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PC Patch Notes for 8/24/21

ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
edited August 2021 in Release Notes
Star Trek Online will have PC Maintenance tomorrow, 8/24, at 7am PT. Estimated downtime is 2.5 hours. You can find the patch notes here:

Post edited by ambassadorkael#6946 on


  • ulmanchunulmanchun Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Reroll and Pass with Dilithium is not the best idea. From what i have heard it will not be cheep. Everyone has the 8000 dilithum process limit with the 500 extra if player join a fleet and had upgraded the dilithum mine. If the daily processing cap was to up it to like 18000 a day with 1000 bonus from the fleet then it makes it worth while to spend on it.

    Now it doesn't even seem worth while to use the pass tokens to reroll endeavors. i have burned burned like 10 tokens before to get certain goals changed because i start doing them and it doesn't work out so you have to reroll. plus with people squirrel away dilithum because of the hard limit of processing.

    I mean we can grind tons of dilithum with not issues via doff assignments and TFO but what is the point if you got 1,000,000 in unprocessed dilithum that you can't use until you process it all in 125 days (117 day with that 500 extra from fleet if you lucky).

    Did the endeavours for the daily challenge but if i am forces to do a task that does not work forcing to buy tokens with mind numbing saving of dilithum. then i say most people now have another excuse to not do endevours. the benefits do not out weign the hassle.
  • opsjoyopsjoy Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    And another copy/paste and proofreading failure:
    • Zen Buyout Option:
    • For players interested in instantly completing the To Hell with Honor Event event, we will be offering the option to purchase the remaining progress of this event at a scaling amount of Zen, as with other recent events.

    [System] "GetCritterDescriptionByID" takes 2 argument(s).
    [System] GetCritterDescriptionByID <int> <int>
    [System] "GetCritterGroupDescriptionByID" takes 2 argument(s).
    [System] GetCritterGroupDescriptionByID <int> <int>

  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    They could just replace “To Hell With Honor,” with something generic like “the event,” that way they wouldn’t have to check it again next time. Or better yet—they could write a script that generates the text after you supply the event name, so it would replace the event name in all cases automatically—or better yet, they could just read what they have before they post, or even ever I guess. Theoretically they could fix it now. But apparently it is not concerning to them.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,548 Arc User
    Admiralty Pass Tokens and Endeavor Reroll Tokens are no longer included in rewards from their respective systems, but may now be purchased for Dilithium.
    Removing them completely from their current reward systems, is an error in my opinion. However, I do feel they come far too frequently and could be significantly reduced so that they feel more 'special' as a reward.

    As more dilithium sinks are added to the game, if must also be considered that the refining limit of 8000 per day should be increased.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,384 Arc User
    I dunno why people are bashing the new buy reroll tokens for dil, because at the end of the day Cryptic are only implementing it based on player base feed back from a previous thread where Kael asked the community for suggestions on getting the in game exonomy back on track, and a lot said they would like to see endevor reroll token be available to buy for dil

  • sierrafortunesierrafortune Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    The event versions of “Kobayashi Maru” and “Arena of Sompek” can be accessed via the new Event UI, accessible within your Mission Journal by pressing on the “Events” Tab.
    We're getting a new event UI?!?
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,384 Arc User
    The event versions of “Kobayashi Maru” and “Arena of Sompek” can be accessed via the new Event UI, accessible within your Mission Journal by pressing on the “Events” Tab.
    We're getting a new event UI?!?

  • taorakisbucktaorakisbuck Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I always appreciate new ways to spend my dilithuim, but taking away the chance to even get a token is not the best way i'd say.
    So i agree with the above comment, you could just reduce the chance to get the token.
    Or at the very least, eve if it's counter the point of getting rid of excess dilithium, give more dilithium from the endeavor rewards, because what it looks like is: You are rating the worth of a reroll token at 2500 Dilithium, you are removing the chance to get one from the reward, but you're not adding anything of that worth to the rewards. So in the end, we get less out of the reward container now.
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    So alot of us will be logging in doing maybe one endeavor and logging out again, well done Devs you really know what you are doing dont you.............
  • voodoopokeyvoodoopokey Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    Resolved inconsistencies between the power's description and tooltip of the Ruin Of Our Enemies Trait and implemented a cap of 100x triggers on the damage bonus (thus capped at 200% Bonus Damage).

    Seriously? What is with the nerfing of years-old starship traits these days.. especially when they come from difficult-to-acquire ships.

    Is Ruin of our Enemies even available to Fed characters anymore? The boxes that open into a faction-specific ship still tend to limit access to certain ships directly, and the D7 was in such a box with the Disco-connie, but with a different starship trait. When the cross-faction flying was introduced the cross-faction equipment boxes were removed, so...

    Be sure you have a way for Fed characters to actually obtain the trait, or the ship. I also noticed the Sarcophagus ship is not affected by cross-faction flying, though its trait was always available to fed players in a specific trait box from the same lockbox. I don't recall that ship being listed among those excluded from cross-faction flying, but can't find that original list.
  • wwwwoodywwwwoody Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    Resolved inconsistencies between the power's description and tooltip of the Ruin Of Our Enemies Trait and implemented a cap of 100x triggers on the damage bonus (thus capped at 200% Bonus Damage).

    Is Ruin of our Enemies even available to Fed characters anymore?

    Be sure you have a way for Fed characters to actually obtain the trait

    My main (fed) got this trait relatively recently through one of those "stuff from a ship without the ship" boxes, so it is available, or at least, was until recently if it is indeed no longer.

    As for the nerf itself, disappointing, but at least it is at 100 stacks (which I hope it now actually shows on the icon what you are up to) and not something stupid like 10, which, unless you are running content with constantly spawning weak enemies that nobody else is able to get to first, should be plenty, I hope so anyway.


    Just looked it up, apparently the "trait/console" lobi box that I got is no longer available, but the ship is available for feds to use, providing you have access to cross faction flying. The boxes bought before this option changed might still be on exchange though, and will still work.
  • marraak#1089 marraak Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I am absolutely not a fan o this reroll for dilithium idea. It's horrible. First, I don't know anyone with a "stockpile" of dilithium. The 8000 per day refinery limit pretty much ensures that. I have to run multiple toons to farm enough dilithium just to try and equip one toon because it's really the only commodity I can use for fleet credits in most cases, without a completely ridiculous mount of grinding.

    I get that this is an attempt to get people to buy more zen to exchange for dilithium. But at some point you really need to consider that nickel and diming people on stuff they used to get for free just isn't a good look, it's bad PR. If I have dilithium I'm spending it on phoenix tokens, fleet credits, and anyone of a dozen other things including ships to get trait's or consoles that you can't get anywhere else. Enough already. Do us a favor and if your going to keep upping the amount of dilithium needed to keep a character at least somewhat competitive based on when you started then at the very least up the refine limit, or better yet remove it entirely. It's such a nasty choke point for the game. I would much rather play one or two characters that I really like and enjoy and could immerse myself in, instead of maintaining 4 or 5 more that are just there so I can farm dilithium to keep the characters I do like supplied enough not to be completely useless.

    Your killing the immersion factor with stuff like this. You really need to stop and consider that very, very carefully. In the long run that will almost certainly cost you sales, not increase them as people get frustrated.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
    The Ruin trait changes don't make any sense. How do we get 3% x100 = 200%?
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    Well, according to the launcher, the No Win Scenario event ended 8 days ago now. I wish I'd known about it earlier, especially since again, according to the launcher, it only lasted for 3 days. Oh well, I guess I'll wait for the next event to make more progress.


    Yeah, still to this day, the launcher is showing incorrect information. Can someone please fix it? This lack of caring about giving out correct information on the part of Cryptic is getting horrendous.

    As for actually following through and removing the free options to get re-roll/pass tokens, I've already said my piece about that, but I will say, I will NEVER pay for an option that was free, then removed only to be put back but requiring a 'fee'. It starts with Dil here, it ends with many systems where the fee is in Zen. I won't take part in those types of systems at all and if the trend continues, I will simply stop playing. Cryptic is creating roadblocks in progression by removing the solution and then selling it back to players. Unacceptable.
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • marraak#1089 marraak Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »
    I dunno why people are bashing the new buy reroll tokens for dil, because at the end of the day Cryptic are only implementing it based on player base feed back from a previous thread where Kael asked the community for suggestions on getting the in game exonomy back on track, and a lot said they would like to see endevor reroll token be available to buy for dil


    And I saw a ton of really good suggestions that were ignored, and this really horrible suggestion that was implemented. Look, I get it, your never going to make everyone happy. But this really punishes people who are relatively new to the game who are DI strapped constantly already. It makes it even harder for them to develop, so the folks who have been playing forever and have the resources are not really impacted as badly but those of us who are just starting out or are still relatively new like myself are now forced to spend DI on yet another thing when it's already such a precious commodity because the refining limit is just draconian when you look at all the stuff you need to spend it on to develop a new character.

    So the end result is you have to set up a bunch of toons to farm the stuff, which frankly kills the immersion in the game. I want to concentrate on a couple of main characters I like to play, not be forced to bounce back and forth between a bunch of toons I had to setup just to get enough DI to advance those one or two characters successfully.

    You really want a DI sink? Get rid of this awful idea, and upgrade phoenix boxes. Right now the ultra rare coupon is almost useless - the T5 ships it offers really aren't worth much because the game has progressed beyond them. Move those down a tier, move the epic to ultra rare, and put in a few lockbox ships that are highly sought after (like say the atlas) in the top tier.

    You can put a couple of other things in there for players who already have those ships so it isn't just a one time thing - such as say ultimate upgrade tokens or accelerators for upgrading. Keep them up at the epic and ultra rare levels and people will start buying a lot more phoenix boxes for the chance to get them. People will spend DI on that because it's a good deal, even if they don't get the ultra rare or epic they are looking for worst case scenario they still have the phoenix upgrade tokens as an option so they don't feel ripped off.

  • sovereign010sovereign010 Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    What would be more useful would be to re-roll the 3 choices you get when you have a perk point available to spend. It's frustrating as hell when you earn a point only to be faced with three ground bonuses as a reward.
  • lisachrodhearg#6725 lisachrodhearg Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    Quote totally ulmanchun,

    when was introduced the Dilithium made sense the cap to avoid players spent the whole time on mining or on the few missions that gave out Dil as reward, today that cap make no more sense since we get dilithium from almost each activity we perform.

    And honestly i don't think make the tokens on payment will make "the long-term health of the game’s economy can come closer to a stabilizing point", it's more possible the players will start to not make the Endeavors they don't like or those that need wait an hour and half to start to complete the task (happens to me today).

    And another thing, players that still need to update their gears need Dilithium for it, i don't think that a player that is wating to have the required dilithium for upgrade a console or a weapon would spend 2.5K of Dilithium on a token, probably would prefer keep the Dilithium and don't make the Endeavor.
    ulmanchun wrote: »
    Reroll and Pass with Dilithium is not the best idea. From what i have heard it will not be cheep. Everyone has the 8000 dilithum process limit with the 500 extra if player join a fleet and had upgraded the dilithum mine. If the daily processing cap was to up it to like 18000 a day with 1000 bonus from the fleet then it makes it worth while to spend on it.

    Now it doesn't even seem worth while to use the pass tokens to reroll endeavors. i have burned burned like 10 tokens before to get certain goals changed because i start doing them and it doesn't work out so you have to reroll. plus with people squirrel away dilithum because of the hard limit of processing.

    I mean we can grind tons of dilithum with not issues via doff assignments and TFO but what is the point if you got 1,000,000 in unprocessed dilithum that you can't use until you process it all in 125 days (117 day with that 500 extra from fleet if you lucky).

    Did the endeavours for the daily challenge but if i am forces to do a task that does not work forcing to buy tokens with mind numbing saving of dilithum. then i say most people now have another excuse to not do endevours. the benefits do not out weign the hassle.

  • lisachrodhearg#6725 lisachrodhearg Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »
    I dunno why people are bashing the new buy reroll tokens for dil, because at the end of the day Cryptic are only implementing it based on player base feed back from a previous thread where Kael asked the community for suggestions on getting the in game exonomy back on track, and a lot said they would like to see endevor reroll token be available to buy for dil


    Prbably was suggetions made from palyers that alredy have all their equipments upgraded and having tons of Dilithium don't know how to spend it, but, since the Endeavor start from the level 60, devs should think mostly to those that still need to grow and need save the Dilithium for gears.

    Why, instead penalize new player, Cryptic did not thougth to put on the ship requisition some T6 for dlithium, or sell better consoles, high ranked BOF abilities or, as i read in the forum you linked, sell lobi for Dilithium?
  • ulmanchunulmanchun Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    They have patched and added on so much stuff but never to think to i don't know shore up some of the foundational stuff. i mean yeah they have plans to reintroduce stuff they removed but never put back. i mean just did the sompek thing and realised oh yeah their was a point we did have salt vampires in the game but now in the current version of the game. has the game improved... in places.

    so after 6-8 months of no one buying the tokens. i would guess they endeavor system would somehow need a revamp and taken down then disappear forever like the guardian of forever. it provides a daily goal and a nice change up but no one is willing to spend like 25% of "a daily paycheck" (dilithum refinement) to buy one token. maybe 200 dilithum but not 2500. ofcourse this does not effect the lifetime members. wait there is only lifetime members and free members now right. the whole subcribers thing is gone right. i know something happened but never payed attention since suprise broke free player.
  • lisachrodhearg#6725 lisachrodhearg Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    ulmanchun wrote: »
    They have patched and added on so much stuff but never to think to i don't know shore up some of the foundational stuff. i mean yeah they have plans to reintroduce stuff they removed but never put back. i mean just did the sompek thing and realised oh yeah their was a point we did have salt vampires in the game but now in the current version of the game. has the game improved... in places.

    so after 6-8 months of no one buying the tokens. i would guess they endeavor system would somehow need a revamp and taken down then disappear forever like the guardian of forever. it provides a daily goal and a nice change up but no one is willing to spend like 25% of "a daily paycheck" (dilithum refinement) to buy one token. maybe 200 dilithum but not 2500. ofcourse this does not effect the lifetime members. wait there is only lifetime members and free members now right. the whole subcribers thing is gone right. i know something happened but never payed attention since suprise broke free player.

    I am a lifetime subscriber with several ships and gears totally updated for ships and personal, so basically i could even say "well not a problem to me", but i think deeply wrong that a player that start today shall be penalized confront to who, like me, paly STO from almost the start. If we want this game go further we shall think to attract player not risk to push them away making a so horrible difference between players.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    (flame/troll post removed) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • edited August 2021
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    (flame/troll post removed) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    (flame/troll post removed) - darkbladejk
    Post edited by darkbladejk on
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


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  • edited August 2021
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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,848 Community Moderator
    Guys, cut the Cryptic bashing. You're not required to like the new changes. If you can't say something without busting out the flamethrowers then don't say anything at all. Some of you sound like broken records at this point trying to nit pick worse than my old college english teacher.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

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