The Kelvin Destoryer pack is a bit redundant now a days since ship faction locks are basically all but gone. So basically 1 ship and a 2nd admiralty card. oh well no zen so not gonna bite. will wait and see if it comes around for BF or Xmas at 75% off again.
Pretty good deal if you want three of the ship-box picks, pretty bad deal if you want all four ship-box picks without the extras (like the presumably Account-Bound Master Keys), even if still better than gamble-box average prices.
In addition, everything else in Mudd's Market (except the other three bundles) will be on sale for 75% off from 6/10 at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) - 6/14 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)!
Was briefly excited until I reread it mentioning the 75% sale is not for any of the other bundles. Oh well, I guess I'll wait for 'Mudd's Day' to hopefully roll around again.
(Ship: Starship Trait: Starship Console)
Vengeance: Target Rich Environment: Broadside Emitter Array
Kelvin Heavy Comm Conn: Down But Not Out: Auxillary Ejection Assembly
D4x: Standoff: Proton Charge Launcher
T'laru: Highly Specialized: Mining Drill Laser Emitter
(the 4 ships' consoles are part of a synergy set too)
I've got all the ship consoles and Starship Traits via the now-retired cross-faction packs (Heh. Wonder why they retired them) and from the Vengeance proper on different chars, and most are entertaining at least, if a bit long in the tooth for nowadays's power-crept game. 25% Category 1 (like a Tac console) damage boost for Phaser and Photon for the two-piece is OK, but there's a lot more for Phaser out there that. Three-set seems to be for patching up the Vengeance's lack of Kinetic resist in it's passives, as well as increasing healing which makes my Vengeance a pretty durable ship.
None of the Traits are really meta, but I get some use out of Highly Specialized on builds where I don't have much cooldown management for Specialization abilities.
Thanks for the information since you already own them. I'm already wavering going back & forth about whether to purchase.
Not surprised they put the Vengeance in this pack. It's a guaranteed cash-cow and arguably (judging by the number & how very frequently seen) the most popular/sought after ship in the game.
Saying that I, personally, hate it. I think it's an overrated abomination and I wouldn't fly one if it was given to me for free. Its literally the only ship that, it it were to magically appear in my inventory, I'd discard without a second thought.
But that's just me.
I'm with you, I have 0 interest in the Vengeance lol. Though I wouldn't discard it, if I could sell it I would, or give it to a new fleetie who needed a T6
The Kelvin Destoryer pack is a bit redundant now a days since ship faction locks are basically all but gone.
That depends on the player, I personally don't like flying ships from the wrong faction (except to unlock traits), so I would rather have both than just one. Might use the Einstein on a new toon, JJD7 will probably go to my Klingon recruit I think (was going to be my BoP character but I'm just not enjoying flying those).
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If I had the stuff to buy it I would right now. That is a lot of stuff I want in one package... I hope that package happens again in the future.
NVM, I thought it was all the items. That is not anywhere near as good for only 3 items. Why not just sell the entire bundle and rake in the cash?! All items for one cost. That would actually get people to buy stuff.
Does anyone realize this 10 year old game is selling ships somewhat near the price of star citizen.
For me I'll probably end up getting the Vengeance, Jelly Fish, and probably Kelvin 2. I already have the Legendary Fed Bundle which comes with multiple copies of the Constitution, so I don't really see myself going for Kelvin 1. Plus I'm not a fan of the KDF or Rom ships in Kelvin 1. Kelvin 2 would at least give me the heavy destroyer which it seems is about as close to an Apollo class we're going to get, at least for now.
I'm sort of at the point now where there aren't many ships I don't own, but the ones I don't own I have no interest in at all. They would literally be for the admiralty cards and that's it. I simply don't see myself picking up any of those ships unless they were given to me for free, or come in a bundle I was already going to buy.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
If I can get the Zen for it, I'd go Kelvin 1, Kelvin 2, then decide between the Vengeance and the Jellyfish. Main thing that makes the Vengeance a bit more attractive than the Jellyfish is console set completion.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Does anyone realize this 10 year old game is selling ships somewhat near the price of star citizen.
They sell ships and some bundles for the price of whole game consoles these days Players all over the world have long decided that this is perfectly acceptable.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
> @saurializard said: > Plus, isn't Star Citizen a 10-year-old "game" as well, at this point?
For sure. I have one or two friends in game I met a decade ago who only wanted to stick around till SC is ready. Well what shall I say... they are still here.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
> @nommo#5819 said: > Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
Sorry to say but it is like a regular token. You only get one.
Also there are no stupid questions. Only stupid answers.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Last Christmas all Mudd's Bundles were 75% off. I'm waiting for Christmas on this and the Out of the Wormhole Bundles. At 7,375 Zen for this Bundle, for 6 Promo/Lockbox Ships Account-wide, thats 1,229 Zen each.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Last Christmas all Mudd's Bundles were 75% off. I'm waiting for Christmas on this and the Out of the Wormhole Bundles. At 7,375 Zen for this Bundle, for 6 Promo/Lockbox Ships Account-wide, thats 1,229 Zen each.
There's no guarantee that the bundles will be 75% off again, I wouldn't be surprised if they only did 50% this year.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
> @nommo#5819 said:
> Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
Sorry to say but it is like a regular token. You only get one.
Also there are no stupid questions. Only stupid answers.
> @westmetals said: > Well, in the past it's been 1:1... it's just that these particular ships were from a previously faction-restricted choice box. They're placing that choice box as a single selection. > > So in a way you could say it's the same as the previous pack that had the Temporal Science Vessel and Temporal Destroyer in it. (Except that now with crossfaction, you can - supposedly - now get all the options from these two choice boxes).
I find this to be a better offer. With the temporal science vessels and destroyers they were essentially the same ship with different skins. But with the Kelvin 3 pack of ships, the Tlaru, D4x, and the Konnie are all very different and distinct ships, so it feels more impact full getting all 3.
While I like the ships being offered, it is somewhat unsettling to note that they value a *SINGLE* epic prize token to be of equivalent value to *THREE* account-wide lockbox ships. Like...what the holy forkin' shirt balls are they smoking?
Well, in the past it's been 1:1... it's just that these particular ships were from a previously faction-restricted choice box. They're placing that choice box as a single selection.
So in a way you could say it's the same as the previous pack that had the Temporal Science Vessel and Temporal Destroyer in it. (Except that now with crossfaction, you can - supposedly - now get all the options from these two choice boxes).
Except that's a different ship pack, though. The three pack is the rom carrier, the Kelvin constitution, and kelvin d4x. All of those were lockbox exclusive.
Those three were in the same lockbox, which one you got depended on your faction. They're very different ships unlike the other Einstein + D7 pack, but they were still functionally part of a choice pack. The consoles also form a 4-piece set (including the Vengeance console).
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I am a BIG fan of the Vengeance. Big enough that when I realized it was on this list, It was an instant Buy for me. The Other two kelvin packs.
Kelvin Heavy Destroyer/D7 Heavy Destroyer Pack
Kelvin T’Laru/D4x/Constitution Pack
I already have the Legendary D7 and wanted the Kelvin one for a while. So The heavy destroyer is a bonus. Now While I have the legendary Kelvin connie, Getting hold of the T'Laru, and D4x is great. With the Kelvin Connie as a cherry on top. I already have the Red matter cap as an account unlock so the Vulcan ship is of little value. Aesthetically it does not appeal to me.
Now considering that at minimum if you harvest lobi it will take at least
$100 for 40 R&D packs (Not doing a sale) so that is what 400 lobi, x2 so $200 for 800 lobi, you would still need to buy an additional $30 to get a grand total of 900 lobi (assuming you did not hit the promo ship reward opening all those at once). Thus spending 230 dollars for one ship for one character. Assuming no sales. Thus the vengeance is worth 230 dollars.
Well all my toons have the Red Matter Capacitor as well.
Still the real benefit to the Vulcan Experimental Scout is the [Quad Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher] it comes with. It has a similar (short) recharge time to the Kelvin Torpedo, and yet it's really the only Quad Torpedo. So that does have some appeal to it for sure, aside from the Console depending on the player.
So there is perhaps a few tough choices for some people, still it seems like a nice offering!
Well all my toons have the Red Matter Capacitor as well.
Still the real benefit to the Vulcan Experimental Scout is the [Quad Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher] it comes with. It has a similar (short) recharge time to the Kelvin Torpedo, and yet it's really the only Quad Torpedo. So that does have some appeal to it for sure, aside from the Console depending on the player.
So there is perhaps a few tough choices for some people, still it seems like a nice offering!
Ok, that's interesting, i wasnt convinced on this ship, but i dont like the Vengance too much, also, it's easier for me to get that lobi ship than the vulcan one...
Thanks for the information since you already own them. I'm already wavering going back & forth about whether to purchase.
I'm with you, I have 0 interest in the Vengeance lol. Though I wouldn't discard it, if I could sell it I would, or give it to a new fleetie who needed a T6
That depends on the player, I personally don't like flying ships from the wrong faction (except to unlock traits), so I would rather have both than just one. Might use the Einstein on a new toon, JJD7 will probably go to my Klingon recruit I think (was going to be my BoP character but I'm just not enjoying flying those).
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
NVM, I thought it was all the items. That is not anywhere near as good for only 3 items. Why not just sell the entire bundle and rake in the cash?! All items for one cost. That would actually get people to buy stuff.
Does anyone realize this 10 year old game is selling ships somewhat near the price of star citizen.
Last year they brought them all back for one of the holiday sales, so there's a good chance they'll do that again in November or December.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I'm sort of at the point now where there aren't many ships I don't own, but the ones I don't own I have no interest in at all. They would literally be for the admiralty cards and that's it. I simply don't see myself picking up any of those ships unless they were given to me for free, or come in a bundle I was already going to buy.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Well, ther is still hope for end of the year sale, so back to dil farming for me
They sell ships and some bundles for the price of whole game consoles these days
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I've been playing STO steadily since 2014. I've been waiting for Squadron 42 to be released since 2014.
Buying a ship for STO is worth something since it can be used in a real game not a series of alpha tech demos. STO wins.
This pack lets you get 6 account unlocked ships for $150 which breaks down to $25 each. If SC is selling ships that cheap then that's cool too.
Join Date: Sep 2008
> Plus, isn't Star Citizen a 10-year-old "game" as well, at this point?
For sure. I have one or two friends in game I met a decade ago who only wanted to stick around till SC is ready. Well what shall I say... they are still here.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Unfortunately, yes.
Join Date: Sep 2008
> Okay I'm sure this is a dumb question & I think I know the answer is "no" but my brain is currently fried after mowing or something & was deliberating purchasing this bundle again. That Phoenix Epic Token is just like a regular Phoenix Epic Token correct so not account-unlock? Thanks in advance for verifying.
Sorry to say but it is like a regular token. You only get one.
Also there are no stupid questions. Only stupid answers.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There's no guarantee that the bundles will be 75% off again, I wouldn't be surprised if they only did 50% this year.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Thanks for verifying.
> Well, in the past it's been 1:1... it's just that these particular ships were from a previously faction-restricted choice box. They're placing that choice box as a single selection.
> So in a way you could say it's the same as the previous pack that had the Temporal Science Vessel and Temporal Destroyer in it. (Except that now with crossfaction, you can - supposedly - now get all the options from these two choice boxes).
I find this to be a better offer. With the temporal science vessels and destroyers they were essentially the same ship with different skins. But with the Kelvin 3 pack of ships, the Tlaru, D4x, and the Konnie are all very different and distinct ships, so it feels more impact full getting all 3.
Those three were in the same lockbox, which one you got depended on your faction. They're very different ships unlike the other Einstein + D7 pack, but they were still functionally part of a choice pack. The consoles also form a 4-piece set (including the Vengeance console).
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Kelvin Heavy Destroyer/D7 Heavy Destroyer Pack
Kelvin T’Laru/D4x/Constitution Pack
I already have the Legendary D7 and wanted the Kelvin one for a while. So The heavy destroyer is a bonus. Now While I have the legendary Kelvin connie, Getting hold of the T'Laru, and D4x is great. With the Kelvin Connie as a cherry on top. I already have the Red matter cap as an account unlock so the Vulcan ship is of little value. Aesthetically it does not appeal to me.
Now considering that at minimum if you harvest lobi it will take at least
$100 for 40 R&D packs (Not doing a sale) so that is what 400 lobi, x2 so $200 for 800 lobi, you would still need to buy an additional $30 to get a grand total of 900 lobi (assuming you did not hit the promo ship reward opening all those at once). Thus spending 230 dollars for one ship for one character. Assuming no sales. Thus the vengeance is worth 230 dollars.
So Spending 150 for 6 ships account wide?
Yes I will Buy this pack.
Well all my toons have the Red Matter Capacitor as well.
Still the real benefit to the Vulcan Experimental Scout is the [Quad Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher] it comes with. It has a similar (short) recharge time to the Kelvin Torpedo, and yet it's really the only Quad Torpedo. So that does have some appeal to it for sure, aside from the Console depending on the player.
So there is perhaps a few tough choices for some people, still it seems like a nice offering!
Ok, that's interesting, i wasnt convinced on this ship, but i dont like the Vengance too much, also, it's easier for me to get that lobi ship than the vulcan one...