It doesn't, the dampening field deactivates all abilities, even those not requiring a target or combat.
Though, hilariously, any melee attack that can rush you to an enemy location lets you casually walk over the gap (tried it with the nanopulse staff-rifle). Unfortunately, it's useless since the Mutant stops following you when you reach the platform room, unless you want to have fun and melee it until it goes invulnerable and casts its scream.
It doesn't, the dampening field deactivates all abilities, even those not requiring a target or combat.
Though, hilariously, any melee attack that can rush you to an enemy location lets you casually walk over the gap (tried it with the nanopulse staff-rifle). Unfortunately, it's useless since the Mutant stops following you when you reach the platform room, unless you want to have fun and melee it until it goes invulnerable and casts its scream.
I spent another hour running (and dying) in this mission. I can make a few jumps but never all of them. Why is this mission so hard?
Because the episode level designer is good at 3D jumping puzzles and didn't understand that some of us are not. Puzzles like this really need either an alternate solution or a "fail x times then automatically succeed" fallback like with the time travel episode where you are doing a slingshot back to the past version of Drozena station.
I've managed to do it on several characters, but it took many, many tries.
It doesn't, the dampening field deactivates all abilities, even those not requiring a target or combat.
Though, hilariously, any melee attack that can rush you to an enemy location lets you casually walk over the gap (tried it with the nanopulse staff-rifle). Unfortunately, it's useless since the Mutant stops following you when you reach the platform room, unless you want to have fun and melee it until it goes invulnerable and casts its scream.
How do you do that?
It seems I missed this reply but I do this the way I just said, there is no trickery or anything, just have a weapon that can make you rush towards the enemy when they're too far.
Also, I still can't comprehend how some people can fail the jumps. I know I play platformers but even then, I'm not that good at them (usually, when I reach a Mario or DKC secret bonus level and see how it is, I go "TRIBBLE that!"), and the jump difficulty of Tenebris Torquent, especially when running, wouldn't classify as a level part, but as one of the first tutorial parts in most games.
No really, could someone having troubles with those jumps make a video of their attempts, please, because I'm genuinely wondering how it's possible?
I'm aware some players have physical and/or mental difficulties and I can definitely understand in those cases, but that doesn't even seem to be the case, here.
I can make a video, but let me tell you what's happening. Sometimes I hit the jump button and it does not seem to work and I run into the gorge. Other times, I jump and don't jump far enough. I've been able to make 4 jumps in a row, only to die on the last jump. To be fair, it took me an hour to do that. I have been able to do this before, but for some reason, I am having more trouble on this mission with my new recruit.
I spent another hour running (and dying) in this mission. I can make a few jumps but never all of them. Why is this mission so hard?
Because the episode level designer is good at 3D jumping puzzles and didn't understand that some of us are not. Puzzles like this really need either an alternate solution or a "fail x times then automatically succeed" fallback like with the time travel episode where you are doing a slingshot back to the past version of Drozena station.
I've managed to do it on several characters, but it took many, many tries.
I could not agree more! That little tweak would fix this problem and I'd be off to the puzzle maze. I don't like that one much either, but I can get through it eventually.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,833Community Moderator
Under normal circumstances, this would be technically a Necro (being over 30 days since last post), but seeing as how people are still trying to help with this issue the OP is having, and its still a relatively recent thing... I'll let it go. If this turns out to be more of a technical issue or something outside the player's control... I'll forward to AmbassadorKael to send to the appropriate people. In the meantime... let the tips flow guys. We got a player in need of help.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm curious to know if they altered the mission? I remember doing it, and had no trouble with it at all, but that was SOME time ago.
They didn't.
The only thing that seems to have changed (and is likely a harmless (literally) bug) is that the Mutant no longer pursues you across the platforms and just stops in front of the first one. Apparently, it used to be able to follow you there.
I still don't get it.. you just press space right before the ledge.
Maybe a video would help, because it's just unimaginable that anyone is having this much of an issue with this part.
I normally wouldn't suggest this..
But change your password to something temporarily and have someone else do it for you. Give them your info, have them do the mission, then change your password again.. because there is just no way to explain it other then 'run toward the edge and press space.'
I don't know what's going on here, I really don't.. and I am sorry you're having this much trouble, but nothing is left to be said.. this just isn't that hard.
Have someone else do it for you, there is no other solution. I'm sorry.
How do you make a video? I can assure you that I am hitting the space bar before the ledge and sometime the toon does not jump and it just runs into the gorge. If the space bar never worked that would be one thing. It works some of the times.
How do you make a video? I can assure you that I am hitting the space bar before the ledge and sometime the toon does not jump and it just runs into the gorge. If the space bar never worked that would be one thing. It works some of the times.
Is there anyway you can try it from a friends house or something? the only thing I can think of is that Lag is causing you to not jump when you hit the button.. is there anyway you can try on a friends computer? maybe a laptop that you can take somewhere else?
I am honestly baffled.. for me it just jumps when I hit space. I honestly don't know why yours doesn't.
OBS is the program I've used for such things, though I'm far from an expert at it so I would recommend googling instructions for setting it up. Once it's recorded you can upload it to YouTube and then link the video here.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Tbf, this is not a "jumping puzzle". Nor is it a "platformer". It's just 3 jumps, not even consecutive ones.
That said, I've asked around in my fleet and no one seems to have any problem with getting through it unless they *are* experiencing lag.
@indyshark I think Sea's suggestion is the right one: you're lagging at the worst possible moment and that makes you fail again and again - though that's some really bad luck
OBS is really easy to set up and works really well. Let me know if you can't find a reliable guide and I can write you one (complete with screenshots if you'd like).
Now, a few of questions:
- are you in Europe? If so, have you tried enabling one of the two available proxies?
- are you playing in fullscreen? I ask this because playing in windowed mode will drop your framerate and that can also impact how the game receive and react to your inputs (in this case, jumping);
- have you tried upping the brigthness? That level is not particularly bright, and it's possible that you're jumping a little too late because the edge is not exactly where you think it is. I'm not calling you stupid, just so we're clear: I'm talking from personal experience and I've learned to always play around a bit with the brightness because you never know when it might come in handy.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Tbf, this is not a "jumping puzzle". Nor is it a "platformer". It's just 3 jumps, not even consecutive ones.
That said, I've asked around in my fleet and no one seems to have any problem with getting through it unless they *are* experiencing lag.
@indyshark I think Sea's suggestion is the right one: you're lagging at the worst possible moment and that makes you fail again and again - though that's some really bad luck
OBS is really easy to set up and works really well. Let me know if you can't find a reliable guide and I can write you one (complete with screenshots if you'd like).
Now, a few of questions:
- are you in Europe? If so, have you tried enabling one of the two available proxies?
- are you playing in fullscreen? I ask this because playing in windowed mode will drop your framerate and that can also impact how the game receive and react to your inputs (in this case, jumping);
- have you tried upping the brigthness? That level is not particularly bright, and it's possible that you're jumping a little too late because the edge is not exactly where you think it is. I'm not calling you stupid, just so we're clear: I'm talking from personal experience and I've learned to always play around a bit with the brightness because you never know when it might come in handy.
Jenny, thank you for your help! I think there are four jumps not three. One time I almost made it all the way and failed on the last jump.
I'll look into QBS.
I am in the US and play in fullscreen mode. The screen is fairly bright. I just seem to be incapable of making those jumps. I make them on occasion, but I can't seem to string enough of them together to make them all.
The last time I tried this mission, the creature followed me over the first jump and killed me on the first platform. That was a new experience for me! He did this three times. One of the times, he fell into the abyss. I enjoyed that!
I have OBS but can't seem to record anything. It says the buffers are overloaded. I tried reducing the video settings but that didn't help. I have selected game capture but the recordings are all black screens.
I guess parts like this are one benefit of being a super old grandma. "Platforming" was a big thing in the '80s and '90s, and these sections of MMORPG games are a joke when compared to what we had to go through back then.
Yes, I remember those days! Did you play Turok? Remember the horrid jumping puzzle part?
I consider it bad design to require platforming in an MMO that has long had a history of lag issues due to external forces at play in the internet infrastructure between the server and client. And not everyone (myself included) has the greatest internet provider. Mine absolutely sucks, but they are the only one in my area so with the lack of competition, they have no motivation to improve their service. Price to pay for living in Banjoland...
To impose twitch mechanics on an MMO with only one data center serving the entire world is not a good idea.
This is a fair point. It's not really accurate to compare the old Single Player games where lag wasn't a factor.
The second platform is slightly to the left of the first. So, I think you have to turn a little to make it. The next 2 Platforms straighten back out. So I think after the second jump you should hit the right turn once too— between those first two platforms is the hardest maybe. So if you get that you should be golden!
You said you made it once before. I bet you will get it again eventually! Gammbate (That’s Japanese for keep at it!)!
The second platform is slightly to the left of the first. So, I think you have to turn a little to make it. The next 2 Platforms straighten back out. So I think after the second jump you should hit the right turn once too— between those first two platforms is the hardest maybe. So if you get that you should be golden!
You said you made it once before. I bet you will get it again eventually! Gammbate (That’s Japanese for keep at it!)!
Thank you my friend. I've actually done is six times for other toons, but I have tried over 200 times on this toon and can't make it. The game isn't fun anymore when you jump and die over and over...
Though, hilariously, any melee attack that can rush you to an enemy location lets you casually walk over the gap (tried it with the nanopulse staff-rifle). Unfortunately, it's useless since the Mutant stops following you when you reach the platform room, unless you want to have fun and melee it until it goes invulnerable and casts its scream.
How do you do that?
Because the episode level designer is good at 3D jumping puzzles and didn't understand that some of us are not. Puzzles like this really need either an alternate solution or a "fail x times then automatically succeed" fallback like with the time travel episode where you are doing a slingshot back to the past version of Drozena station.
I've managed to do it on several characters, but it took many, many tries.
Also, I still can't comprehend how some people can fail the jumps. I know I play platformers but even then, I'm not that good at them (usually, when I reach a Mario or DKC secret bonus level and see how it is, I go "TRIBBLE that!"), and the jump difficulty of Tenebris Torquent, especially when running, wouldn't classify as a level part, but as one of the first tutorial parts in most games.
No really, could someone having troubles with those jumps make a video of their attempts, please, because I'm genuinely wondering how it's possible?
I'm aware some players have physical and/or mental difficulties and I can definitely understand in those cases, but that doesn't even seem to be the case, here.
I could not agree more! That little tweak would fix this problem and I'd be off to the puzzle maze. I don't like that one much either, but I can get through it eventually.
Because I'm assuming this key works for other games, right?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The only thing that seems to have changed (and is likely a harmless (literally) bug) is that the Mutant no longer pursues you across the platforms and just stops in front of the first one. Apparently, it used to be able to follow you there.
Maybe a video would help, because it's just unimaginable that anyone is having this much of an issue with this part.
I normally wouldn't suggest this..
But change your password to something temporarily and have someone else do it for you. Give them your info, have them do the mission, then change your password again.. because there is just no way to explain it other then 'run toward the edge and press space.'
I don't know what's going on here, I really don't.. and I am sorry you're having this much trouble, but nothing is left to be said.. this just isn't that hard.
Have someone else do it for you, there is no other solution. I'm sorry.
Is there anyway you can try it from a friends house or something? the only thing I can think of is that Lag is causing you to not jump when you hit the button.. is there anyway you can try on a friends computer? maybe a laptop that you can take somewhere else?
I am honestly baffled.. for me it just jumps when I hit space. I honestly don't know why yours doesn't.
Only thing that makes sense is what sea said, they're experiencing lag.
Unless they're pressing jump a bit too late and that's why they didn't jump and fell.
OBS is the program I've used for such things, though I'm far from an expert at it so I would recommend googling instructions for setting it up. Once it's recorded you can upload it to YouTube and then link the video here.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
There is a reason I play MMORPGs and not platformers...
That said, I've asked around in my fleet and no one seems to have any problem with getting through it unless they *are* experiencing lag.
@indyshark I think Sea's suggestion is the right one: you're lagging at the worst possible moment and that makes you fail again and again - though that's some really bad luck
OBS is really easy to set up and works really well. Let me know if you can't find a reliable guide and I can write you one (complete with screenshots if you'd like).
Now, a few of questions:
- are you in Europe? If so, have you tried enabling one of the two available proxies?
- are you playing in fullscreen? I ask this because playing in windowed mode will drop your framerate and that can also impact how the game receive and react to your inputs (in this case, jumping);
- have you tried upping the brigthness? That level is not particularly bright, and it's possible that you're jumping a little too late because the edge is not exactly where you think it is. I'm not calling you stupid, just so we're clear: I'm talking from personal experience and I've learned to always play around a bit with the brightness because you never know when it might come in handy.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Jenny, thank you for your help! I think there are four jumps not three. One time I almost made it all the way and failed on the last jump.
I'll look into QBS.
I am in the US and play in fullscreen mode. The screen is fairly bright. I just seem to be incapable of making those jumps. I make them on occasion, but I can't seem to string enough of them together to make them all.
The last time I tried this mission, the creature followed me over the first jump and killed me on the first platform. That was a new experience for me! He did this three times. One of the times, he fell into the abyss. I enjoyed that!
Yes, I remember those days! Did you play Turok? Remember the horrid jumping puzzle part?
And Tomb Raider, OMFG!
This is a fair point. It's not really accurate to compare the old Single Player games where lag wasn't a factor.
The second platform is slightly to the left of the first. So, I think you have to turn a little to make it. The next 2 Platforms straighten back out. So I think after the second jump you should hit the right turn once too— between those first two platforms is the hardest maybe. So if you get that you should be golden!
You said you made it once before. I bet you will get it again eventually! Gammbate (That’s Japanese for keep at it!)!
Thank you my friend. I've actually done is six times for other toons, but I have tried over 200 times on this toon and can't make it. The game isn't fun anymore when you jump and die over and over...