Temporal is the one where you build the Molecular Deconstruction beam and yeah, it sucks. Miracle Worker generates one of a few different effects based on a combination of Bridge Officer powers used, it's not worth much either.
For most builds the build in Temporal ship’s power are kind of poo, yea. Big exception are exotic builds though on which the Temporal Support Configuration makes up for the otherwise additional console slot MW ships get.
As far as Temporal boff powers are concerned they are also limited to exotics builds mostly. Big exception here are singular target builds (Beam Overload/Rapid Fire). For those recursive sharing from temporal has a huge impact.
If the legendary D7 would have been a Temporal one combined with the Lt. Commander MW it would have been a close candidate for being one of the best BO ships in game (5/3 loadout + Recursive 3 + EPtW 3 + Narrow 3 + MAS 1 + Weapon Systems Efficiency to counter the huge power consumption of BO). Last time I browsed STO Wiki to find such a vessel there wasn’t any so I choose the Husnock like most do for BO.
Whatever… as the stats are now the legendary D7 is surely a potent DEW ship but nothing more and of course it’s not competitor of the MW D7. I’d view it as a weaker version of the Inquiry which in itself was a weaker version of the Jugger.
Post edited by peterconnorfirst on
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Temporal is the one where you build the Molecular Deconstruction beam and yeah, it sucks. Miracle Worker generates one of a few different effects based on a combination of Bridge Officer powers used, it's not worth much either.
For most builds the build in Temporal ship’s power are kind of poo, yea. Big exception are exotic builds though on which the Temporal Support Configuration makes up for the otherwise additional console slot MW ships get.
As far as Temporal boff powers are concerned they are also limited to exotics builds mostly. Big exception here are singular target builds (Beam Overload/Rapid Fire). For those recursive sharing from temporal has a huge impact.
If the legendary D7 would have been a Temporal one combined with the Lt. Commander MW it would have been a close candidate for being one of the best BO ships in game (5/3 loadout + Recursive 3 + EPtW 3 + Narrow 3 + MAS 1 + Weapon Systems Efficiency to counter the huge power consumption of BO). Last time I browsed STO Wiki to find such a vessel there wasn’t any so I choose the Husnock like most do for BO.
Whatever… as the stats are now the legendary D7 is surely a potent DEW ship but nothing more and of course it’s not competitor of the MW D7. I’d view it as a weaker version of the Inquiry which in itself was a weaker version of the Jugger.
A Temporal/MW Legendary D7?! I'd *love* to have it!!
Why did you have to go and make me sad, Pete?! :P
All jokes aside, you summed it up perfectly: "it's no competitor for the MW D7".
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Temporal is the one where you build the Molecular Deconstruction beam and yeah, it sucks. Miracle Worker generates one of a few different effects based on a combination of Bridge Officer powers used, it's not worth much either.
For most builds the build in Temporal ship’s power are kind of poo, yea. Big exception are exotic builds though on which the Temporal Support Configuration makes up for the otherwise additional console slot MW ships get.
As far as Temporal boff powers are concerned they are also limited to exotics builds mostly. Big exception here are singular target builds (Beam Overload/Rapid Fire). For those recursive sharing from temporal has a huge impact.
If the legendary D7 would have been a Temporal one combined with the Lt. Commander MW it would have been a close candidate for being one of the best BO ships in game (5/3 loadout + Recursive 3 + EPtW 3 + Narrow 3 + MAS 1 + Weapon Systems Efficiency to counter the huge power consumption of BO). Last time I browsed STO Wiki to find such a vessel there wasn’t any so I choose the Husnock like most do for BO.
Whatever… as the stats are now the legendary D7 is surely a potent DEW ship but nothing more and of course it’s not competitor of the MW D7. I’d view it as a weaker version of the Inquiry which in itself was a weaker version of the Jugger.
A Temporal/MW Legendary D7?! I'd *love* to have it!!
Why did you have to go and make me sad, Pete?! :P
All jokes aside, you summed it up perfectly: "it's no competitor for the MW D7".
Yea I think we dont have such a combo yet.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Temporal is the one where you build the Molecular Deconstruction beam and yeah, it sucks. Miracle Worker generates one of a few different effects based on a combination of Bridge Officer powers used, it's not worth much either.
For most builds the build in Temporal ship’s power are kind of poo, yea. Big exception are exotic builds though on which the Temporal Support Configuration makes up for the otherwise additional console slot MW ships get.
As far as Temporal boff powers are concerned they are also limited to exotics builds mostly. Big exception here are singular target builds (Beam Overload/Rapid Fire). For those recursive sharing from temporal has a huge impact.
If the legendary D7 would have been a Temporal one combined with the Lt. Commander MW it would have been a close candidate for being one of the best BO ships in game (5/3 loadout + Recursive 3 + EPtW 3 + Narrow 3 + MAS 1 + Weapon Systems Efficiency to counter the huge power consumption of BO). Last time I browsed STO Wiki to find such a vessel there wasn’t any so I choose the Husnock like most do for BO.
Whatever… as the stats are now the legendary D7 is surely a potent DEW ship but nothing more and of course it’s not competitor of the MW D7. I’d view it as a weaker version of the Inquiry which in itself was a weaker version of the Jugger.
A Temporal/MW Legendary D7?! I'd *love* to have it!!
Why did you have to go and make me sad, Pete?! :P
All jokes aside, you summed it up perfectly: "it's no competitor for the MW D7".
Yea I think we dont have such a combo yet.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
Yeah, got my sights locked on the MW D7 myself.
The legendary isn't a bad deal for new players in all fairness. I think I'm just salty it wasn't here a year ago when I was starting out.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
I have to agree, I love mine. After flying the MW D7 I am afraid no other D7 will do for me.. it's an excellent selection for the free event ship.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
It would be such a nice combo... maybe in the future! And yes, I decided that as soon as they announced the even campaign rewards: lobi if the legendary D7 was worth it (for me), otherwise token to get the MW D7.
Whatever you're going to choose as reward, I hope it will be just as worth it as the D7 will be for me!
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
I have to agree, I love mine. After flying the MW D7 I am afraid no other D7 will do for me.. it's an excellent selection for the free event ship.
Absolutely! And it doesn't even matter that it's one character unlock only. Much as you, Sea, I tend to have a ship for each character, because that's part of what make them truly unique.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
You're confused. The Disco D7 is the flight carrier, like the Disco connie.
This is the TOS/TMP d7, and it is the equivalent of the TOS/TMP connie (not a flight carrier).
So any expectation that the TOS d7 would be a flight carrier are based on not understanding the above.
That said, hopefully they will release a legendary Disco D7 as well. If they do, that will be the ship you are looking for.
I am not confused. I wanted a legendary disco d7, a flight deck carrier d7. This is not a flight deck carrier d7, not the disco d7. Hence I will not get it.
I'm glad you're not confused anymore, but you definitely were confused when you said this:
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
See how you said if they had made THIS ship a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie? That doesn't make sense, because THIS ship is the TOS d7 and isn't supposed to be a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie.
Yes, you were confused. But I'm glad you understand the difference now.
The disco connie is a flight deck carrier. The disco d7 is a flight deck carrier. I'm sorry you cannot make that connection, but to me it is perfectly logical. Please stop demeaning other people. I wanted a d7 like the disco connie which is a flight deck carrier. Again, no confusion. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays, which a disco connie does have. No confusion.
While it would be great if it were a full MW ship, pretty clearly they aren't going to make a store D7 that is better than (or even equal to) the promo D7
Why not? The Legendary TOS Connie is better than the Promo TOS Connie IMO. That being said, I'm perfectly fine with the stats. I like both Intel and MW. And while a full MW version would have been nice, I can easily enjoy this version just as much. Enemies will last 0.0037 seconds longer due to the lack of access to another universal console slot.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
Remember that the Discovery Constitution in the Legendary Bundle was not the Flight Deck Miracle Worker Ship. Why would you want the Legendary to have the same number of Consoles and Pets like its non-Legrndary forbear?
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I don't understand why Cryptic doesn't add in a character slot with these types of bundles. Perhaps I missed that?
Easy way to entice a vet to make a new character is to dump all the tools in their lap. No char slot but all the stuff to outfit a new one is the equivalent of that 80s refrain, "batteries not included."
I've wanted a D7, and while its not the most impressive one, and the trait doesn't even seem interesting, it does have potential. Intel needs real work but it does have some useful tools. Miracle Worker LTC is nothing to sneeze at. It isn't a real competitor to the promo D7, but who expected that, seriously? Given that I still have the zen sitting around, I'll probably snatch it up.
However, I am honestly bewildered at the fact that none of the KDF legendaries have been MW primaries. Feds have 3 MW ships, TOS connie, Sovereign, Excelsior, and they are the approximate era or series equivalents of the two KDF legendary battlecruisers. I suppose this implies a L. Negh'var will be MW, if there is one.
half and half on this. they are offering us something many asked for, and it looks nice.
ship looks great and has some nice skins that go with it. stats are stats, and i can role with those.
MW flight deck carrier version seems to be the one to work for after the event, even if solo toon unlock.
so that leaves the remaining single toon attachments to be judged. the more i read for what is toon unlock its not bad at all, just wish the boff faction could be chosen vs random. but the solo toon stuff isnt bad.
i am with many that this should have come out the same time as the event. while i am sure many will still buy this, i think they missed a 'huge' opportunity not having this at the same time. that said, the other items are very useful for a toon that lacks many things, or, as stated, for new players.
for those that got the rom version of the pack, how does this compare?
I think if the mega-event was not going on with the opportunity to get a free Disco D7 then I would buy this bundle on the grounds it' a D7.
The timing is off I think.
As much as I dislike intel spec, my initial pitchfork and firebrand response has mellowed. Cryptic gave us what we asked for and to be honest that's all we have any right to expect. They even gave us the Rom skin.
It should sell well and deserves to sell well but I'll be going for the Disco D7.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
I have to agree, I love mine. After flying the MW D7 I am afraid no other D7 will do for me.. it's an excellent selection for the free event ship.
I've been ignoring my kdf character for some time so I also ignored most kdf ships as well. I just took a look at the MW D7 after reading through this thread since I've actually been making an effort lately to work on my kdf character. I have to say that the MW D7 is crazy good. I would definitely take it over the legendary D7 from this pack. I think I'm going to take that as my event reward now.
I'm a bit surprised by the Intel spec tbh, I expected it to be MW to mirror the Legendary TOS Connie. Unlike most I don't mind though cause OSS is my favorite spec ability, hopefully Gather Intel gets a buff or rework soon though cause it's just plain useless nowadays.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
You're confused. The Disco D7 is the flight carrier, like the Disco connie.
This is the TOS/TMP d7, and it is the equivalent of the TOS/TMP connie (not a flight carrier).
So any expectation that the TOS d7 would be a flight carrier are based on not understanding the above.
That said, hopefully they will release a legendary Disco D7 as well. If they do, that will be the ship you are looking for.
I am not confused. I wanted a legendary disco d7, a flight deck carrier d7. This is not a flight deck carrier d7, not the disco d7. Hence I will not get it.
I'm glad you're not confused anymore, but you definitely were confused when you said this:
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
See how you said if they had made THIS ship a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie? That doesn't make sense, because THIS ship is the TOS d7 and isn't supposed to be a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie.
Yes, you were confused. But I'm glad you understand the difference now.
The disco connie is a flight deck carrier. The disco d7 is a flight deck carrier. I'm sorry you cannot make that connection, but to me it is perfectly logical.
You're right, I definitely agree those 2 ships are both flight deck carriers. So far, so good.
I wanted a d7 like the disco connie which is a flight deck carrier.
That's fine. That means you want to disco D7, not a TOS D7. Again, so far so good.
Again, no confusion. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays, which a disco connie does have. No confusion.
The confusion you had is when YOU said you wanted THIS ship to be a flight deck carrier. THIS ship is a TOS d7, and has absolutely nothing to do with flight deck carriers, period.
Saying "I wish they had put the disco d7 in the pack INSTEAD of the TOS D7" is a completely valid and logical thought. Saying you wish THIS ship (the TOS d7) had been a flight deck carrier, is not.
I'm not saying you're a bad person, only that what you said didn't make sense. And that's ok; we've all been confused about things before. Don't take someone correcting a mistake as some kind of personal attack when it's not.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
I have to agree, I love mine. After flying the MW D7 I am afraid no other D7 will do for me.. it's an excellent selection for the free event ship.
I've been ignoring my kdf character for some time so I also ignored most kdf ships as well. I just took a look at the MW D7 after reading through this thread since I've actually been making an effort lately to work on my kdf character. I have to say that the MW D7 is crazy good. I would definitely take it over the legendary D7 from this pack. I think I'm going to take that as my event reward now.
You won't be disappointed, it's one of the best ships in the game for DEW builds.
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
You're confused. The Disco D7 is the flight carrier, like the Disco connie.
This is the TOS/TMP d7, and it is the equivalent of the TOS/TMP connie (not a flight carrier).
So any expectation that the TOS d7 would be a flight carrier are based on not understanding the above.
That said, hopefully they will release a legendary Disco D7 as well. If they do, that will be the ship you are looking for.
I am not confused. I wanted a legendary disco d7, a flight deck carrier d7. This is not a flight deck carrier d7, not the disco d7. Hence I will not get it.
I'm glad you're not confused anymore, but you definitely were confused when you said this:
If they made this a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy this. However, without it being a flight deck carrier, I will pass.
See how you said if they had made THIS ship a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie? That doesn't make sense, because THIS ship is the TOS d7 and isn't supposed to be a flight deck carrier LIKE the disco connie.
Yes, you were confused. But I'm glad you understand the difference now.
The disco connie is a flight deck carrier. The disco d7 is a flight deck carrier. I'm sorry you cannot make that connection, but to me it is perfectly logical.
You're right, I definitely agree those 2 ships are both flight deck carriers. So far, so good.
I wanted a d7 like the disco connie which is a flight deck carrier.
That's fine. That means you want to disco D7, not a TOS D7. Again, so far so good.
Again, no confusion. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays, which a disco connie does have. No confusion.
The confusion you had is when YOU said you wanted THIS ship to be a flight deck carrier. THIS ship is a TOS d7, and has absolutely nothing to do with flight deck carriers, period.
Saying "I wish they had put the disco d7 in the pack INSTEAD of the TOS D7" is a completely valid and logical thought. Saying you wish THIS ship (the TOS d7) had been a flight deck carrier, is not.
I'm not saying you're a bad person, only that what you said didn't make sense. And that's ok; we've all been confused about things before. Don't take someone correcting a mistake as some kind of personal attack when it's not.
Again, you are not understanding what I am saying, and then you are projecting your confusion on me. I said what I want, a d7 flight deck carrier and gave an example of what I was talking about. But you are saying that no I have not stated that for some reason. I don't care about the TOS d7. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays. Why are you bringing up the TOS d7? I said I am not buying this package because it did not have what I wanted. There is no confusion on my part. You just refuse to listen to what I was saying and then trying to "correct" me when I was perfectly correct to begin with. I will no longer respond to this idiotic conversation. As I said before if they made the legendary a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy it, but it is not, so I am not doing it.
I don't care what the legendary d7 is, I was stating what it isn't. Which is why I am not buying the package.
In response to what some others have said: I also agree this "should"(opinion) have been released with the KDF recruitment event. Even so, still a great deal for me any any future KDF characters I create.
Also, I'm kind of approaching "end game" with having account unlocks of all of the most desirable ships that I personally want. If they ever do one of these packs with a disco D7, I think I will actually be "done". The franchise is going to have to really up their game and come up with a mind blowing iconic design (sorry, the Janeway wasn't it for me) to make me interested in buying ships again.
Until that day comes, I'll be pretty much set with the account unlock ships I now have from the original Fed legendary pack, the Legendary T'liss, and now the Legendary D7.
The new shows have only really drip fed new ships besides. I think the Battle at the Binary Stars from DSC S1 showed more new ship designs then Lower Decks, DSC S2 and 3, and Picard, have combined. There isn't really an influx of new ships designs for Cryptic to use.
Personally what I would like to see are T6 versions of the starting ships for AoY and Disco characters, the Pioneer and the Malachowski. The Miranda has a T6, the B'rel has two (store and legendary), the T'Liss has two (promo and legendary), the Walker - which got sold as a scaling starter pack before they decided "T6 ships at the start, just need to do the tutorial" - has two (Lobi and legendary), and the bug ship, I think, has one (promo?). Problem is, I'm thinking they'd also end up being lockbox/promo ships, more's the pity...
half and half on this. they are offering us something many asked for, and it looks nice.
ship looks great and has some nice skins that go with it. stats are stats, and i can role with those.
MW flight deck carrier version seems to be the one to work for after the event, even if solo toon unlock.
so that leaves the remaining single toon attachments to be judged. the more i read for what is toon unlock its not bad at all, just wish the boff faction could be chosen vs random. but the solo toon stuff isnt bad.
i am with many that this should have come out the same time as the event. while i am sure many will still buy this, i think they missed a 'huge' opportunity not having this at the same time. that said, the other items are very useful for a toon that lacks many things, or, as stated, for new players.
for those that got the rom version of the pack, how does this compare?
I guess this wins slightly over the Romulan bundle for including the extra console and making it account-wide.
Both include a ship, plus a character locked loot bag for just one character: jump-to-65, set of decent boffs trained in everything, set of boff specialization tokens, set of mark XIV consoles and energy weapons, some credits, a good amount of reputation dil.
On xbox I created my first Romulan character, did the tutorial missions up through choosing a faction, then used the jump to 65 token. I haven't run into any problems with the character, and having all the mark XIV gear including multiple engineering, science and tactical ship consoles made the character ready for endgame content.
I do like leveling up new characters, but for those who don't or who just want to skip it for a character this time the token + gear + boffs work well.
Two, both promo ships, the Jem'Hadar Strike Ship and the Jem'Hadar Recon Ship. Same visuals for each, just different seating (JHSS is Intel + Command, JHRS is Pilot + Intel).
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I knew we'd get it, it was pretty obvious. And I foolishly hoped it would be something worthwhile. As it stands, while the combo itself might be interesting, Intel is not worth my time. Too bad, 'cause 6k at launch is a fantastic price that I'd paid quite happily.
Guess I now know with the utmost certainty what I'll choose as reward from the Event Campaign.
FYI - The ships that can be selected as a reward are ships in game prior to 12/31/2020 (IE - last year) - so no, you won't be able to get this 'new' Legendary D-7 via that path.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I knew we'd get it, it was pretty obvious. And I foolishly hoped it would be something worthwhile. As it stands, while the combo itself might be interesting, Intel is not worth my time. Too bad, 'cause 6k at launch is a fantastic price that I'd paid quite happily.
Guess I now know with the utmost certainty what I'll choose as reward from the Event Campaign.
FYI - The ships that can be selected as a reward are ships in game prior to 12/31/2020 (IE - last year) - so no, you won't be able to get this 'new' Legendary D-7 via that path.
I think that was her whole point she doesn't want that D7 because its somewhat lackluster to her.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
For most builds the build in Temporal ship’s power are kind of poo, yea. Big exception are exotic builds though on which the Temporal Support Configuration makes up for the otherwise additional console slot MW ships get.
As far as Temporal boff powers are concerned they are also limited to exotics builds mostly. Big exception here are singular target builds (Beam Overload/Rapid Fire). For those recursive sharing from temporal has a huge impact.
If the legendary D7 would have been a Temporal one combined with the Lt. Commander MW it would have been a close candidate for being one of the best BO ships in game (5/3 loadout + Recursive 3 + EPtW 3 + Narrow 3 + MAS 1 + Weapon Systems Efficiency to counter the huge power consumption of BO). Last time I browsed STO Wiki to find such a vessel there wasn’t any so I choose the Husnock like most do for BO.
Whatever… as the stats are now the legendary D7 is surely a potent DEW ship but nothing more and of course it’s not competitor of the MW D7. I’d view it as a weaker version of the Inquiry which in itself was a weaker version of the Jugger.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
A Temporal/MW Legendary D7?! I'd *love* to have it!!
Why did you have to go and make me sad, Pete?! :P
All jokes aside, you summed it up perfectly: "it's no competitor for the MW D7".
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Yea I think we dont have such a combo yet.
In any case juging from your other posts you will probably use the event to get your MW D7. Please do that. You wont regret it. I spend a fortune to get mine during promo so Legandary D7 is an easy pass for me.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Yeah, got my sights locked on the MW D7 myself.
The legendary isn't a bad deal for new players in all fairness. I think I'm just salty it wasn't here a year ago when I was starting out.
I have to agree, I love mine. After flying the MW D7 I am afraid no other D7 will do for me.. it's an excellent selection for the free event ship.
It would be such a nice combo... maybe in the future! And yes, I decided that as soon as they announced the even campaign rewards: lobi if the legendary D7 was worth it (for me), otherwise token to get the MW D7.
Whatever you're going to choose as reward, I hope it will be just as worth it as the D7 will be for me!
Absolutely! And it doesn't even matter that it's one character unlock only. Much as you, Sea, I tend to have a ship for each character, because that's part of what make them truly unique.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
This X 1,000.
I would like a pic of the underside of the Romulan one, though. I'm guessing it's the one they used for the NPC's in AoY, although I could be wrong.
The disco connie is a flight deck carrier. The disco d7 is a flight deck carrier. I'm sorry you cannot make that connection, but to me it is perfectly logical. Please stop demeaning other people. I wanted a d7 like the disco connie which is a flight deck carrier. Again, no confusion. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays, which a disco connie does have. No confusion.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Easy way to entice a vet to make a new character is to dump all the tools in their lap. No char slot but all the stuff to outfit a new one is the equivalent of that 80s refrain, "batteries not included."
I've wanted a D7, and while its not the most impressive one, and the trait doesn't even seem interesting, it does have potential. Intel needs real work but it does have some useful tools. Miracle Worker LTC is nothing to sneeze at. It isn't a real competitor to the promo D7, but who expected that, seriously? Given that I still have the zen sitting around, I'll probably snatch it up.
However, I am honestly bewildered at the fact that none of the KDF legendaries have been MW primaries. Feds have 3 MW ships, TOS connie, Sovereign, Excelsior, and they are the approximate era or series equivalents of the two KDF legendary battlecruisers. I suppose this implies a L. Negh'var will be MW, if there is one.
I think if the mega-event was not going on with the opportunity to get a free Disco D7 then I would buy this bundle on the grounds it' a D7.
The timing is off I think.
As much as I dislike intel spec, my initial pitchfork and firebrand response has mellowed. Cryptic gave us what we asked for and to be honest that's all we have any right to expect. They even gave us the Rom skin.
It should sell well and deserves to sell well but I'll be going for the Disco D7.
I've been ignoring my kdf character for some time so I also ignored most kdf ships as well. I just took a look at the MW D7 after reading through this thread since I've actually been making an effort lately to work on my kdf character. I have to say that the MW D7 is crazy good. I would definitely take it over the legendary D7 from this pack. I think I'm going to take that as my event reward now.
Awww, but i got those already set!!.. a virgin goat!
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You're right, I definitely agree those 2 ships are both flight deck carriers. So far, so good.
That's fine. That means you want to disco D7, not a TOS D7. Again, so far so good.
The confusion you had is when YOU said you wanted THIS ship to be a flight deck carrier. THIS ship is a TOS d7, and has absolutely nothing to do with flight deck carriers, period.
Saying "I wish they had put the disco d7 in the pack INSTEAD of the TOS D7" is a completely valid and logical thought. Saying you wish THIS ship (the TOS d7) had been a flight deck carrier, is not.
I'm not saying you're a bad person, only that what you said didn't make sense. And that's ok; we've all been confused about things before. Don't take someone correcting a mistake as some kind of personal attack when it's not.
Join Date: Sep 2008
You won't be disappointed, it's one of the best ships in the game for DEW builds.
Again, you are not understanding what I am saying, and then you are projecting your confusion on me. I said what I want, a d7 flight deck carrier and gave an example of what I was talking about. But you are saying that no I have not stated that for some reason. I don't care about the TOS d7. I wanted a d7 with 2 hangar bays. Why are you bringing up the TOS d7? I said I am not buying this package because it did not have what I wanted. There is no confusion on my part. You just refuse to listen to what I was saying and then trying to "correct" me when I was perfectly correct to begin with. I will no longer respond to this idiotic conversation. As I said before if they made the legendary a flight deck carrier like the disco connie, I would buy it, but it is not, so I am not doing it.
I don't care what the legendary d7 is, I was stating what it isn't. Which is why I am not buying the package.
Also, I'm kind of approaching "end game" with having account unlocks of all of the most desirable ships that I personally want. If they ever do one of these packs with a disco D7, I think I will actually be "done". The franchise is going to have to really up their game and come up with a mind blowing iconic design (sorry, the Janeway wasn't it for me) to make me interested in buying ships again.
Until that day comes, I'll be pretty much set with the account unlock ships I now have from the original Fed legendary pack, the Legendary T'liss, and now the Legendary D7.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Personally what I would like to see are T6 versions of the starting ships for AoY and Disco characters, the Pioneer and the Malachowski. The Miranda has a T6, the B'rel has two (store and legendary), the T'Liss has two (promo and legendary), the Walker - which got sold as a scaling starter pack before they decided "T6 ships at the start, just need to do the tutorial" - has two (Lobi and legendary), and the bug ship, I think, has one (promo?). Problem is, I'm thinking they'd also end up being lockbox/promo ships, more's the pity...
"There's No Way Like Poway!"
Real Join Date: October 2010
I guess this wins slightly over the Romulan bundle for including the extra console and making it account-wide.
Both include a ship, plus a character locked loot bag for just one character: jump-to-65, set of decent boffs trained in everything, set of boff specialization tokens, set of mark XIV consoles and energy weapons, some credits, a good amount of reputation dil.
On xbox I created my first Romulan character, did the tutorial missions up through choosing a faction, then used the jump to 65 token. I haven't run into any problems with the character, and having all the mark XIV gear including multiple engineering, science and tactical ship consoles made the character ready for endgame content.
I do like leveling up new characters, but for those who don't or who just want to skip it for a character this time the token + gear + boffs work well.
Two, both promo ships, the Jem'Hadar Strike Ship and the Jem'Hadar Recon Ship. Same visuals for each, just different seating (JHSS is Intel + Command, JHRS is Pilot + Intel).
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If I get it, I will sow you it.
Never thought I'd be flashing my backside, as it were XD
FYI - The ships that can be selected as a reward are ships in game prior to 12/31/2020 (IE - last year) - so no, you won't be able to get this 'new' Legendary D-7 via that path.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I think that was her whole point she doesn't want that D7 because its somewhat lackluster to her.