gets assimilated. You awaken (first person perspective), exit your alcove and then proceed to your designated tasks, with flashbacks that include parts of your original faction tutorial cutscenes and then you start the actual Borg tutorial that relates to your function/class (i.e. maintenance/engineering, etc.).
Your original faction comes to your rescue, liberating what remains of you and your fellow shipmates before you go and assimilate a new planet. While you have returned to your respective original faction, you are still linked with those you've worked alongside in the Borg vessel (sort of like the Romulans who sided with Starfleet/KDF).
At the end of the tutorial, you start out with a partially assimilated original faction ship (i.e. Miranda, Bird-of-Prey, T'Liss) with a Borg Collective vanity shield variant that's exclusive with this playable faction that can be used for any other ship this character will take up in the future. Also maybe a couple new costume pieces for the player and BOffs, which could be account unlockable like the TOS Klingon and Gorn appearances if they completed the TOS Starfleet content.
There could be a 'safe haven/Unimatrix Zero' that players can go to (sort of like the Command Centre for the Romulan Republic/Captains' Table) that is open to Borg Collective characters' original faction.
Nah... that'll just TRIBBLE off the LTS players, who spent money to play Lib Borgs, borg humans, borg romulans and borg klingons should stay LTS Exclusives, however I'm still open to idea of a Borg Cooperative faction, maybe make borg versions of other species like borg vulcans, borg remans or borg gorn playable.
Start out with choosing a species (for example, Humans, Klingons, and Romulans), select what they look like before being assimilated (i.e. Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic), and you start out on the starter ship being captured by a Borg ship.
You and your faction appropriate BOff gets assimilated. You awaken (first person perspective), exit your alcove and then proceed to your designated tasks, with flashbacks that include parts of your original faction tutorial cutscenes and then you start the actual Borg tutorial that relates to your function/class (i.e. maintenance/engineering, etc.).
Your original faction comes to your rescue, liberating what remains of you and your fellow shipmates before you go and assimilate a new planet. While you have returned to your respective original faction, you are still linked with those you've worked alongside in the Borg vessel (sort of like the Romulans who sided with Starfleet/KDF).
At the end of the tutorial, you start out with a partially assimilated original faction ship (i.e. Miranda, Bird-of-Prey, T'Liss) with a Borg Collective vanity shield variant that's exclusive with this playable faction that can be used for any other ship this character will take up in the future. Also maybe a couple new costume pieces for the player and BOffs, which could be account unlockable like the TOS Klingon and Gorn appearances if they completed the TOS Starfleet content.
There could be a 'safe haven/Unimatrix Zero' that players can go to (sort of like the Command Centre for the Romulan Republic/Captains' Table) that is open to Borg Collective characters' original faction.
That sounds like such fun...but can anyone see STO going to that much effort? They've not really stepped up over the last few years and the content isn't really up to par of what came before.
It's a great idea though...you're any species, but I'd say all on a neutral world, which the Borg then attack. You have to fight, but you lose, you're assimilated and probably taken to the Delta Quadrant...but you do have that anomaly that allows Unimatrix Zero. You escape, join the Cooperative and then start playing the episodes.
Actually, that wouldn't be so difficult. They could even repurpose Defera as the place you're assimilated on.
Start out with choosing a species (for example, Humans, Klingons, and Romulans), select what they look like before being assimilated (i.e. Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic), and you start out on the starter ship being captured by a Borg ship.
You and your faction appropriate BOff gets assimilated. You awaken (first person perspective), exit your alcove and then proceed to your designated tasks, with flashbacks that include parts of your original faction tutorial cutscenes and then you start the actual Borg tutorial that relates to your function/class (i.e. maintenance/engineering, etc.).
Your original faction comes to your rescue, liberating what remains of you and your fellow shipmates before you go and assimilate a new planet. While you have returned to your respective original faction, you are still linked with those you've worked alongside in the Borg vessel (sort of like the Romulans who sided with Starfleet/KDF).
At the end of the tutorial, you start out with a partially assimilated original faction ship (i.e. Miranda, Bird-of-Prey, T'Liss) with a Borg Collective vanity shield variant that's exclusive with this playable faction that can be used for any other ship this character will take up in the future. Also maybe a couple new costume pieces for the player and BOffs, which could be account unlockable like the TOS Klingon and Gorn appearances if they completed the TOS Starfleet content.
There could be a 'safe haven/Unimatrix Zero' that players can go to (sort of like the Command Centre for the Romulan Republic/Captains' Table) that is open to Borg Collective characters' original faction.
That sounds like such fun...but can anyone see STO going to that much effort? They've not really stepped up over the last few years and the content isn't really up to par of what came before.
It's a great idea though...you're any species, but I'd say all on a neutral world, which the Borg then attack. You have to fight, but you lose, you're assimilated and probably taken to the Delta Quadrant...but you do have that anomaly that allows Unimatrix Zero. You escape, join the Cooperative and then start playing the episodes.
Actually, that wouldn't be so difficult. They could even repurpose Defera as the place you're assimilated on.
The "anomally" that allows access to Unimatrix Zero is strong latent psionic ability such as telepathy, so if they ever did do a Borg faction that uses Unimatrix Zero as the character's way of not entirely losing themselves at least one of the "racial" traits should be a psionic one.
I actually pine for faction specific ships...if gave a reason to make different toons, but if there were Cooperative specific ships; you start with a probe, you're then able to claim a sphere, a cube, a juggernaut, a diamond, etc. A bit like the Dominion, you get the Borg Space Set as standard and by NO means am I saying that any of these ships should be Endgame, but FUN. Star Trek so recently (and I'm sorry, I personally believe because of misery that Disco casts the shadow of) has just been depressing. I want some fun!
It would take SO little effort on STO's part of actually make the game fun. This whole last Klingon arc, with waves of ships and then feeling like a bystander in that final ground battle...whose brainchild even was that?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Romulans are psionic, it's just dormant, according to the novels Nero, yes that Nero from JJ Trek has improved his Romulan telepathic abilities while imprisoned on Rura Penthe, considering that he's from the Prime timeline universe, this means that Prime Universe Romulans could potentially awaken their latent psychic abilities, also take it with a grain of salt since novels aren't canonical.
But klingons are not - in no media whatsoever has there been even the slightest hint that Klingons possess any form of psionic ability, and there were U0 Klingons in that 2-parter, so the anomaly that causes Borg drones to connect to Unimatrix Zero was not anything to do with psionics.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Everything people think is bad from that movie, is 100% CBS' fault.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
They turned one of Trek's Greatest Superpowers into a bunch of Refugees, Imagine the Backlash if the same thing happened to Qo'noS and the Klingon Empire.
or have Qowat Milat mini/subfaction, with a tutorial where you train your abilities at your monastery before you're sent to help the Republic because the Qowat Milat considered D'Tan's idea of reunification to be a lost cause.
Ah yes.... *move to 3:15 time mark*
"Such things are known to happen. But they are rare."
"It's not my life to give up. It never was."
There's a HUGE part of me that isn't convinced JJ has ever written a word, because he doesn't care. He's never cared about any franchise he's ever disturbed. It would probably ghost-written, or he just tossed a bit out there and they started shooting.
The Remans...WHY couldn't the Remans have been back with a vengeance in Disco? They were abandoned by the Romulans, unless they were on N'Var as we just didn't see them and quantum singularity drives wouldn't have been affected by The Burn...they could have cleaned-up and finally stopped being second class citizens.
I personally think they're the most underutilized species, with the most potential in Star Trek. Their design is exquisite, telepathic, downtrodden by the Romulans, etc...it's a brilliant backstory.
The writers of the Kelvin stuff were Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, not Abrams though Abrams was in charge of the projects overall. Of the two writers, Kurtzman is the closest disciple of Abrams methods, which is probably why DSC and most of the other new ones would fit better with the Kelvin timeline than the traditional one.
True, I was tired and forgot about that change. On the other hand, wasn't it just part of an ENT themed starter bundle or something?
Want to add a new faction? Okay, I nominate Romulans.
Of course, the question then becomes what to do with the "old" Romulans?
There are, no doubt, a lot of Romulans that have friends in the game playing proper Federation or KDF Captains. Telling them that they are going to suddenly be unable to be in the same fleet as those players is unfair. I mean, some people will have come into the game knowing that their Romulan Captain would be going to the Federation or Klingon side specifically to be able to play with people that were already there.
Now, they could make a Romulan race separate from the Romulan faction, like being able to play as a Federation Klingon, but it's one more step in the process.
If you are just talking about the standard ~10 level background stuff before the Captain joins one of the two "real" factions, then I guess Mirror Universe.
A couple of ways to set up things in those early missions, but in the end it culminates in the player deciding to "cross over" and join the Federation or Klingons on this side of the mirror.
I agree to an extent, but ships are a big part of how the game makes money, and the more players that might be able to use a ship, the more money that ship can make for them.
Selling the really spiffy D'deridex variant to people that think they would enjoy using it with their Romulan Captain is all well and good, but what about the players that stick mostly with the Federation or Klingons? People that might not be interested in sinking a lot (or even a little) money into their Romulan Captain, if they even play one?
If that same D'deridex can bring that same level of spiffiness to Federation and Klingon Captains? More chance for sales, more money for the game.
I think that philosophy is not without its own issues, but they have access to data that I do not and may find those other issues to be negligible or certainly not as much of an offset as they could potentially be.
Again, not saying that I necessarily like it, but I do understand it.
That's a good point, I never thought of it like that.
I'd love to see the ISC and the hydrans (causing more agony over animating non-humanoids for cryptic), perhaps the other SFB/SFC-related races too (we kinda have a stand-in for the Kzinti).
I'd also retcon the Hur'q in STO; The Dranzuli should not be the Hur'q but their own thing - I'd prefer to re-introduce the Hur'q as seen in ST:Invasion.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
In the narrative of STO, they are referred to as "the hur'q" regardless.
That is not too different from the Herald fleets being referred to as Iconian, they are separate but linked species under the same umbrella.
Start out with choosing a species (for example, Humans, Klingons, and Romulans), select what they look like before being assimilated (i.e. Starfleet, KDF, Romulan Republic), and you start out on the starter ship being captured by a Borg ship.
You and your faction appropriate BOff gets assimilated. You awaken (first person perspective), exit your alcove and then proceed to your designated tasks, with flashbacks that include parts of your original faction tutorial cutscenes and then you start the actual Borg tutorial that relates to your function/class (i.e. maintenance/engineering, etc.).
Your original faction comes to your rescue, liberating what remains of you and your fellow shipmates before you go and assimilate a new planet. While you have returned to your respective original faction, you are still linked with those you've worked alongside in the Borg vessel (sort of like the Romulans who sided with Starfleet/KDF).
At the end of the tutorial, you start out with a partially assimilated original faction ship (i.e. Miranda, Bird-of-Prey, T'Liss) with a Borg Collective vanity shield variant that's exclusive with this playable faction that can be used for any other ship this character will take up in the future. Also maybe a couple new costume pieces for the player and BOffs, which could be account unlockable like the TOS Klingon and Gorn appearances if they completed the TOS Starfleet content.
There could be a 'safe haven/Unimatrix Zero' that players can go to (sort of like the Command Centre for the Romulan Republic/Captains' Table) that is open to Borg Collective characters' original faction.
Nah... that'll just TRIBBLE off the LTS players, who spent money to play Lib Borgs, borg humans, borg romulans and borg klingons should stay LTS Exclusives, however I'm still open to idea of a Borg Cooperative faction, maybe make borg versions of other species like borg vulcans, borg remans or borg gorn playable.
That sounds like such fun...but can anyone see STO going to that much effort? They've not really stepped up over the last few years and the content isn't really up to par of what came before.
It's a great idea though...you're any species, but I'd say all on a neutral world, which the Borg then attack. You have to fight, but you lose, you're assimilated and probably taken to the Delta Quadrant...but you do have that anomaly that allows Unimatrix Zero. You escape, join the Cooperative and then start playing the episodes.
Actually, that wouldn't be so difficult. They could even repurpose Defera as the place you're assimilated on.
The "anomally" that allows access to Unimatrix Zero is strong latent psionic ability such as telepathy, so if they ever did do a Borg faction that uses Unimatrix Zero as the character's way of not entirely losing themselves at least one of the "racial" traits should be a psionic one.
It would take SO little effort on STO's part of actually make the game fun. This whole last Klingon arc, with waves of ships and then feeling like a bystander in that final ground battle...whose brainchild even was that?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Romulans are psionic, it's just dormant, according to the novels Nero, yes that Nero from JJ Trek has improved his Romulan telepathic abilities while imprisoned on Rura Penthe, considering that he's from the Prime timeline universe, this means that Prime Universe Romulans could potentially awaken their latent psychic abilities, also take it with a grain of salt since novels aren't canonical.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"